Prophets Declare What You See And Hear 2014 Archives

12-31-2014 The Lord says, choose to focus on the right things and choose not to mess up your new year by focusing on the wrong things. If you would set goals to win, you will see that I was with you and helped you in the end. 12-30-2014 The Lord says, this is not a season for you to let things distract you and deter you from your purpose, but this is a season and time for you to align yourself with my will. I have set you up to get what I have for you, and a cold heart will cause you to miss out on all that I have set in place for you in this season. Do not allow the tricks of the adversary to get you off track and cause you to miss out on what I have for you at this hour. My purposes and my plans shall be established in your life if you do not give up, says the Lord! 12-29-2014 The Lord says, 2014 Was a year of a shakeup to wake up, but 2015 will be a year of a shakeup to take up. You will be elevated and promoted this year, providing that you don't get in the Lord's way, and providing that you do not interfere in his process. 12-28-2014 The Lord says, nothing can stop what I ordained, so why are you letting circumstances beat you up and slow you down. Do you believe that I am able to do that thing for you, says the Lord? 12-27-2014 The Lord says, you have just entered a turning point. 12-26-2014 The Lord says, I’ve called you to stand with the strong, and I have given you the strength of a lion that you may be able to overcome. I have not intended for anything to devour you or to consume you, but I am the backbone behind your existence, and I’ve created you to further my cause, says the Lord! 12-25-2014 The Lord says, there are many distractions in the world that are designed to take your focus, but I have plans to take you high above all those distractions into a place of refuge in me that is secure. I have plans to prosper you above the needle and above those things of the world that try to limit you, restrict you, hinder you, stop you, and block you. You are the one that I have chosen, and I will finish what I have started in you, says the Most High God! 12-24-2014 The Lord says, there is some unfinished business of yours that has been brought to completion. 12-23-2014 The Lord says, I had you on a path of training and preparation since you were born, and many things on your path were predestined to train you and equip you for this hour, says the Lord, and they all work together for your good, declares the Lord! 12-22-2014 The Lord says, the course and the path of purpose that I have you on is setting the course for your destiny. I have many things planned for you, and I am causing you to shed the weight and the many things that have held you down and held you back. Let me begin the process of redirecting your steps and reordering your path, and in return I will get you to that place that you need to be in me, says the Lord! 12-21-2014 The Lord says, the same way that a tidal wave or the power of a tsunami cannot be stopped, but forces its way on top of everything, suddenly overtaking it, so it is when the power of my blessing overtakes one's life. I am looking to overflow my people in this season with some due season blessings like the power of a tsunami wave, says the Lord! The Lord says, I am coming in strong and real quick like a flashflood to bless you, overtake you with sudden increase, and overflow you with my goodness, declares the Lord! When you see the rain and hear the winds blow, know that is your sign of the latter day harvest being released into your life and business, says the Lord! Look at Psalm 68:9-12 and Ezekiel 34:26. 12-20-2014 The Lord says, by the time you blink I can change things. 12-19-2014 The Lord says, a lot of my people are being destroyed because they are following after their own ways, but I need you to turn the helm of the ship and steer in the right direction again to get things back on course. I will direct your steps once you direct your heart and your focus back to me, and stop allowing the things of this world to distract you, and keep you from my purpose, says the Lord! 12-18-2014 The Lord says, I’m teaching you how to endure the process, and if you endure the process, you will get a crown. 12-17-2014 The Lord says, trust me even when you cannot see how things are going to work, and I will make sure they work for you, declares the Lord! 12-16-2014 The Lord says, when you properly align with my kingdom the blessing will flow. 12-15-2014 The Lord says, I’m clearing up debt, distractions, and delays in your life coming into a new year, so you can focus only on my will, and not on things that pull your attention and focus off of me. 12-14-2014 The Lord says, get yourself together and get your emotions in order, and then you will be able to clearly see your marching orders for the New Year. 12-13-2014 The Lord says, it is time to lite the midnight fire, and pray speedily before and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the nations. It has been by your prayers, in many times past, that certain things never happened or were delayed and diminished, because you prayed. It is now that time again, and if my people will pray, then the angels of God can be released to restrain much wickedness and evil from overtaking the earth, and they can reVerse many evil things that have already taken root, says the Lord! I heard the Lord say tell them to say these words out of their mouth, say “angels of the Lord go forth now and restrain and reVerse”. I see restrain and reVerse prayer rallies breaking out all over the earth. It is the time for the saints to pray. Certain life battles are only won through prayer and the weapon of praise. 12-12-2014 The Lord says, I am the one that is keeping you, so don't get lifted up in your pride and think it is because of your good works and good deeds. I smiled upon you when evil wanted to frown at you and slay, and I protected you in the day of adversity, and that is why you are still here today to read this message to you. Know that it is me and not you, and I am the one covering you, says the Lord! 12-11-2014 The Lord says, obedience is a test that when it is passed, it increases your faith, and your faith will help you to pass the faith tests when they come your way, says God! 12-10-2014 I hear the Lord saying “take up your post intercessors, take up your posts”. The Lord says, many things are now coming in the earth that will both demand and require my people to pray as a whole, but I really look to those I have called and anointed to stand in the gap as watchmen on the wall to watch and confront the things that are at hand, so that I can thwart the enemy's plan. I am depending on watchmen to sound the alarm and to stand in the gap for the land, so that I can reveal my plan, says the Lord! I heard the Lord say to me, that many churches will need to begin a process to mobile those that will pray every hour around the clock in every watch of the day. Some rather strong things are coming and we need to take this warning seriously and mobilize the prayer commanders to be put in place. The Lord says, some of you know that you are called to be a part of an elite unit of prayer warriors and intercessors that confront warfare head on to disarm and dismantle it, and your warfare has been very great, but The Lord says, fear not; for I have chosen you to stand in a power and an authority that is not yours and I will protect you, says the Lord! 12-9-2014 The Lord says, this is your day to find grace and as you press in to seek my face; I will display my power and put your life on showcase. I will bring you into the fulfillment of all of my promises, and you will be able to see that which was once a secret and a mystery to you, declares the high and holy one! 12-8-2014 The Lord says, show love to others even when you don't feel loved in return, and by doing so, you shall experience my greater grace. 12-8-2014 (Word of Insight) Today is the 8th day of the twelve month. Eight is the number of new beginnings, and twelve is the number of God's order and it is the number of the kingdom. If you feel like you have messed up and just made a mess of some things, and if you feel like some things are out of order in your life, then let the Lord give you a new beginning today and let him give you a fresh start. You can start by asking for his mercy and when you do that, he will release his grace, and you will find mercy to start a fresh and a new. (Look at Lamentations 3:21-25) 12-7-2014 If you can perceive it and if you can believe it, then you will be able to receive it and achieve it, says the Lord! 12-6-2014 Shift into the new thing that I am doing, says the Lord! If you would open your eyes, you would see what I am doing in your midst. How long will my people stay blind and not see what I am doing around the world, says the Lord? A shift has already occurred, but many of my people did not shift when the currents started moving and the winds of change started blowing, but now I will break that stagnation off of you, says the Lord, and my kingdom agenda will go forth, says the Lord of hosts! 12-5-2014 Doors are unlocked for you whenever I see your faith in action, says the Lord, but potential is wasted and lost when you freeze up and refuse to move forward in life out of fear of the unknown. Get back up and moving in the race, and stop allowing the last set back to stop you from progressing, says the Lord! 12-4-2014 The Lord says, I did not ask you for your fears, but I asked you for your faith. Let me see your faith, says the Lord! 12-3-2014 The Lord says, I will help you, but there are also certain times and strategic seasons that I ordained for certain people to help you on my behalf as my representative. At that time you will not even have to ask for their help, but I will send them to you, and they will be a bridge to your destiny, says the Lord! 12-2-2014 The Lord says, when you need a serious answer from me, you need to fast along with other things, and do not just try to take the easiest way out, because you do not want to buffet your flesh. There are certain things that I will not reveal until I see a sacrifice from your life and you fasting displays your humility and your willingness to go beyond the norm to seek me and hear from me. (if the Lord can get some of you to put those little Debbie cakes down for a day or two, you will see your breakthrough, but nooooo, you want to snack and pack it in all day and day after day. Where is your sacrifice in all of that?) 12-1-2014 The Lord says, your answer is on inside of you. I have deposited myself on the inside of you, and now it is time for you to bring forth that which I have deposited in you for this season. 11-30-2014 The Lord says, to you “your strength and confidence is in me, so do not rely on your own strength and your own confidence to accomplish nothing in life. Always pull in my strength and be bold in the confidence that I give to you. Put no confidence in your flesh, but be strong in my spirit, and you will do great things, says the Lord!” 11-29-2014 This is your season to come up and out and over the top and win, says the Lord! 11-28-2014 Have it ever occurred to you that the Lord is pursuing something bigger in your life, and the reason for all of the tests and challenges is to keep you distracted for what he is doing in your life and what he is sending your way? Many things are also designed to prove your faith, but I hear the Lord saying even now “some things in life that have been coming your way have not been of the devil, but it has been by my hand to cause you to exit your will and to enter my plans. You have been sitting back blaming the devil for all of the stuff happening in your life, but I sent a wind to get your attention so that you would listen to me (Jonah), because you have been busy running to and fro and doing what you wanted to do and just ignoring my will, but the wind blew just to get you to be still, so that you would seek me. I am now beginning to overshadow your life with my power and change the circumference of how things have been operating in your life. I am in the process of changing your arena and sphere of influence, and I am in the process of giving you a new and powerful platform. You have been in a long season of things coming at you full circle, but now I will send a wind into your life to shift the course and to set you on a new path and send you in a new direction that shall bring you into increase, gain, and profit, and place you at the center of my will. I have called you to do more, and this time you will see more, even as you do more for my kingdom, says the Lord!” 11-27-2014 The Lord says, be thankful, because when you are thankful it now causes a light to arise for you out of the darkness and your answers will now begin to come forth. 11-26-2014 The Lord says, your tests are the indicators that I am about to promote you once you pass them. 11-25-2014 The Lord says, if you avoid the tests, then they will be no testimony. Many of my people are running from the test of life that I ordained for them to take and pass, so that I can promote them. Quit running from the tests, says the Lord, and pass them, and you'll find yourself in a sudden place of promotion says the Lord! 11-24-2014 The Lord says, your refuge is in me, and I am your peace and your strategy, and if you lean on me, you will find that my way is peaceful, easy, and it will cause you to rest and to be renewed and refreshed as I show you a way to avoid the headaches and all the traps that the enemy has set before you. My way takes you around some of the heaviest battles, until you are trained and strong enough to fight them, and even when you are ready to fight them, you will fight them in my strength, and you will not fight them alone, but I will help you, says the Lord, because I like a good battle myself, because I cannot be defeated, says the father, the ancient of days! 11-23-2014 The Lord says, smile even when you cannot see your way, and you will soon have an opportunity to see your way and to acknowledge what I am doing in your life and what I have done. You will look back and see what came to pass, and then you will testify about it, because at the time you could not see how I was going to do it, but I had a plan the whole time, declares the Lord! 11-22-2014 The Lord says, I give you greater Revelation in this hour, greater than the previous generations, because I have called this generation to do more than the ones before it, says the Lord! 11-21-2014 The Lord says, go through the process today and let things take their course, and know that I am in the process, declares the Lord! 11-20-2014 The Lord says, ultimately I am big enough to dismantle that thing on your behalf. Trust me to do it for you, says the Lord! 11-19-2014 The Lord says, I gave you life, and no man has a right to take that away from you. Do not fear the things of this hour; for I have purposes and plans to display my power, and I will show up in this generation and make a bold statement to all the nations, says the Lord of majesty! 11-18-2014 The Lord says, I know what I told you. Now you use your faith, and come back before me and tell me what I told you and promised you, and I will do what you request of me. Sometimes I just want to see your faith in action, says the Lord of hosts! (Look at Isaiah 43:21-26) 11-17-2014 The Lord says, this is your breakthrough moment, and this is a time and a season where it is just going to pour on you, the dew of heaven will fall on you a fresh and anew, as I now begin to refresh my people, and that which they said you could not do, you will be able to do in this season, and those that once counted you out will have to change their approach to things and count you in, because of the glory and the wisdom that will be seen upon your life. I smear you with my favor, and they will see that you are fully equipped and well able. I have a great surprise for all my people, and I am going to use what I am doing in your life to win those that are lost and stuck in darkness. This is a season that I am going to make them hungry through the things that I am doing through you and to you, get ready for my goodness, says the Lord! (See Jeremiah 33:6-9, 14, and Jeremiah 31:10-14 & 25-26, Ezekiel 36:22-38, and Ezekiel 12:21-28.) 11-17-2014 (Word of Insight) There are several key ministers of the gospel that had fallen from grace, and people and the body of Christ just kind of wrote them off and counted them out, but The Lord says, I am going to restore them, and they will fulfill their destiny, and I will do this thing according to my mercies, says the Lord! I see about ten of them in the spirit that the Lord's hand is now reaching out and touching them and the ministry in them to restore them, but this time it will be a new fire in them that will be unquenchable and not be able to be put out. (See Isaiah 6:1-8 and Zechariah 3:10.) Now you watch that word. 11-16-2014 The Lord says, even now I am watching over my word to perform it in your life; for truly I am a God that will prove faithful in your life, and as you walk with me, you will see that I am a strong father that is guarding over your life and protecting all that I have invested in you over time, and I am watching over you to make sure that it all comes to pass. Do not worry or set your mind on the snares of man and what they have tried to snare you with, because I am faithful to bring to pass whatever I have spoken to you just like I did with my servant Joseph, and I am able to fully restore lives just like with my servant Job. I have power to deliver from the lion's den like I did with my servant Daniel, and I have the power to deliver you from the burning flames of a fiery furnace like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I can promote you and take you up like I did with Elijah, or I can bring you through a red sea like I did with Moses. I have the power to magnify you in the sight of the people like Joshua, or the power to make you great like Solomon. I can use you to call and anoint Kings like Samuel, or I can use you to preach to and convert Kings and leaders, like Paul. I can make you a prophet and intercessor like my servant Abraham that walked through the land to intercede on the behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah, or I can cause you to cry out before for the land like Jehoshaphat my faithful king. What you need to know is that I hold the power in my hands to make great and to deliver you, says the glorious Lord! 11-15-2014 The Lord says, pay attention to the signs and the signals that I am sending you in your life, and you will know my path when it comes with my peace with all the right signals and the signs to confirm your path. 11-14-2014 The Lord says, embrace the changes that are coming your way from my hand, and know that I am reordering your steps and your destiny according to my plans. I know you had many of your own plans and ideas, but there are certain things that I took out of your heart for this season, and yet there are other things that I closed the door on, because I have a different path for you that I am now taking you down. Do not try to function according to the old way and the old season; for that door is now closed, and I have opened up new doors and a new path to your future that puts you in the heart of my will. You will know my will by my signature of inner peace inside of you. When you do what I have ordained for you, you'll see that it gives you great joy and great peace. I love you enough to correct you, and I love you enough to redirect you back to the thing that you abandoned that I last spoke to you and told you to do. Get yourself back into that place of sync with me. Get yourself back into that place of alignment, and you'll see your new assignment, says the Lord Elohim! 11-14-2014 (Word of Knowledge For Someone) There is a young man and the calling of God is on your life, and you know it, but you've been saying, “Man I am still too young to obey God. I still got my whole life ahead of me, and I’m not really fully ready for all that church stuff right now, and you've been scared of stepping into the responsibility that comes with the calling, so you've been just kind of ignoring God, and ignoring his voice as of lately, and hoping that the calling would just go away, but it is not going away (See Romans 11:29). You know for sure that you are called, but you don't want the call, and you've just been ignoring it, especially for the last three to six months is what I am hearing, and his voice has been getting louder and louder in your ears. Your life has been somewhat, Topsy Turvy, and upside down in a chaotic state, because of you ignoring the voice of the Lord in your life, but the Lord would say unto you, do not fear the unknown, and do not base what I am going to do in your life upon what negatives that you have seen in the life of others. Not all men obey me, and not all men have faith in me, says the Lord, and because of that, it leads to the harvest that comes from the fruit of their own doing and the fruit of their own ways, but you must know that I will be with you, and I’ll prosper your way, and I will even bless your life tremendously as you obey me, says the Lord! 11-13-14 The Lord says, I am releasing to you in this season a full measure of my grace, and that grace will help you complete the race. 11-12-2014 The Lord says, speak to that situation that is trying to hold you in a negative light, and say “release me” and when you say release me (Seven times), you will begin to see some things fall off of you and break for you in the spirit realm, and you will go free from those things, and those chains will fall off of you that have been holding you bound and in bondage. If it is fear, then speak to fear and say “release me. “ if it's debt, then speak to debt and say “release me. “ whatever your mountain is in life, the Lord has instructed you to speak to it and command it to release you, so do it out of obedience to his voice and to his spirit. You need to keep saying it until you see something happen and change in your life. Saying something one time is not good enough. You have to say it, until you see it. If you don't see it yet, then keep on saying it, because that is how the kingdom works. It is an on- going thing. Too many Christians will give up and quit and say “I don't see nothing” (1 Kings 18:43), or they'll say things like “I tried that before and it did not work for Me.“ Child of God, it is not what you once did, but it is what you're constantly doing and continuing to do. It is not what you once heard, but it is what you continue to hear day after and day. It is all about what you do, and do in faith, over and over again, and not about what you once did a long time ago or several months or several years ago. See 2 Chronicles 20:20; believe his prophets, so shall you prosper. See also 2 Chronicles 26:5. Some of you need to fast for a couple of days to get that spirit of doubt out of you, because you have to have faith for the words that you hear (See Hebrews 4:1-2). 11-11-2014 I hear the Lord saying I am calling for the intercessors to align, and you are called to a different type of combat mission, which includes praying to dismantle and disarm the works of darkness. I have called you to stand up against the tiles of evil in the earth by intercessory combat. I need you to stand in gap and make up the hedges around things that I reveal to you by my spirit. There are some battles that will never be won in the earth and in the kingdom if my elite troops of intercessors do not stand in the gap, says the Lord! This day you are called and recruited to the Job of the highest army, says the Lord! 11-11-2014 (Word of Insight) I hear the Lord saying this is a season of release, and in a season of release the prisoners are released and the captives go free. Reconciliation goes forth and brethren are reconciled and families are restored. Money that has been stolen, delayed, or held back from you will be released and will suddenly come to you. This is my season of release, says the Lord! Many of you will even see debts cancelled all the way out of your behalf. Give the Lord praise for his season of release. 11-10-2014 The Lord says, the gates are open and the storehouses are full, and this is a season in which I am pouring out good things to my people. 11-9-2014 The Lord says, trust me even when you can't see how it is going to happen. 11-8-2014 I will not be silent in this hour, but these are the days that I will arise and show my power, and all the nations shall see my might as I smite through the nations, says the Lord! For a season, I held my peace, but now I will do things to astound men and to astonish them at the appearing of my rising up myself, says the Lord, and the nations of the earth shall once again know themselves to be but men; for I am the Lord, says God! 11-7-2014 The Lord says, do not fear the shaking and the sudden collapse of governments around the nations, but know that I will protect my people and my kingdom will never fall. 11-6-2014 The Lord says, I am looking at the jewel in you. I am not looking at what is wrong with you and what you might not like about yourself, but I am looking at the finished product in you that I created from the foundation of the world, and what I see is good, says the Lord! Know that I have declared the end from the beginning, and I have already declared that you win and that you overcome in all things, says the Lord! 11-5-2014 The Lord says, now stand still and watch me work. I have a plan for a turnaround that will shake some things up, says the Lord! 11-4-2014 The spirit of The Lord says, when I come and visit you, I will sit up on the top of your head, and I will rest upon you, and my spirit of glory will rest upon you, and all men shall see me in you, and know that I am God. When I rest upon you, you will suddenly find a new empowerment to do my will as you have never done it before, and you will see that you have a fresh zeal on the inside of you that will take you forward and keep you running strong, says the spirit of the Lord! 11-3-2014 The Lord says, I am the one who holds the keys, and I share them with those of my people who have faith. I hold the power to unlock doors, but I share that power with my people in this hour, says the Lord! (Matthew 16:19) you have been given the keys of full authority, says the Lord! 11-2-2014 If you really understand the father really loves you, it won't matter if he corrects you, because he's doing it out of love and not to harm you. Even now the father says, I go in and make an incision, and I cut away the wrong thinking and all the negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that have robbed you through the years of my goodness, and I release you to walk in the freedom of my peace that I pour out upon you. I touch your mind even this day, and new and better thoughts will arise inside of you to think positive and to see that I have really loved you and cared for you all this time, says father God! 11-1-2014 The Lord says, “Great things I have in store for you, and those great things will change the current situation and circumstances in your life!” 10-31-2014 Sometimes some of you may go through certain things or you may experience certain things that make you say, “Lord where are you? Do you still love me? Do you still care, or are you even still there?” But the Lord is still there, and he loves you a whole lot. You have no idea just how much the father really loves you, and it hurts him when you doubt his love for you, and when you question if he is still there for you. He is a true God that will never leave you and never forsake you, and even in the midst of your trial or circumstance he will show up and encourage you and show you the way. The Lord says, get ready for expansion and quick elevation in your life. Do not look at all of the negative things and circumstances that may be happening in the world today around you, but look to me, and hold tight to my promises and know that I love you, and know that I care for you, and I have many good things planned for you in the midst of the bad and the evil that you may currently see, says the Lord! Know that I love you, and know that I care for you, says the Lord! Know that I love you, and know that I care for you, says the Lord! The world around you may seem dark at times, but know that I love you, and I do care deeply for you, says the Lord of glory! 10-30-2014 The Lord when I don't see faith in your heart, I don't see me, but I look and see faith in you, then I am reminded of me. I need to see your faith in this hour, because it is by my faith that you will see my power, says the Lord! 10-29-2014 The Lord says, raise up the banner of righteousness and declare my greatness to the nations and the people around you. Tell them that I reign and I will make changes that they can't seem to explain, says the Lord! My change is better than gold and my change will not leave you freezing and cold, says the almighty God! 10-29-2014 (A Word of Insight) The Lord is going to visit many of you over the next couple of days through visions and dreams, and he will give many of you messages that way. The next thirty days will be days of strong visitations to the Lord's people that will bring to you healing, guidance, deliverance, answers, wisdom on hard situations, direction, and many long awaited breakthroughs. This is your hour of visitation, says the Lord! This is a season when he shows up to talk to you for you to shut up and listen and let him do all of the talking, because he already knows everything about you and about your life, and that is not the time for you to preach to him. Just listen. 10-28-2014 The Lord says, pass the tests as they come, and you'll see the rewards as they show up. 10-27-2014 The Lord says, if you only believe, I can deliver. If you believe, then you will receive. I have power to do all things, but will you allow your faith to connect with my power, says the Lord! 10-26-2014 The Lord says, those that conquer believe that they can in their mind, but those that sit idly by is prone to believe a lie. 10-25-2014 The Lord says, when you learn to see things through my eyes, you will look at the world through a different perspective, because my eyes reveal the righteousness in the midst of the darkness. 10-24-2014 The Lord says, why would you fear man when I am your strength? 10-23-2014 What my servants, the prophets are saying and bringing forth in this hour to warn you and my people, should not put fear in your hearts, but it a call for an army of intercessors that are empowered by my spirit to arise and stand in the gap before me for the land. Truly I am a God of mercy and a God that holds all power and whenever my people pray, I can cause many things to stay the hand from moving in the land as I fulfill my master plan. Furthermore, The Lord says, I have a strong kingdom people in the land that cannot and will not be moved, because they are a part of my kingdom which cannot be moved. I am looking for a people to arise that are not shaken by what they hear and are not moved by what they see, because they are the strong ones that will do my exploits and remain strong in the midst of the fire. These are the anointed ones that stand tall, and these are ones that I come into the fire and deliver them like the three men that Daniel the prophet spoke of (Daniel Chapter 3). These are my modern day Daniel and Noah’s that know my delivering power, my saving grace, and the power of my right hand. These are the very ones that know they have power in their mouth to speak to various situations and see them change; for they are my chosen army, and I will watch over them and their words as they operate in my kingdom of faith, says the Lord! 10-22-2014 The Lord said these are the times for you to trust me and to believe that I am able to cause you to overcome and conquer all fears, says the Lord! 10-22-2014 (Prophetic Insight Word) I just heard the Lord say “nations that seek to divide the land of Israel will see the most divisions in their own nations. “ 10-22-2014 (Strong Prayer Alert And Prophetic Warning For America) I see a time of heavy unrest and violence on the streets of America brought on by some coming injustices. Some of these things will not be able to be stopped at all with prayer, because they are events that were destined to happen, but yet many others can and will be stopped by prayer, and some things will be greatly diminished by prayer, but not stopped altogether. The Lord says, the unity of my people in the kingdom will be the key and the tools necessary to stamp out racism, riots, divisions, old bitterness, wrath of man, and many other evils that would like to invade this land. The Lord said we need to come against hatred and old tensions of strife and bitterness that remains in the land as a united man. The Lord says, my people are made up of all races and the world will have to see the faces of love through my people in order to see a full change come forth. It is going to get pretty tough in some places, but God! I also see some major changes coming on the horizon from November of 2014 To June of 2015. There's coming a time of a major shakeup in politics in this land that will reform the entire land, and some things and systems will also collapse altogether. We will have to pray for our political leaders to have a conscience and to make the right choices and the right decisions at all times, because one party will have the upper hand this time, and it will lead to some major stuff, if we do not pray, and there will be a ripple effect that will be felt all around the world as a result of all of those sudden choices made. Though there will be some great and major shaking in the land, we can and will overcome together as the people of the kingdom stand together against the evil and strife that will try to come and prevail. Love is the key to overcome all evil. Love. 10-21-2014 The Lord says, look to me and you will see your door, look to me and you will see what I have in store, look to me and you will see so much more, and all the wonderful things and the joy my kingdom brings, says the Lord! 10-20-2014 The Lord says, half of my church calls for judgment and judgment will come in the earth, but the other half calls for mercy, and I will have mercy on whomever I will says the Lord! The Lord says, the power of my love is to qualify and justify those that do not qualify and justify them by my blood. I will have mercy in the midst of coming judgments, says the Lord, and there will be some sinners that will experience my love and my covering grace among my people even as I pull them out of the fire to take them up higher, says the Lord! There are many that are sinners that won't sinners for long, but I will turn their hearts and make them saints. The power of my love can do that, says the Lord! 10-19-2014 The Lord says, tell my people they do already have faith. (See Romans 12:3) Tell them they have power in their mouths to change things, says the Lord! (See Proverbs 18:20-21) 10-18-2014 The Lord says, I check the strength of your heart by the strength of your faith. I am looking for a people that will not faint or grow weary. It is those ones that will carry my word of promise to the nations, says the Lord! 10-17-2014 The Lord says, your ability to me is given by my strength, but when you worship me it also releases strength and a time of renewing and refreshing to come back to you. 10-16-2014 Worship releases my power and worship releases my grace to cover you when you don't know what to do, and those that worship me through the trials comes out in the end with a smile, says the Lord! See Job 1:13-20, 21-22; he fell down and worshipped the Lord when he did not know what else to do, but in the end he came out on top; see Job 42:7-16. (Word of Insight) This is a season of worship. The Lord not only requires us to worship him, but in this season he is demanding that we worship him instead of complaining with a long wish list. The Lord says, if my people will learn to worship me and not focus only on the things, I will give them all the things that they not only need, but more than they can ever imagine. Look at Matthew 6:25-34, Psalms 34:8-10, Psalms 84:11-12, Micah 2:7, Job 23:14, Psalms 57:2, 2 Peter 1:3-4, Job 36:11, Isaiah 1:19, and Ephesians 3:1-20. Now let me just show you how worshipping after a prophetic word or the word of the Lord is given releases your harvest, and gets you a breakthrough, and it gets you victory over your enemies. As we look at 2 Chronicles 20:14-17, we see where the word of the Lord was given by the prophet of God as the spirit of the Lord came upon him, and then in Verses 18 & 19, you see Jehoshaphat along with the Levites fell before the Lord and worshipped him. In Verse 20 Jehoshaphat admonished the people to believe in the Lord their God, because that is how you get established, but he also told them to believe his prophets, because that is how you will prosper, and so many people today try to cut the prophets out, ignore their words, won't even pray for them, don't respect them or the ministry that is in them, but yet that is how the Lord has set it up for you to prosper, whether you like it or not. Your prosperity is within the Lord's prophets; see also 2 Chronicles 26:5, Ezra 5:1-2, Ezra 6:14-15, Hosea 12:10, Hosea 12:13, 1 Samuel 9:6-8, 1 Kings 14:1-3, 1 Kings 17:1-16, James 5:17-18, 2 Kings 4:1-7, 2 Kings 4:8-37, and 2 Kings 4:38-41, 2 Kings 4:42-44, and Ezekiel 44:30, Luke 5:1-9, Luke 8:1-3, and Philippians 4:10-19, but anyhow, back to 2 Chronicles 20:21-25; there you will see when they worshipped and praise the Lord, the Lord ambushed all of their enemies, and it took them three whole days to collect the spoil of their enemies whom the Lord destroyed. Do not mess with God's people! Worship is a weapon, but The Lord says, up until this point you haven't been using it. Use it and see what I do for you, says the Lord! Read Psalm 149:1-9 to learn also more about your weapon of praise. Let me say this; your worship as well as your praise is like a nuclear bomb going off against your enemies and against all those adversities in your life. See also Acts 16:25-36. 10-15-2014 The Lord says, when you worship me above material things and above your problems, I will fix all your problems and give you those material things that you desire as a gift. 10-14-2014 The Lord says, give me that time of worship and I will release that latter day rain of the harvest that you have been so long looking for. 10-13-2014 The Lord says, even in the midst of the intensity of things in the earth and the many things going on and the things coming and going, I will still be pouring out blessings upon people, even the faithful of the land and to all those that believe and trust in my name. 10-13-2014 (Word of Insight) There are a few scriptures that you need to read that will bring clarity of the times. The Lord says, things will be stable in the world when the people fear me with reverential fear and when the nations fear my name; see 1 Chronicles 16:30 KJV and Isaiah 59:19-21. As for you as an individual, The Lord says, things will stabilize for you and you will come into a time of stability when you increase in wisdom and knowledge and when you fear him with a Godly fear with all of your heart; Isaiah 33:6 KJV, Hosea 4:6, and Psalm 94:8-13. The Lord says, don't be a hater of knowledge; Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 1:22, 29 and Proverbs 2:1-22. 10-12-2014 #1 The Lord says, do not meditate too much on the past, because it will blind your future and all that I have for you now, says the Lord. Don't look back, but keep looking forward, says the Lord! (Look at Isaiah 43:18-21, Philippians 3:13-15, Ecclesiastes 7:10, Luke 9:62, 1 Kings 19:19-21, and Acts 7:37-39) The Lord says, get your mind out the past and the failures of what has happened to you back then, so that I can do and show you something fresh and new, says the Lord! 10-12-2014 #2 The Lord says, keep on flying by the radars of faith, and you will see my grace, says the Lord! 10-11-2014 The Lord says, I will give unto you according to your faith, and those that have great faith will get a full measure. 10-10-2014 The Lord says, look up and tell me what you see. What you don't see is what I am longing to show you, and it is what I will show you in this hour as I light down my power. The power will know the power of my right hand and the power of my strong right arm as it lights down upon the nations of the world, says the Lord! 10-10-2014 (Word of Insight) These are the days and times of “borders” and where everything in the earth seems to be all about borders; boarder conflicts, border wars, unsecure borders, securing the boarders, border incursions, border disputes, border control, redrawing the borders, expanding the borders, border clashes, border spill overs, armies on the borders, terrorists crossing borders, waters crossing borders, cross border floods, cross border raids, cross border attacks, cross border trafficking, cross border evangelism, children crossing over the border, human trafficking over the border, sex trafficking over the land borders, and many other things in the news headlines about borders. What is a season of border all about? A season of borders is all about who is going to take over and control land, territory, borders, resources, oil, natural gas deposits, and mineral deposits. You have nations and terrorists that have figured out if they can control those vital things, then they can control the global economy and ultimately control the whole world. In a border season, a lot of people return to their native lands, borders, countries, territories, and nations; see Jeremiah 31:15-17. But even in the midst of all that is going on in the world, the Lord is saying it is time for you as my people to come behind me and to touch the border of my garment again, and as you touch the border of my garment, I will pour out upon you and I will cause you to be refreshed and renewed. I will cause you to be exalted, lifted up, and elevated in the land, and your border shall once again be secure. The Lord says, enlarge the place of your borders in your heart and receive me in again and I will heal your land, and where the land has been laid waste and made desolate before you, I will cause it to blossom again and to yet bring forth fruit and I will make you a delightsome land. I will call to the heavens and command the rain where there has been dryness and dust, and I will cause the rose to blossom again and the pretty green grass shall take root and spread as a sign of my restoration to a land that has made room for me in their hearts again and has called on me to contend with their afflictions, and I will indeed contend for them says the Lord, once I hear their collective and corporate voice aloud in the land, and I see their humility, says the Lord! (Look at Isaiah 54:1-17 Isaiah 60:1-11) 10-9-2014 The season has changed says the Lord, and you will see it, feel it, and know it as the winds blow in a different direction, says the Lord! Then I heard the Lord say “the tides are turning and many hurtful things to you will turn to work in your favors, says the Lord!” 10-8-2014 The Lord says, take courage in knowing that not only do I have your back, but I am your backbone and your strength, says the Lord! 10-7-2014 The Lord says, you are trying to see the whole road that is in front of you before you get to moving, but I know the whole path and the road that is ahead of you and I have already gone before you and fixed the things that are pressing to you. Quit following yourself and learn to follow me and flow with me and follow my spirit without you leaning to your own understanding and you will find yourself standing in my will, and walking on the path that I’ve laid out for you, says the Lord! 10-6-2014 The course I have you on is about to change slightly as I take you in a new direction into a realm in me that you have not known. Fear not the path of your destiny, because your destiny is taking you some place in me that will bring joy and laughter to your heart, says the Lord! 10-5-2014 The Lord says, the seasons of your life change when you change them with your words and thoughts, good or bad. 10-4-2014 The Lord says, my favor on your life will reward you and pay you in the end. 10-3-2014 as it takes months even years of planning to make a movie that you watch that is only about two hours long; all you see is the finished product, but you don't see what all goes into it behind the scenes, so it is with your life. I am strategically working behind the scenes of your life and you never see all of the months and years of me planning behind the scenes and constructing the fabrics of your life says the Lord, but in due time, my time, you will finally see the finished product, says the Lord! 10-2-2014 The Lord says, if you keep on playing the victim, how can I heal you, and if you keep on speaking contrary, how can I restore you, says the Lord? (See Isaiah 33:34, Deuteronomy 7:17, Proverbs 18:21, Proverbs 6:2, Proverbs 23:7; The Lord says, your thoughts and words, positive or negative, are taking you somewhere in life, good or bad.) 10-1-2014 The Lord says, stand guard against the spirit of offense, and do not let things offend you, because offenses will get you off track open of the door for the adversary to touch your life. Do not give him a legal entry into your life through offense, says the Lord! 9-30-2014 The Lord says, do you not see the season? Do you not yet see the time? It is a season of harvest. It is a time of my outpouring. It is a season of my blessing. It is a time of my favor. It is a season of my overflow. It is a time of my goodness. It is a season of for me to display my power. It is a time of my might being on display. It is a season of my victory. I am calling out and calling up, says the Lord! Pay attention to the times and the signs, says the spirit of the Lord! 9-29-2014 The Lord says, open your eyes and see the mysteries in this season; for I have many things yet to reveal to you. I have yet have many secrets to reveal to you that you have not known, says the spirit of the living God! 9-29-2014 (Prophetic watch-insight) at the start of the Jewish New Year 5775 and on the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, in the Pacific Ocean off the western coast of Mexico, there formed a tropical storm named Rachel. Now what is so interesting about that is we are talking about a special and strategic time for Jews and the nation of Israel. Israel got its name from the father of it called Jacob. (Study Genesis 32:28 and read Verses 22-28 and Hosea 12:2-5) in Verse 28 of Genesis Chapter 32, you will see how Jacob's name was changed by the angel of the Lord (Jesus) from Jacob to Israel. Rachel was one of the wives of Jacob, to be exact, she was the second one (Representing the season of the two, where everything is in two's and four's in this season) after Leah. (See Genesis 31:14) now Rachel name means “ewe. “ the word “ewe” means “a female sheep, especially when fully mature. “ Rachel was the mother of “two sons” Benjamin and Joseph, which represents “the season of the two. “ See Genesis 35:24. Joseph was a ruler in the nation of Egypt, second in command to Pharaoh, which also represents the season of the two. (Genesis 41:38-42) Joseph was promoted by Pharaoh and ended up in that position as the second in command, because he was able to interpret two dreams that Pharaoh had, which represents the season of the two. (See Genesis 41:1, Verse 5 & Verse 32) Pharaoh made Joseph also to ride in the second chariot, which represents the season of the two. (See Genesis 41:43) Joseph was given a wife by which he had two sons, which represents the season of the two. (See Genesis 41:50) The first of Joseph two sons was named “Manasseh”, which means “causing to forget”. (Go look at Genesis 41:51) His second born was named “Ephraim”, which means “double ash-heap: I shall be doubly fruitful. “ See Genesis 41:52. Joseph was also given two portions in all of Israel, which also represents the double portion, which also represents the season of the two. (Study Genesis Chapter 48 Verse 22; notice the double portion is in Verse 22. See also Genesis 49:22-26, which starts at Verse 22. Also look at Deuteronomy 33:13-17, Joshua 17:14-18, and Ezekiel 47:13.) After I explained all of that, what the Lord is saying by Rachel in the pacific ocean, which is now a hurricane, is that 5775 will be a strong season of the two, and it will be a year of double portion and double blessing and double favor for his people, and it is all connected to the season of the two in 5775/2015. I can go on and on about how there were two hurricanes that targeted Hawaii and how there were two hurricanes before Rachel that targeted the Baja California peninsula in Mexico to signify that we were in a season of the two, and with the coming new year of 5775, we would be in an even strong wave of the season of two's and four's. 9-28-2014 The Lord says, I have written it in the heavens, so now you write it in your hearts that I alone am the God of abundance and a sovereign time is upon my people and while part of the world shake, others will see something different, because I move in waves like an ocean. Then I will shake all things in a strategic season and that hour is now upon you, and that shaking will unseal, uncover, and reveal hidden treasures and the precious things of the earth. I am about to do something so big that even the people of the world will call it supernatural. The young prophets of the earth will be shaken loose and released for the latter day calling that I am now bringing upon my people in a midnight hour upon the earth. I am the Lord of hosts, and you will find your strength in me, your peace in me, and your fire in me. Look to me and live and you will find rest for your weary soul; for I am he that gives rest, and I am he that gives strength, and I am he that gives peace, the real peace that will never fade away and one that never leaves you and never forsakes you. I am your God and your strength is in me, and your life is in me. Yeah and I have even programmed you with my words, and I have put them in your hearts and wrote them in your mind that you should go forth throughout the earth on my behalf and bare much fruit. Fear not the darkness that is around you in the earth; for I am the light, and I have made you that light to light the darkness of men, and to show them the way, and you shall release healing waters and healing streams to the nations that they might find my peace and healing to recover from that darkness. You have been set up to be light in a dark place, and I am with you, says the Lord, so do not fear, says the Lord your God! (Lift your hands up and receive that word.) 9-27-2014 The Lord says, I’ve covered you by my sustaining grace, and with that sustaining grace nothing can take my place in your heart, in your life, and in your mind, but in all things I will keep you stayed on me. When your mind and focus is on me, then you will clearly see, says the Lord! 9-27-2014 (Word of Insight) what I have come to learn about God's people, the Christians, is that they are quick to cling to curses or to believe in a curse more than a blessing. There have been some concerns among the four blood moons and the year of Shemitah, but let me say that the curse of all those things are only for the Jews if or when they disobey their covenant with the Lord, because they as a nation are still under the law, except for those that are Judeo Christians that have gotten born again and made Jesus the Lord of their lives. Their curses doesn't apply to us as the people of the Lord, because a part of salvation is that Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law, and we are not under the law. We are born again and of the gentile nations, but yet we are still the seed of Abraham by our covenant with Jesus Christ. Israel still has a part to play with the Lord in the prophetic history and time table of God's prophetic time clock, and when the church is caught up unto God, they will once again be the light of the world all by themselves, and the focus of the whole world will once again be solely on them, apart from the church, which shares some of that spotlight with them now. I want you to read, muse, study, and meditate on Galatians 3:10-14, 26, 29, Galatians 3:7-9, Galatians 3:1-6, Galatians 4:1-7, John 1:11-13, 1 John 5:4-15, and Romans 8:14-32, and get free by getting your mind renewed to who we are and what our role is in the world today as born again believers, Christians, and kingdom people. We are people of faith and we are not under the law or the curse of the law at all, so you can thank Jesus for that. Amen. There are many things in the bible concerning the nation of Israel that is for them only, because technically they are still under the law as a nation, but they also have a blessing on them as a people and nation, and whoever sows into it receives the blessing that is on them to come upon their own lives and their own nations. If you look around the world today, you'll see the nations that hate Israel and that don't bless them are broke nations, and their economy are in shambles, and they are in a lot of debt, but nations that actually does bless the Jewish state has stability and peace and blessings and wealth. The answer for many nations to turn around their struggling economies is to bless the nation of Israel and not curse them or their people; see Genesis 12:2-3. You can clearly look around the world, and see the nations that turn against Israel, and see that they have divisions within their internal affairs and a hosts of other major problems, but the nations that bless them get things worked out. There are many hater nations out there, but they are only hurting themselves, and if their leadership can see that, then they'll see that they also hold the key to their own turnaround and breakthrough. 9-26-2014 The Lord says, keep speaking my word into the atmosphere around you and watch those situations change. 9-25-2014 The Lord says, I will order your feet, and I’ll change your direction on the street, and you will suddenly find yourself in a new place with me that you never imagined before, and you will find yourself heavily involved in destiny this year, declares the Lord! 9-25-2014 (Word of Insight) Today is the start of the Jewish New Year 5775. It is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the first of the Jewish high holy days. There are many blessings associated with this time frame and with this New Year 5775. However, many people in the church does not know how we are tied into and connected to all of these events, so I will show you a few just for your knowledge, your learning, and for your education in the things of God. Let us first look at Joel 2:23-29. You will see in these passages of scripture the first month is a time of blessings. It is a time of rain and harvest. It is a time of plenty and overflow. It is a time that the Lord restores the years of loss in your life. It is a time of restoration. It is a time of pouring out of his spirit. It is a time of visions and dreams. This year in general is a time or jubilee and release. It is a year of favor and victory over long standing problems, conflicts, and issues. This is a year, a season, and a time for many things to be resolved. It is a time for debts to be wiped out and completely cancelled. This is a special year in spite of what is going on in the world currently. This is your year to prosper and fulfill your dreams. Now let us look at how we are tied into all these events and blessings. Study Galatians 3:13-14, 26, 29 and Galatians 3:7-9. It is also a good idea to look at Genesis 13:2. We have to pray for the Jerusalem simply because we are tied to it in so many ways, even both financially and economically; see Psalm 122:1-9 and Isaiah 66:10-21; they are our brethren, like it or not, we are tied to the Jews by the holy covenant of the Lord found in the holy scriptures. I am not going to claim to be a Jewish scholar or nothing like that, but I do know that it is a time of blessings, even for us of the gentile nations of the earth if you believe it and receive it. For many years I was getting blessed by these events and didn't even know why, because I was ignorant of these Jewish holidays, feasts, and times of celebration and observations, but I was blessed with fourteen cars debt free through the years, in which people had walked up to me and said “the Lord told me to give you this car debt free. “ out of those fourteen, ten of them came at the beginning of the Jewish new year around the end of September and early October. The other four came close to these times over the year. Why did I tell you that? Because I want you to believe in this season and walk in expectation and not give up and not to lose the faith when you are being challenged and tried, because the only reason the devil tried to come against was to get you to stop believing God and believe a lie, so that he could cause you to lose and even forfeit the blessing by being off track, offended, off course, out of faith, in doubt, and weary. (Read Galatians 6:9, 2 Thessalonians 3:13, Proverbs 24:10, and Ecclesiastes 11:4-6) your best days are ahead if you believe; see Hebrews 4:1-2, Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 10:35-39 and Hebrews 3:5-6 & 12-14; he did say “if. “ now read Verses 15-19. 9-24-2014 sometimes you may feel like a hypocrite in some of the things that you stand for and some of the things that you say, but The Lord says, it is by my hand and my grace on your life and not by your own might. 9-23-2014 The Lord says, “you watch what I am doing and don't be distracted by the nations of the world. “ 9-22-2014 The Lord says, I will cause you to see what others cannot see, and I will cause you to get the harvest while others cannot see it. 9-21-2014 The Lord says, the value that I have placed on your life is second to none, because I have put my name on you and in you, and I have sealed you until the day of redemption for my work and for my purposes, says the Lord, so don't you ever think that you are not worth nothing. 9-20-2014 The Lord says, I am placing my rainbow of favor over your head, and you will be marked for favor even everywhere you go, and all men will know to show you favor, because of my Mark upon your life. You have been granted kingdom favor, says the Lord! Even this week, many of you will be shown favor and elevated. 9-19-2014 The Lord says, it is your unconditional obedience to me that releases your breakthrough. 9-18-2014 The Lord says, you've been contending with some things, but they don't know that I called you. I called you, and I chose you to bring forth my fruit, and I will vindicate you in this season, and they will see and know that I love you, says the spirit of the Lord! 9-17-2014 We are in a season where the Lord is speaking to your enemies and commanding them to let you go free. You have some enemies that have held you in a way that is not so good. Some have held you in their heart in a not so good way through unforgiveness, while others have held you in bondage and in debt to them for whatever reason, but The Lord says, this is the season that I am now shaking your enemies and in my shaking of them you shall be shaken loose from under their control over your life. You will be shaken lose from the powers of their mind control and their hexes, curses, and vexes over your life, and my power will prevail over your enemies once and for all. My power is the only power that will prevail in this hour says the Lord! They have gathered and assembled against, but I say to you that I will rebuke them openly and all men will now know that I have loved you even with an everlasting love, and I am the one that is now fighting for you, and I will cause you to go free from the bondages of corruption that have held you bound. I will lose many from the bondages of lust and evil that have tried to hold, grip, and control their lives. This is now the season and the time that you will see the chains broken from over your life and the stain of your past will be removed off of you as I have commanded you to go free, says the Lord of hosts! Study Isaiah 54:14-15, Isaiah 51:7-16, Isaiah 60:14-16, Nahum 1:13, and Isaiah 10:27. 9-16-2014 The Lord says, I will knock out every challenge that comes your way, providing that I see your faith. I will hear you when you cry, but I will move when I see your faith in action, says the Lord! (See Hebrews 11:6) let me say this to some of you, it does not take faith to cry, but it takes faith to get some results. If you just want to sit around, cry, and feel sorry for yourself, then you won't get much to happen, but when you get in faith and make moves in faith, then you will see the hand of God, because faith moves God and not just a bunch of tears, hoping, and crying all the time. There are people all over the world crying every single day, but nothing changes, but things changes for people when the Lord sees their faith; see Hebrews 4:1-2 and Luke 18:8. He is still looking for your faith. Babies cry, but mature sons are led by the spirit of God; see Romans 8:14-19 and Daniel 11:32. 9-15-2014 The Lord says, I stand at the gate and knock at the door of your heart to see if you will let me in and allow my ways to lift you and help you. When you get tired of doing things your own way and they not working out, then you will be glad to do things may way says the Lord, because my way is the only way that is guaranteed to bring you a life of success. (Read Joshua 1:8, Psalm 35:27, Psalm 25:8-14, and Psalm 50:23)9-14-2014 The Lord says, if they don't value you, then don't try to be friends or partners with them, but know that I love you and I value you, and that is why I created you, says the Lord! It is because you are of a high value to me, says the Lord! 9-13-2014 The Lord says, I am able to keep you and carry you, but my greatest joy comes when you allow me to put you on top in my name. I get glory from your life when you glorify me, says the Lord! 9-12-2014 The Lord says, be patient and don't let anxiousness trip you up in the process. The things that you learn to wait will reward you in the end and the better things that you desire takes time to build to specifications, says the Lord! 9-11-2014 The Lord says, conflicts and turmoil does not stop me from pouring out my goodness. Those things are the clouds of distractions, but I am faithful to pour out blessings in spite of all of those things, says the Lord! 9-11-2014 (Word of Insight) you will have to adapt quickly in this season to many new changes that are coming, and the course of the earth is changing. The order of things are changing. This is a twinkling of the eye season where many things will happen and come to pass suddenly and immediately. One day and one moment it will be this, and the very next moment it will be that (Something else). When you look around the world today for the past month there have been several catastrophic floods in the nations of the world, and sudden flash floods within a major city of the United States like every day. There have been places getting snow in the summer time just like strategic prophecies section mentioned in January. There have been a whole lot of decent size earthquakes around the world every day for a while now. There have been significant signs in the tropical storms and strategic hurricanes. There have been violent thunderstorms frequently that have also knocked out power frequently. There have been monstrous tornadoes, wars, outbreaks of diseases around the world on a pandemic scale. There have been numerous wars, battles, conflicts, and rebellions against governments. There have been lots of separatists, militias, and rebels fighting against each other and against their governments. There have been mass murders on a scale like before the days of Noah before he went into the ark. There have been terrorists and extremists fighting to take over almost two thirds of the world's nations. There have been nonstop torrential rainfall among many other eye opening things, and in all of this you need to know that these things are spoken of in the bible, and in Daniel 9:26 it talks about the end coming with a flood. Luke 21:7-36, Mark 13:1-37, Matthew 24:1-51, and then 2 Timothy 3:1-17 to name a few. Read them, watch the news, and let your eyes be opened to the times that we are currently living in. Even in the midst of the turmoil and the end time shaking of the Lord, the Lord has many good and glorious things planned, and there are yet many mysteries that are scheduled to unfold in this hour and at this pivotal time, so don't miss it by being distracted. The number 911 in the world refers to an emergency. I'd say all of the nations of the world right now are in a constant state of emergency with no end in sight, but yet the kingdom of God still shines in the midst of all that. The number 911 in the kingdom means abundance, so get ready for your abundant harvest. 9-10-2014 The Lord says, new frontier and some new ideas will position you for greatness, so just let my creativity flow through you. 9-9-2014 The Lord says, watch what I will do, because I’m birthing something new in you. This is a new season for a new day for you. 9-8-2014 step into the new and watch what my hand will do. Step into the new and you will see the rewards of he that is called faithful and true, says the Lord! 9-8-2014 (Word of Insight) There are four main types of floods going over the earth right now; 1) There are huge natural floods; see Daniel 9:26, Luke 21:22-28, Matthew 24:37-39, and then Psalm 36:6; 2) There are the floods of persecution; see both Isaiah 59:19 and Revelation 12:15-17; 3) There are the floods of ungodly men that are covering the earth with violence with intents to commit evil; see 2 Samuel 22:5-6 and Psalm 18:4-19 and then; 4) The floods of judgment that comes from the Lord to clean some things up in the earth; study Isaiah 28:2 and Nahum 1:6-8. 9-7-2014 The Lord says, there has to be balance in everything that you do and too much of anything is not good for you. 9-6-2014 The Lord says, you have to get rid of that tower of Babel mentality where you allow yourself to think that your thoughts and ideas are better than his. I promote the humble servants, says the Lord! 9-5-2014 The Lord says, hold your head up, stay in faith, and don't believe the devil's lies. 9-4-2014 The Lord says, it is in your faith and in your steadfastness that you will see my hand. This is not a season for you to back off or slack off, says the Lord! 9-3-2014 The Lord says, the promise is greater than the problems in your life, and the answer is greater than the cancer that you feel has been eating at your finances, your health, and any other things that have been challenged by unforeseen circumstances. 9-2-2014 The Lord says, stand as a watchman in this season. Stand upon the walls and watch at the gates to see and to warn the people of the things to come in this season. Tell them when you see good, and tell them when you see evil. Make sure the people around you are warned as I give you insight to help them overcome, and as a result of you being on your post and being on your watch, many will be won over to me by the wisdom in your heart and the insight that I am giving you, says the Lord! 9-1-2014 The Lord says, my hand is not stopped by what is going on in the earth and nothing is out of my reach. What you are now seeing in the earth is the end of one era and the beginning of a new era as the times of the fullness of the gentiles coming in comes to a close. The Lord says, there is a window that is closing very fast before certain things are sealed and other things are unsealed in the earth. Many people are hanging in the balance and yet many more are standing in the valley of decision. It is a time to tell them about me says the Lord, and it is a time for you to express my love so that others can see that I do care, says the Lord! I am seen by others through you, says the Lord! 8-31-2014 The Lord says, don't gaze at the distractions, but keep your eyes on me. Do not stare at the problems, says the Lord, but always look and meditate on the promises that are found in my word and that which I have spoken to you in secret, declares the holy one! 8-30-2014 The Lord says, I watch to see my people's actions, and I watch to see if they have faith. I watch to see if they understand and if I am reverenced by them as Lord or looked upon as just a mere man. The things that I look for is a heart like me; those are the things that I am looking to see. When I see a heart like me, then I know those are the ones that are made in my image and after my likeness. I am looking to see myself in my people in this season, says the Lord! 8-29-2014 The Lord says, your mind must be protected in this season from evil thoughts, and thoughts of doubt, fear, and unbelief. The purer your mind, the more focused you will be, says the Lord! 8-28-2014 The Lord says, your focus has to be right in order for you to gain his wisdom and insight on the future path that he has for your life. I hear the Lord saying this is not a time for you to be distracted by other things and allow your heart to be pulled away in another direction, but this is a season to tune out the distracting voices and listen to the wisdom of God that will help you make right choices, says God! 8-27-2014 You busy walking around looking at things in the natural, but I hear the Lord saying everything is already okay. Don't be fooled by what you don't see yet with your natural eyes, but know that my behind the scenes approach is filled with many sudden and pleasant surprises. 8-26-2014 The Lord says, come forth and be accountable, and through being accountable, I will give you the grace to deal with those things that seem so insurmountable. 8-25-2014 The Lord says, as things in the earth shake, many men may fear and be in panic, but for all those that do know me, you know that you are a part of a kingdom that cannot be moved; see Hebrews 12:22-29, Isaiah 24:1-13, Isaiah 24:18, Isaiah 13:13, Isaiah 2:7-21 and Haggai 2:6-9, these are all key and strategic scriptures in this season. 8-24-2014 The Lord says, fear cannot help you, but faith in me will take you places. 8-23-2014 The Lord says, the harvest is before you, but it takes your faith to go in and get it and possess. I have already put the blessing on you, but it is your faith that pulls everything into your life like a magnet, says the Lord! 8-22-2014 The Lord says, if your only focus is on man you will never see my plan, but when you learn to focus on me, then and only then will you truly be able to see. 8-21-2014 The Lord says, I will enable you to see that which you were not able to see, and I will remove that which was distracting you and distorting your view. You will now go free in this season, and you'll be able to see the things that were just one big old mystery to you, says the Lord! For a season you were made blind, but I will cause you to see again because you have fixed your attitude, says the Lord! 8-20-2014 The Lord says, be visual and watch the signs that I am sending you, because those signs of life are pointing you in a certain direction every day. You will know my will when you see my will as it comes your way. If you will pay close attention, you will see my perfect will and plan for you unfolding every day of your life. If you pay attention you will see my will being made cleared for you by the day. 8-19-2014 The Lord says, I am the lifter of your head, spirit, and soul, and if you trust me I will bring you into manifold. 8-18-2014 The Lord says, in this season walls are falling down and barriers are being broken. 8-17-2014 just because the winds are blowing does not mean that you have to move says the Lord, but there is a time when it is time for you to be anchored in a time of rough seas. You have to know the seasons and when it is time to shift, because the seasons can change in an instant and the winds can start blowing a different direction, and whenever those winds blow, that is your opportunity to stand and go forward, and to allow the winds to blow your sail so that the ship can move forward from the place that you were stuck. I will give you the keen sense of discernment so that you will be able to know those seasons in time, so that you will be able to navigate those place of your destiny that I am calling you to, says the Lord! 8-16-2014 The shaking does not mean that my hand is stayed, but some of the shaking is because my people and the innocent have prayed, and their cries has come into my ears, and I will bring full deliverance as my sword is near, says the Lord! 8-15-2014 The Lord says, be on your watch, and be vigilant and watch and pray; for there are many things that are coming in the earth that can be disarmed and dismantled if my people will pray, says the Lord! 8-15-2014 (Word of Insight) The Lord gave insight and a word concerning what is happening in and around Ferguson, Missouri, and that center of the United States  region. He said Ferguson and Saint Louis is an epic center than can go either way, just depending on how it is handled. He said it is an epic center that can affect this whole nation and send a domino ripple effect to every nation around the world, so I urge you to pray. He also showed me how in this regional epic center that even floods with the Mississippi river and the Missouri river along with all of the earthquakes in nearby Oklahoma in the center of the United States  are all a part of this epic center activity where pressure and tensions are being applied that could explode into something far more catastrophic nationwide and even worldwide as a new norm if we do not unite and pray so that the angels can be released to intervene in a spiritual battle brewing underneath the earth, upon the earth, and in the atmosphere above the earth in the heavenlies and in the spirit realm all spurring from that epic center. Those of you that follow me on this website pretty much know that we are Ensign To The Nations and we mainly focus on a global worldview and the universal body of Christ worldwide and not just zoom in on a lot of local events, but when the Lord calls something to my attention that has his attention and has the attention of the whole wide, it is very important to listen. Every news outlet around the world both small and great are focusing in on the events in Ferguson and saint louis, Missouri area for a very unique purpose, because there are ideas there than can quickly spread throughout this whole nation to all of the nations of the world and their towns, villages, and cities, so let us adhere to the word of the Lord and be mindful to pray for peace to prevail over evil intentions that are being by the unseen world and realm of evil and darkness. There is a dark force that want to invade this entire world, but we are called to combat this thing in prayer and a time of fasting, so now you have the call. There it is, and it is time to pray and fast; see Joel 2:12-20; when we pray Verses 21-29 can take place. 8-14-2014 The Lord says, if you trust me and you serve me, you will have many “wow” moments in your life. 8-13-2014 The Lord says, don't just talk about it, but be about it, and handle the business of the father in the earth. 8-12-2014 The Lord says, do not fear; for my presence is near, says the holy one! 8-11-2014 The Lord says, you are light so don't just talk about the darkness, but shine in the darkness as the light of the world. Be a light to the people that can't see where they are going, and show them the way into my kingdom, declares the Lord! 8-10-2014 The Lord says, I am your strength in the time of trouble. 8-10-2014 (Word of Insight) Isaiah 25:3-12 gives a perfect interpretation of times concerning what is going on in the nation of Iraq, but I say there is hope for the people in the mountains and there is deliverance in those mountains and a fat feast. Make sure to read this out of the King James Version of the bible. You will understand it whenever you read it, especially if you have been following the news around the world. See also Isaiah 2:2-4, Isaiah 11:9, Isaiah 18:3, Isaiah 22:1-7, Isaiah 30:17-26, 29; the people that are in the mountains of Iraq are for a sign to the whole world and it serves as a shadow of things to come in the future concerning Jerusalem and Judea in Israel; see Luke 21:20-36; there is deliverance in the high places; see also Revelation 12:1-6 & 14-17, now read all of Revelation Chapter 12 and you will see what is going on. 8-9-2014 The Lord says, “Pray. “ 8-8-2014 The Lord God says I am your protector and defender, and if you put your trust in me, you will be delivered. 8-7-2014 The Lord says, your latter will be greater than your former, so quit looking at your past and now that I shape things real fast, and I have plans to move you swiftly and quickly into your future. 8-6-2014 The Lord says, I stand guard over all things, and my hand is not short that it cannot save, but shall I find faith in a person? Shall I find faith in a nation that would cause me to arise for her to save her, says the Lord? 8-5-2014 The Lord says, your foundation is in me, and if you will stay rooted and grounded, you will not be confounded, says the Lord! 8-4-2014 The Lord says, don't let nothing distract you from your own steadfastness. 8-3-2014 The Lord says, faith is the thing that I look for in my people and the tides of life will change for you when your faith is seen in operation, says he that is faithful and true! 8-2-2014 The Lord says, if you would learn to see ahead by looking at life in and through my eyes, then you will be able to see my will and my plan for your life by looking at things from my perspective and not your own. 8-1-2014 The Lord don't let the things that you see trouble your heart, because I have already defeated those troubling things that you see and have gotten you the total victory, declares the holy one! 7-31-2014 The Lord says, I give you what you expect, so you had better be expecting me to do great and mighty things in your life, because it is in my heart to do you good, declares the Lord! 7-30-2014 The Lord says, you're my eyes in the earth, and when you see, I see, and I move when you make moves to pray and deal with certain situations in the earth. (Study Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18, Psalm 115:15-16, and Romans 8:14-22; he, the Lord, is waiting on us, and they, the world, is waiting on us to make things change by our words, faith, and prayers in certain things.) 7-29-2014 The Lord says, if you take the time to hear my voice, you will see that your instructions for this season has been given to you already, but when you get quiet, you will hear my spirit reminding you of what I said to you earlier. 7-28-2014 The Lord says, “stop, look' listen and you will see the way that I am taking you. You have been so busy doing all of the talking and complaining in prayer to the point that you could not hear me telling you what to do. 7-27-2014 The Lord says, “no storm comes to last forever, hold tight up in your faith, and endure the stormy weather; for in the breaking of day the light shall shine again, and you shall see the sun (Son). 7-26-2014 The Lord says, the battle was never yours to begin with, but you took it over with your worries and fears. I am now here to take back what you should have left in my hands to begin with, says the Lord! 7-25-2014 The Lord says, it is not going to be by your power, but it is going to be by my hand and my counsel shall stand. 7-24-2014 The Lord says, this is your season to come out of that cave of life, and even as my servant David was on the run from Saul and hiding in a cave and surrounded by people that were in debt, in distress, and discontented, there came a season that I brought him out and put him on the throne to rule and to reign, so it is in this season where I am promoting you and lifting you up out your mess, up out of your distress, ridding you of your debt, and freeing you from the bondage house of your discontentment. Many of you have wondered if you would ever fulfill your purpose, but know that I have set the appointed times and seasons for everything in you to advance and take off, and this is your appointed season and time, says the Lord! Thus saith the Lord, I will promote you. I will elevate you. I will increase you, and get you the victory in face of adversity, and then shall you both you and the heathen know that I am the Lord, says God! (Go read 1 Samuel 22:1-2, 1 Samuel 30:6-8, 1 Samuel 30:18-19, 2 Samuel 2:1-7; he finally became king over Judah. Go and read also 2 Samuel 5:1-5; he now finally becomes king over all of Israel. I say unto you precious people of God, your promises are now finally coming to pass, and this is the hour and the season of your breakthrough, your manifestation, your promotion, your elevation, your blessing, your alignment, and the lifting of your head after a long season of many trials, various afflictions, great testing, and being on the run and in the cave of life. Lift up your head and walk into the promotion of the throne that the Lord has put you on. 1 Chronicles 29:1-17 is a perfect look at the end result of how things turned out for King David and all the people that followed him when they were broke, busted, and disgusted. Isn't it just amazing what the anointing can do when it is on a vessel of God whom the Lord has chosen. They were with him (David) when he was low and there were elevated in the end with a whole lot mo (more). There are many of you, like David that were with me in the early stages, that in this hour you will rise to great power, because of your connection with me. As I go up, you go up. 7-23-2014 The Lord says, there's a major turning point coming in the earth. 7-22-2014 The Lords says keep your focus right and you'll be alright, but if you continue to be distracted I hold the record of how you acted, says the Lord! The crown comes to those who endure in the faith, not to those who drop out of the race, says the spirit of grace! 7-21-2014 The Lord says, I lighten the eyes of the wise, and I give Revelation to my chosen ones, and I declare justice to all that serve me, and I make them righteous when they come to me. I am he that releases the blessing over their lives, and put it in their hearts to serve me, and in this hour, I am calling for my people to have a deeper walk with me, so that I can reveal myself to them in deeper and more intimate ways, says the Lord! 7-21-2014 (Word of Insight) it is very important to recognize what is going on with the nation of Israel and with the Palestinian people right now and keep those areas lifted up in prayers. First of all, the very moment a war broke out with Israel you see thousands of people in almost every major city in almost every nation go out into the streets to protest against what is happening on the Gaza strip with a war with Israel, but nobody held any mass demonstrations concerning wars and conflicts going on in Ukraine and with Russia, or with what is going on in Central African Republic, South Sudan, Kenya, Venezuela, Libya, Thailand, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Nigeria, or Yemen and too many other war zones and hot spots in the world where many thousands upon thousands have been persecuted, killed, executed, murdered, and tortured for their faith in many cases. However, the world's big spotlight and focus seems to be on the nation of Israel, so that ought to tell you something. If all these other places can easily be ignored and nobody is protesting against them and for their own causes, then that ought to be an eye opener that something is wrong with that picture. It also shows you a clear hatred towards Israel as a nation as well. Now the question becomes why? In the latter days, which are upon us, the light and the focus would switch back to Israel from the church, as the time draws near for the church to be raptured or caught up unto God and now God's original chosen covenant people will be the new light of the world and the prophetic time table will shift back to them fully. We are in the fullness of times, and it is time for many things to start coming full circle in the earth, and Israel is just a sign to the nations, and all nations of the world are watching them. Does the Lord have some people in Gaza and in Palestine? Yes, he sure does and we should pray for them and their safety and pray for them to be protected from all harm, hurt evil, and danger. There are Christians on both sides of the conflict. There are also heathens and evil doers on both sides of the conflict, but what God will judge all things in his time, and what I have come to learn to pray is that the will of the Lord be done in those situations. Instead of taking sides in the conflicts, the best approach is to take God's side and align yourself with what he says in his word, and lean not to your own understanding. (See Joshua 5:13-15) The Lord chose Israel as his covenant people and nation, but he also has chosen and saved many Palestinians that are also our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, as are also many others in other nations around the world, so we must love everyone, and we must constantly pray for them and for their safety and their well-being. Do you realize that Jerusalem as a city has people living there from pretty much every nation on the earth, and that is a representation of how heaven is going to be with some from every kindred, every race, and every tongue of the ones that trust in the Lord Jesus as their savior. Pay very close attention to everything in these latter days, because many things are for signs, and signs reveal seasons and prophetic time tables for certain events to take place on the prophetic time clock of God, and if you notice, all of this transpired with Israel shortly after the first blood moon. 7-20-2014 The Lord says, the light you see if it is found in me will cause you not to walk in darkness. When people walk in darkness they cannot see where they are going, but when you walk in the light as I am in the light, you will be alright, says the Lord! Whenever you can see darkness and agree with it and it does not bother you at all, then my light has gone out in your temple, says God! 7-19-2014 The Lord says, reach up and grab hold of the eagle's mantle and come up and fly with me. It is time that you begin to fly with and flow with me at the higher altitudes of life. I have purposed higher things and greater things for your life, and you have not even began to fathom what I have in store for you. In this hour and season of your life, things will begin to shift and change at such a rapid rate and pace, and I will quickly promote you and bring you into the royal places and the places where the manna of provision with me does never cease. See my will and do my will and you will see your harvest as I do your harvest and get all things to you that you need, want, and desire according my plan and purposes for your life. The latter day rain is now being released to you, say the Lord! This is a season for you to store up as you go up in me, says the Lord! 7-18-2014 The Lord says, watch and be vigilant; for the clock is nearing the hour where the world will see my power, says the Lord! 7-18-2014 (Word of Insight) The Lord showed me two things that I need to call to your attention, and I also heard these two words concerning borders and then escalation. Almost every nation on earth is dealing some kind of border issues from securing their borders, to cross border attacks, cross border raids, cross border interferences, border wars, land and border disputes, maritime border clashes, close calls, and disputes, illegal crossings of borders, border threats, even borders being dissolved around the world and threatened by terrorists, and nations crossing sovereign nations borders to annex their territory into their own nation for expansion, resources, power, and strategic advantages of their own self-interest. As far as a word for children on the border, the Lord gave me a word out of the scriptures concerning them and that situation. That scripture is Jeremiah 31:17, and this is a season where a lot of people will be returning to their own borders and their very own native lands and countries and respective nations as a massive realignment takes place in the earth, partially due to the shaking around the world by the hand of the Lord, not by the hand of government in the nations. The Lord has shown me that many things besides wars will begin to escalate in this hour and time frame as hostile intentions increase all the more worldwide among and between rival factions and warring parties, nations, and alliances. These disputes, conflicts, and wars aren't going to necessarily be good versus evil in most cases, but most of them will be evil against evil, or evil against an even greater form of evil, but The Lord says, those that put their trust in me shall begin to see righteousness prevail over the works of darkness. A word came a while back about watching your borders. I also said about roughly two months ago in the message board section above in the blue writing here under let the prophets declare what they are seeing, in which I said, we needed to pray because I saw an airplane getting shot down that would cause things to escalate into a greater conflict, and that happened on today 7/17/2014 and this is that time and it represents a significant shift in things as well as a turning point for much further escalation on some hot fronts. You will see alliances challenge other alliances now in this hour that will shake nations, national governments and systems, and many national intelligence agencies around the world. Watch and pray, says the Lord! 7-17-2014 The Lord says, you will see the light of day once you start believing that there is a light of day. Many people have given up hope, but I am the strength of my strong ones, because I make them strong, because they believe in me, and they trust me, says the Lord! 7-16-2014 The Lord says, this is your season and this is your time so don't you miss the moment by getting caught up in the cares of this life. Know that I have already prepared the way for you to increase and live a blessed life here upon the earth and in the world to come for all of eternity says the Lord; for you are my chosen ones, and I love you more than you can imagine, says the Lord! 7-15-2014 The Lord says, the light is at your door steps and the ball is in your corner; now what are you going to do with the knowledge that I have presented before you, says the Lord? 7-14-2014 The Lord says, I am turning the table to work in your favor and that which you couldn't do, you will now be able, declares the Lord! 7-13-2014 see my call of abundance. See the way that I am taking you. Know the way that I am taking you? I say unto you that you do not know the way that I am taking you, because you haven't been this way before. Feel my passion. See my love, and know that I am the one that is shaping your destiny and rearranging your future. I have called you to stand in that place of faith, and you have been called into that place of victory. I am forming new doors of victory before you. I am calling you to walk with me in a higher level and at a much higher altitude than you have been walking with me before, says the Lord! Lift up your eyes toward the heavens and see my glory, and watch me change your story says the Lord. You have been tried, and I have ruled in your favor and you have been given a favorable outcome, says the judge of all the earth. 7-12-2014 The Lord says, if you trust me you will see me in this hour and all the world will know that I am he that holds all power, says the Lord! 7-11-2014 The Lord says, you do not crank up a car to leave it in park all day, but you crank it up to drive. The Lord says, I am still waiting on some of you to move forward and put it in drive and get up and go somewhere. 7-10-2014 The Lord says, do not be dismayed or frightened by the things that you see in the earth. All of these are your signs that what I spoke in my word is true and all things must come to pass, but the last shall be first and the first shall be last. These things signify that it is harvest time, says the Lord, and I will soon put in the sickle. 7-9-2014 The Lord says, this is a time for the nations to watch other nations and see what is going on there and see the tactics, strategies, and deception of the evil ones arising on their borders. The Lord says, this is also a time for my people to take note and to take notice of all of the things happening around the world within the nations, including their own respective nations and stand in the gaps for the land and for your brothers and sisters that are being slaughtered and killed for my name. This is not a time for you to turn a blind eye and go to sleep, says the Lord, but this is a time for my people to arise and influence a major change in the earth and tip the scales on things that hang in the balance so that my agenda can prevail over the gates of hell in the earth; looking at my first nations of covenant and pray that I open the eyes of their leaders and all those that still do not know me, and watch me bring about a sudden change in the midst of chaos, calamity, and confusion, says the Lord of hosts! Watch me bring change says the Lord, as my people bend the knee and pray, says God! 7-8-2014 The Lord says, I knew what they were going to do and what they were going to say before they came at you, and I have already provided your ram in the bush long before you even knew that you would need it. 7-7-2014 The Lord says, you even have to watch what you say even when you are joking because words can be snares and words are binding. 7-6-2014 The Lord says, I have plans to use you on a greater scale, but you have to first know that the gates of hell will not prevail against you. There is power in knowing that I have you secured and hedged in, says the Lord! 7-5-2015 The Lord says, tell them I have wisdom and strategies for their future and for their present tense state if they would ask me for them. Tell them I said to ask me for those things and I will release them unto them, and I will also open a new gate line of supplies to get some things to them, declares the Lord! 7-4-2014 What they said couldn't be done for you will get done, says the Lord! Know that I am working all things together for your good, says the Lord! 7-3-2014 The Lord says, I am watching to see if you're going to have confidence in what I have called you to do. I am looking to see faith in your life. The faith that I gives overrides all fear, says the Lord! What “if's” and fear destroys the world, but faith will rebuild the old waste places of the earth. Can I use you to rebuild what the wicked has torn down in the earth, say the Lord? 7-2-2014 The Lord says, your purpose is wrapped up in me, but I send people into your life is help pull it out of you. 7-1-2014 The Lord says, be confident in the thing that I have called you to and do it without fear. 6-30-2014 The Lord says, my sheep know my voice and those that know my voice will get my choice in all things. 6-29-2014 The Lord says, listen, hear, do, trust, and prepare, and you will see my breakthrough hand appear. 6-28-2014 The Lord says, I am preparing you for something major and massive; in this season. My spirit shall be full of good and pleasant surprises. 6-27-2014 The Lord would say unto you today, those mountains in your life move by your faith, but those principalities that challenge you will fall by my grace. 6-26-2014 (Word #1) The Lord says, store up against the time to come so that even as things start to shake a lot more in the earth and in the systems of the world, you will have something to fall back on as things shut down in various places for one reason or another. (Genesis 41:1-57 and 1 Timothy 6:17-19)6-26-2014 (Word #2) The Lord says, following exact instructions given to you by his spirit is the thing that is going to save you in this hour from the wrath to come in the earth as things shake on a whole-nutha level. 6-26-2014 (Word #3) The Lord says, some things in the earth that look like they are going to fall are actually going to be the ones standing, but the things that look like they are strong and appear to be strong are the ones that is going to fall and collapse suddenly in the earth. 6-25-2014 The Lord says, it is going to take some resolve on your end to get things turned around, but as you make moves know that I am with you and I am causing things to align in your favor, says the Lord! 6-24-2014 The Lord is saying you have a mind to do things right, but you have allowed certain things to trip you up over the course of time and break your focus. Realign yourself with me and regain your focus and you will soon see that full restoration is my plan for your life, says the spirit of the living God! 6-23-2014 The Lord says, I’m depending on you to reach souls in those places that others around you can't go. I have given you access to certain areas and arenas where others of my people cannot go, because I have not given them that access and you are the chosen one to go and to fulfill my will in the dark places of the earth where others overlook and think that there is no hope. I have given you the access key, says the Lord! 6-22-2014 The Lord be steadfast even when you cannot see how things are going to work out, and stay in faith and you will see in the end how my grace caused things to work in your favor. 6-21-2014 The Lord says, laugh at every situation that is challenging you and in your laughing you will see breakthrough, declares the almighty! (See Job 5:22)6-20-2014 The Lord says, I see further than you see and what you don't see or understand I know, see, and understand, and if you trust me to lead you by the hand, you will see how my counsel will stand, says the Lord! 6-19-2014 The Lord says, don't let your heart be cold in this hour. (See Matthew 24:12)6-18-2014 I am opening the eyes of men and women around the world, and I am causing them see my ways and to know my kingdom. I’m revealing my kingdom in the land to a people that will come into my kingdom that did not previously know me, says the Lord! I have thrown my nets out for fishing again, says the Lord of hosts! 6-17-2014 The Lord says, I am shifting the winds from the four corners of the earth and a notable change shall be seen in the earth and among the nations of the world. 6-17-2014 (Word of Insight) There were things that happened today that caught my attention that had prophetic significance; 1) I was lying across the bed with the lights off and I heard a very strong and heavy breathing spirit walk into the room where I was and I could see this thing in the spirit and it was as a man with two long horns coming out of the top of his head with a very long white beard. He was dressed in battle armor. He had a body as the body of a man with a built chest, but his face was as the face of a goat, and it appeared that he was very mad and breathing fire out of his nostrils. All of a sudden this thing or this beast grabbed me and then put me in like a headlock or like a chokehold or something, and I could literally feel this as it was happening. I was trying to cut the lights on, but I couldn't and they just would not cut on every time I clicked the button, and then I spoke to this thing and I said to it you must let me go now in the name of Jesus. Immediately this thing or this beast was gone. Then there was a golden fiery sword that appeared before me, and instantly I awoke and was able to cut on the lights finally, and there was such a strong anointing on me that filled the entire room where I was. I could tell that I was halfway between being sleep and wake while all that was happening. At the point when I woke up, I heard the Lord say to me that was a goat spirit that was released in the earth to stir up chaos, war, strife, and division in the earth and among his people. He then made me to know that the power of my words and using his name is what his people will need to do in this later hour to get the victory, and as we do we will cause a fiery sword of the Lord to show up and to cut off our enemies; 2) as I was getting myself together after that wild and crazy experience (Sometimes the Lord puts his prophets through hell as an example to get his point across to relay a message to his people and to the people of the earth) I heard two loud claps of thunder that last about two minutes long each and both were about two minutes apart from each other, and the roar of those thunders were so loud and long that they actually shook and rattled the very floors and the windows in the place where I was at. Those thunders were so intense and so unique and so distinct that I knew immediately that the Lord was announcing something new in the earth, and he wanted his prophet to hear what he was announcing, so I listened closely for what he would then say to me after the fact. According to Revelation 10:1-7, thunders reveal prophetic utterances that can be interpreted by the ministry of the Lord's prophets. These thunders that I’m talking about are no ordinary thunders, but they are loud as trumpets in the sky. After those two loud bursts of thunders to make a long story even longer (ah hah, you though I was going to say short, but my readers know better than that, everyone knows that I am long winded and they are too, l.o.l.). Anyhow the Lord said to me, these thunders has just announced a new season of two's and a new season of four's where everything will be in the double or in patterns of two and patterns of four. When we are in a season like that then you will pretty much see everything in the news in those numerical patterns. Right after that I turned on the news and saw where there were two tornadoes or double tornadoes on the ground at the same time in the Norfolk, Nebraska, USA area at the same time about a mile apart and at the time of this report they had already hit four towns. In several other new reports from around the world you could see two nations in disputes or conflicts with one another or two nations working with one another to try to solve a crisis in two other nations. The bottom line is that we have just entered into another strong season of the double and the double of the double, or two's and four's again. The last time we entered a strong and major season like that was in the year of 2001, and what happened in the year of 2001 was that you had two sets of terrorists on two airplanes that hit two towers (twin towers). There were two main attacks in the United States of America in two main strategic cities at that time and one was in new York city on the towers (the world trade center) and the other one about the same time frame was on the pentagon in Washington, D.C., and this was during the presidency of the second George Bush (the son). This act of terrorism led to two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that was a part of what was called the war on terror. Now the unique significance of all this was the pentagon represented military might and the twin towers represented global trade or the world economy, so the spirit of the Lord was revealing through circumstances that there was about to be at least ten years of war and at least ten years of economic downturn that was coming in the land. Many militaries were stretched too thin and dispatch to those war theaters for several rotations and tours and were very strained for many years and then a few years later what they called the great recession hit and all of the foreclosures hit the Markets, gas prices went way up and never came back down, inflation hit, and many things skyrocketed. September 2001 or 911 made an announcement that a double edge sword of judgment was now released in the earth, but at the same time it was a time of release and blessing for many of the saints. At this time you had everything in the stores on sale for two for the price of one or you were able to get double reward points, double savings, double extra care bucks, and double rebates, etc. (We are now in that season again by the way. Watch you will see.) It symbolized double blessings for his people and double judgment is the world system, which was plagued by corruption, greed, and lawlessness. I heard the Lord saying this is that season again and there is coming another 911 like event, but this time it would shake all nations. (So pray please mam, please sir) The events that you see in the news today is representative of this second wave or second phase and round of the season of the two's and four's. This is a double season; 3) The third event that happened today was the entire sky were filled with dark black clouds as if it was going to rain really hard, but it never did rain and the sun did not come back out, and the winds did not pick up or nothing. It was just black and silent. The Lord then said to me that the skies represent the mood of the father. When Jesus was crucified, the skies were dark at that time for a period; see Matthew 27:44-45 and that was the same time space today, and what the father was saying to us is that there are many events happening in the world today that he is not pleased with and he cannot bare to look upon the evil of the land, and therefore a sword has not been released to clean up the land as in the days of Noah and the great flood; 4) The fourth thing that caught my attention today is to see how the nations are aligning, and how the kingdom of the Medes and Persians are realigning themselves. Read the book of Daniel Chapters six through twelve and look at modern day maps and ancient biblical maps and you will see a major mystery unfolding today among many other very important world events within the church and the world. On a final note there are also two cups to drink from in the earth; there is the cup of blessing and there is the cup of God's wrath, and those that align with God will drink of the cup of his blessing and those that align against him will drink of the cup of his wrath. All the nations are playing at the world cup this week, another prophetic sign- post. (See 1 Corinthians 10:16, Psalm 75:8-10, Jeremiah 51:1-7 & now Verses 8-64, Revelations 14:10, Revelation 16:9 and Revelation 18:1-6; this kind of insight and Revelation is only revealed to some of the Lord's special prophets and it is not given to many and it is not given to all; study the scriptures.) 6-16-2014 The Lord says, I heal the pain. I heal the pain of the heart, and I heal the mind and restore comforts to all who are war weary, downtrodden, and broken by the cares of this life. I, the Lord, restore all things that demands to be restored in this hour, says God! 6-16-2014 (Word of Insight) many of you are struggling with certain things and with certain teachings, because you have been taught wrong for so many years, but The Lord says, this is a season for you to be retaught and retrained to learn a fresh and a new; this is a season for you to renew your mind, says the Lord! 6-15-2014 The Lord says, new wisdom is being deposited in you. 6-14-2014 it is your turn to build says the Lord and the next move is yours. 6-13-2014 I hear the Lord saying now is the season that you see bridge builders come into your life, and these bridge build will help you to establish divine connections with others and many divine opportunities that will release you into a greater dimension of his favor and power over your life. I hear The Lord says, the corridors of favor are opened over your life. 6-12-2014 I heard the Lord say broken bridges are being repaired in your life. (bridges are things that help you cross over to another side of life that goes over a great divide, and there are some very strategic relationships that got damaged in your life over the past five years that were designed to be bridges in your life to help you cross over to that place of destiny that you cannot get to without them being planted in your life, and I heard the Lord say clearly that he was repairing those broken bridges.) Some of you out there probably received that word literally for a physical bridge that needs to be fixed on your route of travel. I say be it unto you according to your faith. 6-11-2014 The things that has caused some disappointments in your life in times past you will see no more, says the Lord; for I am reshaping the paths that you are to walk down and you will see my hand in all your plans and even as I order your steps in secret many people will see my works in your life openly and the fruit of your labors and your due diligence shall now finally pay off, says the Lord of hosts; for I have seen your diligence, says the Lord! 6-10-2014 The Lord says, you are the one that I’ve called to step into some things that your family members failed to see and failed to do. I have called you to fix some things that I’ve ordained for you to handle, and the breach will be repaired by your hands and will bring healing to a generation, says the Lord of hosts! 6-8-2014 The Lord says, I will give back to you multiplied what you invest in my kingdom. My kingdom is fully setup to multiply back to you what you release. It is what you release that produces the increase, says the Lord! 6-7-2014 The Lord says, keep shining as a bright light in a dark world, so that the lost will see their way into the kingdom of God and find truth. You are the light of the world and my witnesses, says the Lord, so be that. 6-6-2014 The Lord says, it is your total obedience that is shifting things to work in your favor, and your total obedience is what is bringing about a new season in your life. 6-5-2014 The Lord says, I am working on you, and I am reconstructing some things and no reconstruction is fun when it is been rendered because you made to feel uncomfortable at the moment. Be still while I am shaking some things up in your life, because the only thing that is getting shaken off of you is the dirt, the poverty, the impurities, and those things that cause you to stumble so often. Don't be mad with me, because I am making you into a better person and I am causing you to trust me and not trust in yourself only. Did you not see the sign that says slow down God is at work? I am at work on you, says the Lord! 6-4-2014 The Lord says, I will give you another chance in life if you just believe me for it, trust me for it, and ask me for it. I am for you succeeding in life, says the Lord! 6-3-2014 The Lord says, you should stand firm in the midst of the fire and as a result you will be promoted and taken up higher. (Daniel 3)6-2-2014 The Lord says, I am calling my people to order in this season and I am commanding them to get in order and to establish order in their personal lives. 6-1-2014 I heard the Lord say these two words; order and alignment. This is a season for you to set some things in order in your personal life and with getting things in order it will pave the way for things that I am yet to do for you, says the Lord! The Lord says, it is important for you to be in order in this season so that he can promote you, but promotion cannot fully come as long as you are out of order and fighting for your right to remain out of order. Order, says the Lord, is how I build things in your life, and without it the building project is on hold in your life. 5-31-2014 The Lord says, that thing that you are worried about I got you covered if you would just let me handle it. 5-30-2014 The Lord says, I’m shifting my body right now in the earth and what my people have been calling growing pain are actually birth pains and I am birthing something new in them that has never been seen before in the earth. I’ve waited for this hour, because it is the hour of my power, says the Lord! Destinies will be made clear and destinations will be made known to much of my people that were in limbo crying out to me for a clear sense of direction. There are many birth pains all over the earth and I will bring many into my kingdom into this hour and I will even bring in many that are Muslim and they will now find life in my kingdom as I reel in the sons of Ishmael as I also remove the veil from the seed of Isaac. There will be many that saw the need for jihad that will now turn and see the need for Jesus. The love of my son will overwhelm them and men's heart will tickle at the joy of my presence as it is release upon them. The love that I give is stronger than all the weapons of war in the earth, but now I release the weapon of my love and it shall draw men into my kingdom in abundance. 5-29-2014 The Lord says, this battle that you have been facing for so long, I have just taken it over, and I will win it for you, says the Lord! 5-28-2014 Your life was put here for a purpose so why would you think that a mistake was made. I knew what I had in mind when I created you and I placed you in the earth to solve a problem for others and to bring solutions to the table when everything else around you seems hopeless to them. You are the answer for them and I have placed my wisdom on the inside of you to make that happen, says the Lord! 5-27-2014 do not forget the God factor and the God equation in your life, says the Lord! The power and the strength of my right hand has the ability to deliver you at any time when you trust in the power of my arm versus the strong arm of your own flesh. Many cannot see me, because they are trying to look at me through their own abilities and through their own means. Step back and take a look at me again, but this time through the eyes of the spirit, and you will clearly see that you have nothing to worry about when you put your trust in me, says the Lord! 5-26-2014 The Lord says, I am calling for you to strike a balance in your life and not being unbalanced. If you will learn to be balanced in every area of your life you will find peace and you will be able to see the strategy and the way that I am taking you when you put the proper emphasis and focus on the right things, says the Lord! 5-25-2014 The Lord says, you must allow my joy to remain in you and let no one take it away, because I gave you my joy so that the distress of the world would have no power over you, says God! 5-24-2014 as the clock is ticking, many wants to know what is coming, but I say unto you do not focus on what is coming and what is going, but focus on me and doing my will, and in due time you will see what is fulfilled, says the Lord! 5-23-2014 The Lord says, you must hear and hearken to my spirit and not be rebellious and you will find peace and rest for your soul, and life won't be as stressful when you do it my way, says the Lord, because I give wisdom, counsel, knowledge, and instructions in this hour that is designed to take you forward and not hold you back. 5-22-2014 The Lord says, things are coming into your life whether you prepare or not, but the more you prepare and do your homework, the better you will fare, because you won't be caught off guard. The Lord says, I am causing things to shift and to shake, but if you take heed to my counsel you will survive the bake as things heats up in the earth, says the spirit of the Lord! (See Genesis Chapter 41)5-21-2014 The Lord says, my word is my word whether some believe it or not and I am faithful to deliver on all of my promises to those that believe, says God! (See Romans 3:3 and Isaiah 42:21-25)5-20-2014 The Lord says, why are you looking at all those things? I need you to look at me and not at the circumstances that would drown you if you're focused on them. Your peace and your way forward is in me, says the Lord! 5-19-2014 The Lord says, I hold the score card of all your good deeds, and I see what you do, and I know what you do and at the appropriate time and season your harvest will come in, says the Lord, but you must stay in faith. (See Hebrews 6:10-12, Hebrews 10:35-39, and Hebrews 11:6)5-18-2014 The Lord says, you will no longer live in someone else's shadow, but I will cause you to discover your own uniqueness and greatness, and you will find great comfort in knowing whom I created and called you to be. This is a day that you will live in purpose and be able to clearly define your own purpose, says the Lord! 5-17-2014 The Lord is saying I am now beginning to shake, and the wind shall shake the trees and cause a new shift in the earth, and prophetic structures will begin to align. Old religious structures and systems will now begin to fall and there will be a new unified oneness that shall arise out of the earth among my people that will form the one new man in the earth that shall advance my kingdom in a new way. I say to you do not think about the old strategies; for this is a season that I will give you new strategies and clear strategies on how to advance and how to move forward in this season. That which resisted you in the last season will not be able to stand against you in this season as I have hidden you in my glory. The spirit of Baal and that spirit of religious hypocrisy that has tried to get you out of my will and tried to get you to align with their deadness will be torn down and removed in this season. Those systems that tried to speak against you, slow you down, and slow down the momentum that I was bringing and birthing through you will now get dealt with by my hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord. I’m causing righteous structures to align with my spirit in this season and to unite for one common purpose of my kingdom to make greater Marks in the earth so that my purposes on earth will not be thwarted. Now is the time to align with me, says the Lord! 5-16-2014 I will pour out my rain upon him that is thirsty in this hour and upon the people that will seek after me. I will more than fill the hungry soul that wants more of me. I will overflow the person that cries out to me and say Lord I want more of you, and I will fill the treasure houses of the faithful that plant in my kingdom so that the ripe harvest can be harvested at the appointed times, which is now, says the Lord! 5-15-2014 The Lord says, I stand at the edges of the earth and I hold all things up by the right hand of my power. This day I stand at the door of your heart and I knock to see if you will let me in so that I can live out my plan through your life. Some of you have resisted me in times past, but this is the season for you to embrace what I am bringing before your face in this hour, says the Lord God! I also heard the Lord saying the word “reshuffle. “ know that I am reshuffling some things around on your behalf to cause you to get to your expected end by my hand and not by your human plans, says the Lord your God! 5-14-2014 When one door closes for you it is because I, the Lord, have opened up another one for you, says the Lord! 5-13-2014 The Lord says, though the odds were heavily stacked against you, I will cause many things in this season to shift by my hand to work in your favor, and in times past where things seemed to work so hard against you, they will now turn to work for you, and the things that were fighting hard against you will now turn to fight for you and alongside you in this hour. (See Proverbs 16:7)5-12-2014 The Lord says, I am saving you for a season that I have for you and I saved you for the season that I have for you now. The season that you are in now is the season that I prepared you for back then when you couldn't understand what was fully going on in your life, and once again I am preparing you for another one to come that will bring about a shift in your life in its due season and proper timing for a much greater cause, says the Lord! 5-12-2014 (Special word) The Lord says, many of my people are still sitting around waiting on somebody to do something for them, when they should be getting up and doing something for themselves. I don't meet people sitting around, but I meet people they are acting in faith that I can see in motion. Faith is a movement thing, says the Lord! (Many times in the scripture you will see when it says the Lord saw their faith or when Jesus seen their faith. Faith can be seen, heard, and acknowledged.) 5-11-2014 The Lord says, I am the strength of your life and you are the apple of my eyes and this week will hold many wonderful surprises, because it is a time of harvest. (The Lord is going to surprise many of you this week.) 5-10-2014 The Lord says, this is an hour to be wise and to be alert and not let the signals that heaven is sending you through the signs in the earth pass you by. The Lord says, it is high time that my people awake out of their slumber and remember the power of my right hand. 5-9-2014 The Lord says, they can't stop you, because they cannot stop me, and I got your back, says the Lord! I’ll rebuke every devourer that comes your way says the Lord, because you have my favor on your life declares the spirit of the living God! 5-8-2014 The Lord says, I am moving barriers that have stood in your way and this is the season for you to go forth and stand in the gates of supply. 5-7-2014 The Lord says, while things are being shaken in the earth know that your faith cannot be shaken if it is rooted and grounded in me. 5-6-2014 The Lord said tell my people again that I am not retired and sitting around on a lazy boy in heaven doing nothing. Tell them that I am still working today and I work with their words. Everything that the Lord is ever going to do for you on a faith basis is not already done before the foundations of the world like so many people like to quote. He is still working. Many preachers and prophets like to quote the words of Solomon that he spoke in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 that there is nothing new under the sun. Solomon said that, but not Jesus. God is a creator and he is still creating things that was not done from the beginning of time. Say show it to me prophet. I'd be glad to; see at Isaiah 48:6-7; new things. See Isaiah 43:18-19. Your words are creating new things all of the time and the Lord works with your words and your faith, even the man of God Moses understood that; go look at Numbers 16:30-33; if the Lord make a new thing. Even in John 14:2-3, Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you, if it has to be prepared, then that means it was not finished yet, but it had to be built, prepared, and finished, because that particular task was not done before the foundations of the world. Hello there somebody! God is not retired. The Lord is still working today. Him being seated at the right hand of the father means that he is seated in a place of authority and power, but it does not mean that he has nothing to do and that he is bound in a chair. When Stephen was stoned to death in the books of Acts 7:55-56, he stood up then, because he is not chair bound. The Lord said to me, they are trying to put me in a box. That religious mindset has them trying to limit me when I am still active and answering prayer today if they have faith and pray. The Lord has been preparing the New Jerusalem; see Revelation 3:12 and Revelation 21:2; a religious mind cannot see truth or be able to comprehend it. In today's society or generation there is no excuse for us to be ignorant, because there are all kinds of tools that help you to study and do research in the kingdom through bible and advanced technology allotted to the kingdom of God. 5-5-2014 The Lord says, your purity of heart will position you for your purpose and your purpose will reveal your true passion, and the level of your passion will bring you into a new fashion. This is a season for you to change your garments and make your robes white, and trust in my name and everything will be alright. It is not by your power and it is not by your might, but my power will explode like dynamite and put every demon to flight from your life as I prepare you as my wife, the beautiful bride of Christ. You are my foundation in the earth and through you I will liberate many from the curse. You and I are one says the Lord, I am always with you and my love for you will never be made null and void. You are the apple of my eyes and this is a season of a wonderful surprise. Moreover, your struggles are over, and the harvest shall be plenteous from now to October. You are my precious love that I cherish the most, and I will elevate your horn in this season, says the Lord of hosts! 5-4-2014 The Lord says, I am counting on you to continue to do my will so that my plans on earth can be fulfilled. Power is what you think you need, but all of your power is in me and wrapped up in a seed. The strategies that I will give you will cause an avalanche of blessings to come your way in a moment of time, if you do it my way when I put it on your mind. The things that I put in your heart to do is your way out and your way up, I released all those things when you said “Lord please fill my cup. “ I am a God that causes your cup to run over, and you will get the latter rain, just be faithful and remain sober, and you'll massive increase from now until October. A new season will begin in your life just as soon as you believe, and all things that you didn't know was possible you will start to achieve. I have called you for highness and positioned you for greatness, so now walk in my favor as I reward you for all your faithfulness, says the Lord! 5-3-2014 The Lord says, it will take faith to handle what it taking place, but it will take my grace to see me come into that place to invade it with my glory. 5-2-2014 The Lord says, I strengthen your mind in this season and I shall visit you in a way that leaves you refreshed and replenished at this hour. Watch for my visitation and watch for a part of me to show up in your life that you never seen before. 5-2-2014 vision: on yesterday I saw in a vision a plane being shot down, but I do not know where it was, but this is something that we need to exactly, but this is a prayer alert, because I also saw where it led to something pretty major. 5-2-2014 insight and interpretation: a few weeks ago the battery died in my watch, but I was not led to replace it at all and the spirit of the Lord said to me “do you see what that means? He said your dead battery means that the time has run out and it also means end-time, the end-times and the end of times. “ He wanted me to see prophetic symbolism and was dimension of time that we were in and had just entered. However, the Lord finally led me to replace that old battery with a new one that was working again, and he said to me “do you know what that means? He said to me it is time to move forward and it is time to get some things working again that were disabled in the last season of your life. “ I had to share this event with all of you, because this is where you all have been at in your life, and there has been a shift, and it is time to get things moving again. 5-1-2014 some of you have been having such powerful visions and dreams lately and you don't know what to do with them, but the Lord has causing you to have a series of dreams that is pointing you in a certain direction and each one is layered with a key piece of a message. The Lord says, if you will just write those dreams down in sequence without trying to get an interpretation of just one, then by the end of thirty days you will know and see clearly what he has been saying to you. 4-30-2014 The Lord says, I am moving throughout the earth and I am shaking the things that needs to be shaken, and as I walk through the nations I am tearing down systems and structures that I didn't build and I am renovation structures and systems that I have setup and established. I am shaking things that have exalted themselves against, and I am smiting through nations in this hour that have tried to keep my word out. Have not I said this gospel shall be preached in all nations? Yes I said it and I will be the one to enforce that word with my might and my power, and the nations indeed will acknowledge my might, my power, and my glory as I walk through the land. I will put my fear back in the hearts of men that men may know that I, the Lord am terrible among the nations. No man will have a big name anymore; for this is the season where I alone will get all the glory and my name will get the fame as I dismantle and destroy everything that is contrary to my will and my kingdom. I am bringing nations to their knees in this hour and the lowly shall look unto me, their maker, and have respect. The meek of the earth will trust in me and they will see my hand showing up on their behalf as I judge the evil that has robbed my people for so long while I held my peace to see what was really in the hearts of men and now that iniquity is full, I have something that I want to pull, says the Lord God almighty! (See Isaiah 2:9-21, Isaiah 13:1-13, Isaiah 26:17-21, Psalm 78:65-66, Isaiah 42:13-16, Isaiah 63:4-6 Psalm 110:5-7, and Job 34:20-30) key insight: I see the Lord removing many key people from leadership roles all over the world suddenly and it won't be by an election, but by his hand of judgment, because they used their positions of power and authority as places of evil, violence, and corruption, and they don't fear him, so they are going lose their Job and role used in a place and a seat of violence and corruption. There will be many sudden leadership changes all over the world suddenly by the hand of God and not by the hands of men or elections and the Lord is the one that is behind the shaking and the shakeup. (Read Psalm 75:6-7, 1 Samuel 2:3-10, Amos 9:1-15, and Obadiah 1-21) The Lord says, they do not fear me and neither is my fear in their hearts anymore. 4-29-2014 The Lord says, tell them that I am shaking loose the powers of the old structures and within five days you will begin to notice that the old structures are starting to lose their strength, and you will go free of those powers to gain a new edge on life and a new leap forward and you will find yourself walking in a new determination and in a new strength, says the Lord! 4-28-2014 The Lord says, you are not waiting on me, but I am waiting on you to move in faith in that which I have ordained for your life. 4-28-2014 (Word #2) a shift is coming, says the Lord! 4-27-2014 The Lord says, this is a season that I am breaking down barriers and I am causing old structures to fall, and even though old systems and structures were trying to rebuild themselves, I will frustrate their plans and tear down all of their remaining strongholds, because I, the Lord, do new things, and I will to do the new, says the Lord! 4-26-2014 The Lord says, I am shaking away the old, taking away the cold, and releasing the one hundred fold to all that believe in this hour. All that believe in this hour shall surely see my power as I rebuke the devourer and flood them with blessing like a shower. I am pouring out heavily on my people in this season and hour, says the Lord! (Ezekiel 34:26-31 is key in this season!) 4-25-2014 The purpose of me placing you where you are is to get more fruit out of you. I planted you there for a season and for a reason to reach those that I was wooing into my kingdom. The focus was never to be on yourself, says the Lord! 4-24-2014 God knew how you were thinking before you got to the place where you are at now, but The Lord says, I still have the power to lift you up from out of that place of despair if you would cast every care. If you would cast every care on me, I will cause you to see and see clearly, says the Lord! 4-23-2014 The Lord says, give it some thought before you get bought. Take a good look at what is before you before you just take the offer in blind faith and not consider what I will for your life, says the Lord! The way that I lead has nothing to do with greed, but the way that I lead is wrapped up in a seed, says the Lord! I will show you the way when you obey me and pray, says the Lord! 4-22-2014 The Lord says, I am the yoke destroyer and the whole earth answers to me. I watch men to see what they will do, and then once the course is set, I come in and set some things in order, says the Lord! 4-21-2014 The Lord says, I am breaking up traditions of men so that my glory can go forth throughout the whole earth. 4-20-2014 The Lord says, fortify your faith and you will see my grace. 4-19-2014 The Lord says, I am the light of the world, but I have made you an extension of my light in a dark world. I am depending on you to shine brightly in perilous times upon the earth so that they will see my light in you and be drawn to the brightness of my glory in you and upon your lives, says the Lord! 4-18-2014 The Lord says, I have not called you to live in fear or in bondage, but I have called you to live in the full freedom of my spirit, says the Lord! 4-17-2014 The Lord says, this is a season wherein I am conferring the blessing upon you. 4-16-2014 The Lord says, seek me first and I will break every curse. My people have been seeking many other things first and they only come to me as a last result, but when I am first place in your life, you will the heavens open again over your life and over your nation, says the Lord! Wherever I am dethroned I won't come in, but where I am Lord and where I am celebrated and exalted, I will do mighty miracles before your eyes, says the Lord of glory! 4-15-2014 The Lord says, align your thoughts with me and you will be able to clearly see where it is that I am taking thee. 4-14-2014 The Lord says, I will always have me a remnant that won't bow. 4-13-2014 The Lord says, yes watch and pray, but keep your focus on me and not the sudden shaking of the tree. I am the one that is doing the shaking as I walk through the nations, but I am the one that preserves my remnant to come forth and serve in this hour, says the Lord! I hear the Lord saying you will be used in this season and in this hour. Tell them about me, says the Lord of hosts! (He is the Lord of the armies in heaven and in the earth, and he is rallying his troops in the earth to bring forth to the birth. Look at Isaiah 66:5-21.) 4-12-2014 The Lord says, my power releases my provision and your living increases when you submit to my power. 4-11-2014 my provision is released when you release says the Lord, and my plans for your life is unveiled once you take the limits off of me out of your mind says the Lord! 4-10-2014 The Lord says, the manna that I am offering my people now is better than the days of old. The manna that I am offering to you now comes with full provision and blessings to the overflow. In those days manna and quail fell from the heavens, but in these latter days, I have positioned your harvest in the earth, and I have hid it from the wicked so they cannot steel what I have laid up just for you with your name on it, says the Lord! 4-9-2014 The Lord says, you do have enough to get started so what are you still waiting on? The Lord says, can you trust me to provide the extras along the way? 4-8-2014 The Lord says, the treasures that I have stored up for you, is in route to you, and this season you will rejoice from your toil as you enjoy the spoil. 4-7-2014 The Lord says, I am teaching you how to fish in this season and when you do my will I will pay your bills, says the Lord! 4-6-2014 I hear the words of a song by Micah Stampley which I hear the Lord saying to his people today; “something's moving, something changing, see his glory feels like heaven on earth. The Lord says, do you see what I am doing or are you distracted by the cares of this life? I am moving in an unprecedented manner to shake some things up to loose every portion of the harvest that is due to come to you. The Lord says, my power is much greater than the devil and because you were getting messed with in this season I am now going to fight your battles for you, and who is he that is stronger than me, says the Lord? You will see my power in this season and you will see my glory giving you a full testimony in your story. This is a season of sudden harvest, says the Lord! Know that I have not passed over you, says the Lord! 4-5-2014 The Lord says, prepare yourself for a new beginning that is far greater than your past ending. 4-4-2014 The Lord says, this is the season that I will give you the strategies that you need to move forward and I will teach you how to maneuver in things that was once unfamiliar territory for you, and I will give you a clear sense of both direction and understanding and you will have clarity and a clear visibility in this season, says the Lord! 4-3-2014 I hear the Lord saying, this is a season of activation, and I will call forth those gifts within you and the gifts that are within you will be activated to be used for the master's use, so that I will get glory when you tell my story, says the Lord! This is a season wherein I am releasing those whom I have called to go forth and bear much fruit in my name, says the Lord! 4-2-2014 The Lord says, dare to step out into something new. The Lord says, step out into new waters, new provision, new fields, and new destinies. Step into that new thing and watch me meet you at the point of your faith, says the Lord! 4-1-2014 Move with the whirlwind that I am sending, because it is coming to blow you in another direction that will land you in a place of sure safety and refuge. It is not coming to destroy you, but to preserve you so that you can see your next season clearly after the debris of the last season is cleared out of the way, says the Lord! 3-31-2014 The crown is given to those that endure the race and those endure the race are those that tap into my grace, and it is my grace that takes them from place to place and help them conquer everything that they face, says the Lord! 3-30-2014 The Lord says, strategic things are coming and happening in the earth because they were also spoken of and prophesied about, but in the midst of all the shaking in the earth and the shaking of world systems, be sure to keep your eyes on me throughout the storms, declares the Lord! 3-29-2014 The Lord says, I have not changed my mind about your purpose. I know what I have called you to do. You just need to prepare and quit making excuses so that I can really bless your life, says God! 3-28-2014 The Lord says, keep persevering even when it looks tough and hard and know that purposes are coming together in the latter days to bring about a Revelation of things shortly to come that is going to work together corporately for your greater good. 3-27-2014 The Lord says, think it not strange if I am favoring you in this season. Think it not strange if I am answering you in a very unusual manner in this season. The Lord says, think it not strange if you find that I am shoring up your defenses in this season so that you will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil in the days to come. I have you fortified in me, says the Lord! 3-26-2014 The Lord says, you are prone to make mistakes whenever you don't carefully think things through, but fasting and prayer will buffet your flesh and put you on the right course of action, declares the Lord! 3-25-2014 What is going on the earth should not scare you when you know that I am your God and I am on your side, says the Lord; for I give my people faith to overcome and strength to conquer, says the Lord! 3-24-2014 The Lord says, I am calling you to rest with me and don't worry about what is going on in the world, but know that my hand controls the plans of the praying ones and those that have faith. I got it; I got the situation handled that you keep on worrying about; only believe says the Lord! 3-23-2014 You know what you want, but I see what you need, says the Lord! 3-22-2014 The Lord says, who you are tied to in your life determines your future, and if you are tied to the wrong spirit it will function as a stranglehold around your neck that seeks to cut off your breathing, your air, and your supply lines. The Lord says, many of my people are still tied to wrong connections that have caused them not to see straight and clearly and many of my people haven't learned the difference between the real and the fake, and what is truth and what is false? I am calling for my people to be one hundred percent connected to that which I have ordained and sanctioned as being real and not just a twenty five or fifty percent connection that is half way plugged thus making them still powerless. Many of my people declares the Lord, were supposed to make certain connections in certain seasons with people that I had setup, but many missed out on their window of opportunity and that door closed and it lead to the season that they are currently in. The Lord says, I am bringing a new season around shortly and when you see your door you are to walk through it and make the necessary connections that will keep you through the turbulence that is coming upon the whole earth. 3-21-2014 The Lord says, the hour is near but have no fear; all those who put their trust in me will have favor throughout this year. 3-20-2014 The Lord says, my will for you is to remain loyal, faithful, and committed to the thing that I have called you to. 3-19-2014 The Lord says, I am watching the nations and I am watching the foundations. The foundations of the earth will shake in this hour as I light down my power. I will walk through the earth and walk through the nations that they might give an account to me for their actions, says the Lord! 3-18-2014 The Lord says, the battle is in your favor. 3-17-2014 The Lord says, I am taking you in a new direction in life and think it not strange if the former has dried up and with the new you are tied up. The Lord says, I am stirring up victory in your midst that will cause you to look pass, your past and your former life, to a new one that will place you in a position that will establish your seat of greatness in the earth. I now say unto you that you will now be seated in a new place of authority where you will be making decisions and passing out orders says the Lord; for you have been promoted. 3-16-2014 The Lord says, I’m counting on my soldiers to remain strong in the time of battle and not retreat out of fear and deception, and for all those that cross the finish line there is a crown of righteousness laid up for you and there are many blessings with your name attached to them, says the spirit of the Lord! 3-15-2014 The Lord says, I am holding the record and not man. It is I that gives wisdom to the simple and not plan. It is I, the Lord that lightens the eyes of every man that comes into the earth, it is I, even I the Lord, that planned your birth, so you are not a mistake but you are my chosen and you are greatly beloved by me, says the Lord, and I have chosen you to go forth and do my will, says the Lord! 3-14-2014 The Lord says, stand fast in the victory that I have called you to and do not be moved away from the hope of the gospel and the hope of the calling that is in you. Stop focusing on the wrong things and focus on my will and you will see it fulfilled in your life, says the Lord! 3-13-2014 The Lord says, I am dealing with three key areas of your life; 1) finances; 2) your inheritance in the earth and; 3) long standing conflicts and troubles that have plagued your life. 3-13-2014 (Word #2) The Lord says, they have been trying to bring you down, but it shall turn to be a testimony for you. (See Luke 21:13) The Lord says, I am pulling the cover off of your enemies, even your secret enemies, and many them will be found to have been involved in scandals even while they were chasing after you and trying to bring your down, and because they tried to do it publicly you will see their judgment publicly and it will be in the news. (Look at Matthew 10:26-31, 2 Thessalonians 1:4-12, and Job 5:16, and Psalm 37:1-3, 7-15 & 34-40) 3-12-2014 The Lord says, I have already moved to set things in order in your life and to set things in motion on your behalf, but now it is your move says the Lord of hosts! Prove me now and test my hand and you doubtlessly see my hand in a new way, says the Lord your provider! 3-11-2014 The Lord says, focus in this season and do not let anything distract you from the purpose that I have called you to. 3-10-2014 The Lord says, you have been trying to do things that are comfortable and convenient to you and stay in your shell and in your comfort zone, but The Lord says, I am about to shake some things up in your life and inside of you that you cannot remain average or the same. The Lord says, it won't be just business as usual, but you are being called to a higher purpose in life. 3-9-2014 The Lord says, be still and know that I am God. Know that I have your back and what I am about to open up to you will pale in comparison to the new realms of possibilities and opportunities that I am bringing your way. 3-8-2014 The Lord says, it is I that formed, created, and established the nations, and no man can alter or destroy what I have setup without being shaken by me, says the Lord! I separated the sons of Adam and I divided the nations and the tongues of men and it is my will and established order that will prevail among the nations, including in my land, and my holy city of Jerusalem, says the Lord! This is a season that they will see and know that I am king among the nations, says the Lord of Sabaoth! (Read Deuteronomy 32:8 and then Joel 3:2) 3-7-2014 The Lord says, what you can't see, I see, and what you don't know, I know, and it is those things that I am longing to show you so that you do not continue to walk around in the wilderness of life just scratching your head and wondering what you're supposed to do next, says the Lord! I have the plan and I have the blueprint, and if you will come before I will give you the strategy that I have in my hand; for this is a season of strategies, says the Lord! 3-6-2014 The Lord says, what are you afraid of and why are you afraid of stepping out in the thing that I ordained? Don't you know that I have fashioned you according to the greatness of my hand and I have called you forth to fulfill my plan? Get rid of the shame face mentality and take on my nature and you will see clearly how to move forward in this season, says the Lord! (Insight) many people have been writing me lately talking about all of the spiritual warfare that they have been encountering, and I’m like welcome the club, you just now are experiencing it, but I have going through it strongly for the past seven years, but that don't stop me. You don't want to see some of the trials and tests and afflictions that I have had to go through. You wouldn't want to be in my shoes. However, I have also seen the hand of God repeatedly show up in my life. Leaders always go through the brunt of the storm first and then the rest of the church and the body of Christ follows us. In this season this is a time for you to look around you and to see what is going on in the world. Look at the nation of Israel and the challenges and the tests that they face, because whatever is going on in the natural with Israel affects us, the church. Whatever is also happening in the natural with the nations is also first happening in the spirit realm, and whatever is then happening in the spirit will also manifest itself in the natural realm upon the earth and in our personal lives. A lot of time if you see nations being shaken and wars and warfare in the natural, that is a sign of what is going on the spirit, and that explains the spiritual warfare in your lives. If your destiny is high and very great, then you have been going through a lot more hell than anybody else, but The Lord says, do not stop in the middle of the storm, but press on my son, my daughter until you get to the calm. There is no weapon formed against you if you would only believe that and receive that. Know that I have already counted up the cost for you and the end result is that you win, because you have my favor on your life, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 66:10-14 and Psalm 122:6-9) The Lord says, we must fight on and press on even when we don't feel like, because we are pressing for the finish line. (Read Acts 14:21-22, 1 Corinthians 16:9, Daniel 7:21-22 & 25-28, Daniel 11:32-45, Daniel 12:1-10, Revelation 12:1-17, and Isaiah 32:1-20; if you really want to know what is going on in the earth and all around you, then you will read those scriptures to investigate those matters.) 3-5-2014 The Lord says, I’ve been waiting on the man or the woman to have faith and to trust me and step up into a realm that would release my hand to move on their behalf, because I see faith in operation and not fear that causes men to draw back. 3-4-2014 The Lord says, this is a season that has been classified as a “tug of war season. “ when you look around the world inside every nation you will see two opposing forces having a tug of war over power and control of resources, land, minerals, and money. If you look in your own life and the people around you every day you will see that you have struggled with two different views and two opinions that have left you somewhat confused at times about what to believe and which direction to turn, because you have not understood that you have been in this season of a “tug of war” and a war in your mind, but The Lord says, truly I am full of power and grace and what I ordain today has strength for your tomorrow and it has the power to liberate you from your fear and sorrows. I have given you the faith and the ability to overcome all things that would try to overcome you so that you don't get mixed up with the confusion of the world, but that you will see the light in me and let my light be your hope that will shine through you onto others, and even in this season as you break free and get liberated, others around you will also break free and get liberated from the deception and the lies of this world, says God! See 1 Kings 18:21, Joshua 24:15, Deuteronomy 30:15, 19, and Romans 8:18-22. 3-3-2014 The Lord says, I told you that the shaking was coming and I told you beforehand of the blowing of the winds in the earth, and now it is a time for my people to have faith and to trust me and just know that I hold the highest cards in the land, says the Lord of hosts! (See Psalm 24:1-10, Job 41:11, Exodus 9:29, Deuteronomy 10:14, 1 Corinthians 10:26 & 28, and Psalm 50:1-12) 3-2-2014 The Lord says, I am standing at the gate and can't nothing come through that gate that I or my praying warriors don't allow to come through that gate. If my people that are called by name will call upon my name they will not be put to shame, says the Lord! 3-1-2014 The Lord says, I have given you the ability to stand beyond the blowing and the shaking. I have planted you like a tree that cannot be uprooted whose roots and anchors run deep, says the Lord of hosts! 3-1-2014 (Insight) witchcraft shall get snapped in half in this season like match sticks or tooth picks. The wicked will be easily broken as the master of the universe settles the score in this season. He has also given his leaders the power to deal with this spirit and the time has come. No mercy! The Lord says, too many people got too comfortable using it and yet others got too cozy laying up with this spirit, but it like D-day in the spirit as the spirit of God and his troops invade and take over and drive that evil spirit from out of the earth once and for all. 2-28-2014 The Lord says, conquer the thing that tried to conquer you and you will find that I’ve given you the strength to overcome all things that was standing against you. 2-28-2014 (Word #2) The Lord you have the answers that they need and the power to help them, but if they won't let you help them, then move on says the Lord, and find the pasture that have been assigned by me to your voice. This is a season of my leading, says the Lord! 2-27-2014 The Lord says, my call for your life is greater than you know and the increase of the government of heaven is being laid upon your shoulders too, because you are called to reign with me, saith the Lord! 2-26-2014 The Lord says, my calling on your life has nothing to do with man's approval, but what I approve and what I ordain is already established in heaven and in this world, says the Lord! (See John 21:20-24 and John 15:16) 2-25-2014 The Lord says, I have fashioned you according to my hands, and according to my plans, and it is my plans that will stand in your life and not your own. (Go and research Proverbs 19:21, Proverbs 16:9, and Proverbs 21:30; some of you need to quit wrestling with the Lord and quit wrestling with his will for your life; that is the cause of some of your afflictions. When you surrender you will see some of those problems, afflictions, and issues go away. Psalm 55:19 is very real when you don't do what he says to you to do; see also Leviticus 26:27-28; you live under the law when you are not in him and living outside of his will for your life; you are under grace and freed from the curse of the law only if you are in him; see Galatians 3:13-14 and then John 15:4-14) 2-24-2014 I have not called you to resist my will, but to embrace my will, says the Lord! 2-23-2014 The Lord says, the work that I have called you to will require me and if you fail to include me in your plans then your work will not stand. I require you to require me in all that you do, says the Lord! 2-22-2014 The Lord says, I am calling you to a higher purpose in life and there is no need for you to be nervous, because I am depending on your service. In my kingdom there is favor and my blessings won't leave you stressing. This is a new season of toil free labor for all those that will receive it, because I’ve removed many obstacles and barriers if you only believe it, says the Lord! 2-21-2014 The Lord says, I have not spoken in secret but I have been telling you all along what I was doing in your life and where I was taking you, but some of you have not believed what I have been saying by my spirit all of this time. If you will work on your believing system and trust my word, you will soon find out that I am with you, and I am taking you to a place of promotion within my ranks and all things will fall back into place and you get back into alignment and follow my kingdom assignment for your life, says the Lord! 2-20-2014 The Lord says, I am teaching how to navigate through the wilderness in this season, come with me flow with me and I will show you how to access your purpose and come into the land of prosperity and blessing that overflows with milk and honey, says God! 2-19-2014 The Lord says, quit trying to blend and know that I’ve already brought you in. 2-18-2014 The Lord says, do not fear, but know that my glory is near. I have brought you to an end so that I can now bring you in, into that place that I have for you. An old season has ended so that you can step into that new thing that I have planned for your life. This is a season for my glory to shine upon for the new work that I have called you to, says the Lord! 2-17-2014 The Lord says, focus on building my kingdom and not on the things and systems that are being torn down in the world. 2-16-2014 The Lord says, if you would invite me in your midst, I will come down and show you the way. Watch me rain down upon you like the dew of Hermon. Watch me wash you with my refreshing waters that bring healing for the weary. Watch bring you into alignment and sync with me in a new way. Watch me rekindle the flame and the fire of your first love towards me, and watch me make you thirsty again for me as I not only fill your cup but overflow it with my fresh oil, says the Lord! I am refilling and refreshing you in this season, and this is a season that I am now taking you out of the valley and that place of drought, and I am now taking you to that land of milk and honey and plenty of money. You will have more than you had in the last season, and you will see my wisdom in you begin to increase greatly. You will see me in you like you never saw me in you before, and you will say “of a surety God is in me and with me. “ I have fashioned you according to my hand and I have chosen you to reveal my plan, and I shall be revealed in you, and it will be me that they see when they look at you now, says the Lord! 2-15-2014 (Insight) This has been a helluva week for many people all over the world from flooding in the U.K. And various parts of Europe to a volcano erupting in java and fires in Chile and other parts of South America and around the world. There have been rare snow storms in japan and here in the USA in the Southern part of the United States of America. We have seen some catastrophic ice storms, snow storms, freezing rains, sleet, gusty and strong winds, below freezing temperatures, as well as, regular rain and more snow again all in the space of one week. There were hundreds of thousands of people left without power and still there are thousands more still without power, because of the magnitude of the storm, and in at least two of the Southern states power crews were called in from eleven other states to help to restore power to catastrophic hit areas. Entire cities were shut down completely, crippled, and paralyzed because of heavy snow fall totals, record breaking amounts of ice, ice, baby, and damaging winds. Now if all that wasn't enough a 4. 1 magnitude earthquake happened in South Carolina last night that was felt hundreds of miles away in more than eight different states. That earthquake shook the very area that was hardest hit by the ice storms and heavy snow falls this week. How many of you know that the Lord is trying to wake us up and get our attention? The Lord is very strategic when he is trying to say something to us so that we can see what times we are living in and get the message the first time around. The name of the city where the earthquake occurred was named Edgefield, South Carolina, USA These earthquakes are rare for these areas, but not impossible to have one, but I prayed about all of this and I heard the spirit of God saying to me these very words; the king is standing in the edge of the field; tell my people to get ready and to put oil in their lamps. (See Matthew 24:40, Isaiah 29:6, and Isaiah 28:1-22) I will tell you once I felt the shaking of the earthquake I knew it had a message attached to it, but the Lord is also saying watch the nations and do not let your guard down. There is a lot that is coming in this hour, but know that I hold all power and these things must come to pass before I return, says the first and the last! People of God we must not ignore out warning signs. I and the teams were assembled to pray and ask the Lord to stop some of these things from coming the other night, such as catastrophic storms that I knew would do much damage, but his words to me then was “these people have to see their signs too my son!” However, I will have mercy, because you requested it. When God extends his mercy; that means that it won't be fully stopped, but you still will not get what you may fully deserve. In other words, whatever was coming will be greatly minimized, and you won't get the full brunt of what was destined to come even though what came did look bad enough. I’m pretty sure that there are a lot of you praying, but The Lord says, watch and pray! All around the world in every nation and in every territory you will see your signs as it is revealed to me by the Lord! We continue to pray for all who are still without light or suffering afflictions all over the world, but I must report to you that we had light in the land of Goshen even though all of these things were happening all around us at Ensign To The Nations. Let me say this; the Lord teaches his soldiers to ride out the storms of life no matter how bad things may get, and in the midst of your storm he will have you to inspire and encourage somebody else. Have a blessed day and thank you for allowing me to update you on some key and strategic world events that is leading up to.............? (I will tell you pretty soon.) 2-14-2014 I had a dream the other night and there were two groups of soldiers in the army that were planning a mission to go on the offensive and to attack the enemy. There were a mix of soldiers in civilian clothes and some in desert colored army fatigues, but they were all getting along and as they moved in as two separate teams from two different flanks (or directions), they advanced on a building to attack it. However without them even having to fire a single shot at the enemy, the closer they got to the house they were able to see dead bodies in abundance lying around outside and all inside of the building. It appeared that someone or something had already gone before them to complete the mission for them, and what the Lord is saying to us at this time as his people is “I have already gone before you and have made the crooked places straight. I have already driven out your enemies from before your face even ahead of where I am sending you on a mission for my kingdom. Now go forth in the power, knowing that I have already rebuked the devourer for your sakes and for my great name's sake, says the Lord! I have already cleared the path and made the way available for you to walk down if you would take steps forward in that new direction that I am leading you into without fearing the enemy of your souls, because I have already dealt with the threats and I have already killed off those things that would try to ensnare you and trap you and keep you from doing the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord! 2-13-2014 The Lord says, the angels are sent forth to protect you and to minister to you, but I have given you power also to do many things in my kingdom so that you are able to fully accomplish my will; tell them about me, says the Lord! 2-12-2014 The Lord says, I am forming a structure in the earth that cannot be shaken and that structure is my latter day kingdom. 2-11-2014 Though you are in the valley of decision, The Lord says, I will help you to make the right decisions, and where there has been darkness I will see you through and show you the light, says the Lord! 2-10-2014 The Lord says, don't get the shaking of the nations confused with his love for you. The Lord says, I love you and I will see you through it all. I have commanded the angels to stand guard over you, says God! 2-9-2014 The Lord says, they mistook your meekness for weakness, but now I am favoring you in their midst and I am going to use you to get glory before their eyes. 2-8-2014 The Lord says, get ready for a new season of breakthrough's that are about to materialize in your life; for I have called you for such a time as this to partake of my glory. 2-7-2014 The Lord says, the sword that I have put in your hands in this season is for you to cut away the opposition in the spirit realm that has been trying to stop you and hinder you from going forward. The Lord says, even as you swing that sword I am cutting away the fat of your enemies every single time that you swing it. The sword that you are holding is symbolic of my power and it is by my power that I rebuke the devourer and stop the thief in his tracks, says the Lord! 2-6-2014 If you will see me for who I am, then you will see your next breakthrough says the Lord, because you will have just discovered the secret to obtaining and maintaining kingdom favor, says the Lord! 2-5-2014 You have been making decisions for a while based upon assumptions, but The Lord says, I need you to hear me clearly in this season. I need you to hear clear instructions and follow my exact instructions, and you'll reap the benefits of your obedience and find yourself in a wealthy place versus a dry place in life, says the spirit of the living God! 2-4-2014 The Lord says, look up into the heavens and see that the doors are already opened, and now you will see the supply of heaven begin to break loose in your midst before you. Many of you won't be able to believe your eyes as the goodness of the Lord catch you by surprise. This is a season of his supernatural abundance, and you will see his glory in your life manifested like never before. This is a season in which many of you will physically see the angels of the Lord manifest before your very eyes, and the Lord will open your spiritual eyes so that you can see them as a sign that he is with you. Many of you are about to have such strange and powerful and awesome visitations from the Lord, and his glory shall descend in your midst in a way that the lingering effects will stick around for days and such strong bursts of power shall sit and rest upon you for days at a time without wearing off. The Lord says, this is a season in which you are anointed for purpose. The victory is yours says the Lord God! 2-3-2014 You have been willing to wait and not it is not too late; for I have prepared for you an open gate, and this open gate is your new gateway to supply, and you will that my spirit will lead you to where the real treasure lies, and you will see the hidden riches of secret places with your very own eyes. I have longed to give you the dew of heaven and I will fastly give you that which is just, due, and right, and for all of your diligence you will be rewarded; this is your season of light, says the Lord! (See Psalm 112:1-4, Isaiah 60:1-22, and Isaiah 45:1-3) This is a season that the vaults will be opened and your supernatural supply will come forth. 2-2-2014 The Lord says, I am shaping up to ship out. I have been shaping you up to ship you out into destiny. Now watch the sudden shift in your life, says the Lord! The Lord says, when certain doors close, it is because I closed them to open better doors in the high paces. 2-1-2014 The Lord says, I am sending refreshing waters into your midst, and these tide waters will bring about restoration and recovery in your life to heal the broken places of your life. These are the days of healing waters, says the Lord! See 2 Kings 2:19-22, Ezekiel 47:1-12, Revelation 22:1-2, Acts 3:19-21, James 5:7-11, and Job 42:10-12. 1-31-2014 The Lord says, I am moving you out to move you up, and for some of you The Lord says, I have moved you out to move you up; you've a promotion, says the Lord! 1-30-2014 The Lord says, you should not make decisions based out of fear, but you should always take the time to make an informed decision out of obedience and based upon what he is telling you. The Lord says, some of my people hear and know my voice, yet others know and follow my leading without hear a direct voice, while there are many that still do not know me and cannot hear me at all, because they have not taken the time to learn me and get to know me, but this is a season that I am requiring intimacy with my people, says the Lord God! 1-29-2014 The Lord says, I am moving things in your favor, so don't watch the snow storm, but watch my storm as I tread upon the clouds as the dust of my feet and remove all things that get in your way. 1-28-2014 (Insight) many of you are living in areas in which you will see a clear sign from God, and you will see it in the heavens. You will see it in the skies and you will see it in the weather patterns as the windows from on high are opened over you. Records will be shattered and in many cases they will be broken so that you will clearly know as a sign that we have shifted deeper into the end times, as we watch as wait for the Lord's return. Some of you shall see these signs in the fires that are raging in your countries. Many more national governments are set to fall and completely collapse this year and even buckle at the presence of the real governor of the nations; see Psalm 22:28 and Isaiah 9:5-7. 1-28-2014 #2 I am bringing you out to bring you in, says the Lord! 1-28-2014 #3 The Lord says, what I cause to collapse will not be built, and what I build will not be torn down or destroyed says the Lord, because I am the foundation. 1-28-2014 #4 The Lord says, I am shaking structures and systems that are evil, and I will cause to come down, that, which is built upon an unrighteous foundation, says the Lord! 1-28-2014 #5 My rewards goes to my chosen and those that are not frozen in place, but are making moves in the earth for my kingdom to be established on earth, says the Lord! 1-28-2014 #6 Those that have stood will be lifted up in this season, and I will reward those that have shown kindness towards my name and have invested in my works, says the Lord! 1-27-2014 The Lord says, this is a season wherein I am bridging the gaps to your future and causing you to walk in a plain path. This has been a long season that I have been removing and clearing the debris from your life and getting rid of all the clutter so that you could hear my voice clearly and see my path that I have laid out for you. This is also a season where I am reconstructing some things so that I can take you a little further pass that place wherein you have felt stuck in the past few years, and where it seemed as if something had blocked your path, know that I the Lord have dealt with the giant that have once tried to deal with you. (Decree out of your mouth today even right now “my giant has fallen and give the Lord the biggest possible shout that you can.) 1-26-2014 Tune out your ears to those things that cause you fears, and know that my grace is sufficient to add strength to your years, says the Lord! 1-25-2014 The Lord says, I am pouring out my grace all over you in this season and with that empowering grace you will be able to complete the race, says God! 1-24-2014 This is a season for you to tune out your ears to the enemy and tune into what the Lord is saying to you. This is also a season for you to not be distracted by what the enemy is saying, but incline your ears to hear what the Lord is saying to you by his spirit. You are not going to be able to hear God clearly in the flesh or in a carnal minded state of mind, but you will have to press pass your flesh and get into the spirit so that you can clearly hear what the spirit of God is trying to articulate to you in this season. I hear the word of the Lord saying I am moving in the hills in this season and I am also moving in the valley, and this is a season where you will see me moving everywhere. You will see me moving on the TV, and you will see me moving in the news, and the reports will be baffling to many to hear about all the mighty and wonderful things that I am moving in the earth. This is a season that I am visiting my people and I am gathering my babies in this season that was a part of what I was birthing in the last season, and these babes shall speak forth my word and many other marvelous things that shall astound many at a time wherein things are beginning to shake and shift all over the earth. Many think that it is hopeless, but I am a God that gets glory in the midst of a hopeless looking situation, because I am he that revives the hearts of souls of men in the earth. I have a great kingdom plan that will cause you to be propelled into the next season, but you have to trust my hand and trust my plan and know that I am not trying to figure it out for you, but I have already worked it out and have devised my plan for your life in this season and throughout this year. Though many may not understand what I am doing in your life in this season and at this time, just know that my hand is upon your life in this season and from this time forth and forward, because you are in a season wherein I am taking you forward and all things will begin to flow and move for you and open up for you, says the Lord! 1-23-2014 You've been trying to build without me, but you will need my strength to continue. It is my power that gives you the potential to move forward even when you do not see a clear path forward in front of you. It is my wisdom that empowers you to make the right decisions at the right times and in the right seasons. It is by my knowledge that you will know what to do and when to do it. Go back to the original blueprint and revisit some things, and you will soon see that you left out some very vital details that will push you through the gate that is in front of you in this season, says the Lord! 1-22-2014 The Lord says, count up the costs; move forward knowing the true costs of things. (You never fight a battle without knowing the true costs. You never build without you counting up the costs first, and you never go on a journey without counting up the costs of taking that journey. You never go to war unprepared and not fully equipped to fight, but a lot of Christians are not prepared for anything that is coming their way, but it is time to get ready.) 1-21-2014 The Lord says, I will fight the battles for you that are stronger than you. I have sent my angles to do for you that which you were not able to do. 1-20-2014 The Lord says, I give you power over all unclean and evil spirits in this hour, and you shall defeat them by your words. The Lord has shown me that those are wishing you evil, harm, and destruction will be cut off in this season. (Look at Psalm 37:1-2, 7-15, 32-40) 1-19-2014 Thus says the Lord, you have been cleared and freed to prosper. Some of you have been concerned about witchcraft, but The Lord says, I have already destroyed every system and every structure of the enemy and everything that has tried to destroy you. You have been cleared and Okayed to go forward and prosper, says the Lord! 1-18-2014 Things that would try to intimidate or scare you or try to make you afraid, I have already started the process to destroy them so that your destiny is not interrupted, says the Lord! 1-17-2014 The Lord says, it is important that you don't say what they say when it is not favorable, but say what I said in my word about you, and speak the word only and speak the promises and not the problem, says the Lord! 1-16-2014 The shaking of the trees in this season is because I am causing things to move in this season that has been long time dormant, and I must shake some things up and bring things to the breaking point so that my purposes might be established and so that my will can go forth all over the earth, says the Lord! 1-15-2014 The Lord says, mantles are for mandates, and I am giving you a new mantle for a new mandate in this season. Arise now and take up the new mantle that is sitting before you, and when you pick up your new mantle by faith, you will see that you will have a new connection with the throne room of heaven like you have never experienced before, and that connection will get you pass the principalities that have tried to block and disrupt your destiny for so many seasons, says the Lord your God! The Lord says, this is also a season for you to walk through the open doors that I have set before that is designed to take you into a new season. 1-15-2014 God is in the process of fixing the broken pieces of your life and you are going to get pass all afflictions and the tests and you are going to prosper so don't focus only on the natural sight of your eyes, because God has got it, and he has you covered. 1-14-2014 The Lord says, I should be able to see your faith in operation versus hearing and seeing your fears. I have given my people faith, says the Lord of hosts! (See Proverbs 28:1 and Ecclesiastes 10:4) 1-13-2014 The Lord says, do not get married to methods, but prepare to shift and change at all times. The Lord says, I am constantly doing new things, but if you get stuck in the old you will not see how to transition to the new and flow with what my kingdom is now doing in the earth and in the atmosphere around you. This is a season for you to pay attention to the signs in the heavens, and this is a season for you to watch certain nations, and when you see certain nations that has been hostile to the gospel open up and embrace my word, then you will know that my coming is near, says the Lord: for I do a quick work in the earth, says the Lord! 1-12-2014 There are many prophetic winds blowing all over the earth right now, and some of winds are evil and some are sent to blow the tides in your favor. If you are a beloved child of God serving him, you will see those winds turn things in your favor and turn things around to work for you and not against you. There has been a shift in the atmosphere even yesterday that will affect all nations in some capacity. There will be a sudden shift in the governments of every nation to some degree, and many people will align with a new order in a righteous way or in a negative way. This is a season that the Lord has established a righteous order that he is calling his people to align with, and then there is an order of man that has created that is in the process of crumbling while the Lord of all the earth is beginning to shake structures and shake the systems of man in an unprecedented way. There is a sword that has gone out and it is traveling throughout the land and on one side of it is the blessing, and on the other side of it is the curse. On the one of it in which lies the curse you will see the wicked cut off, but on the other side of it which represents the blessing you will see the Lord bless the righteous and all those that practice righteousness in the earth and that fear him and call upon his name. You will see systems come crashing down while at the same time you will see righteous systems and alignments begin to be established in the earth by the Lord God of the heavens in a time of great trouble and darkness in the earth as things begin to shake even more. In this season many men will cry out to the Lord and many men will be drawn to their knees, because of the things that are in the earth. Entire people groups will come over to the Lord and be drawn to the God of fire and his covenant people will finally begin to see that he (Jesus) is the messiah. In due time, you will see all things come to pass shortly; for the time is nigh as revealed by the Most High. These are the days of righteous systems and righteous alignments, says the Lord God! 1-11-2014 The Lord would say unto you man of God; I have made you a mighty man with a sword in his hand. You are my beloved son and I fashioned you according to my hands, and I raised you up and gave you my plans. I made you brilliant and gave you faith when I gave you my identity and I hear your prayers when you say “Lord thank you for your serenity. “ you are my portion in the earth and I am your portion, and my love for you is deeper than the ocean, and it is by my hand that I set all things in motion. Yea, I uphold all things by my power, and in the midst of a storm I am he that rebukes the devourer. I hold all power and I have all power, let not your heart turn cold and let not your love turn sour; for it is I, the Lord that speaks unto you, just know you are made in my image and my eyes are set on you, says the Lord your God that is called faithful and true! As for you my precious daughter, I have made you to drink from the fountain of living water. I have refreshed you when you were weary, and I have satisfied you when things looked dreary. I delivered you and bathed you, and cause many people to praise you, because they saw my beauty in you, and they knew, that I had saved you, and when there were none around to help you, just know that it was I that came through, to deliver and to rescue you. I, the Lord have been your night in body armor, I am Jehovah Shammah your ever present one, saying stay in faith, because the best is yet to come, says the Lord your God that sends forth his rod! 1-10-2014 You may be in a season of your life wherein you are being tested like Job was tested, and to others it may look like you have sinned and are being punished for your sins, but the whole a test is being allowed by God to qualify you for a major promotion, and the Lord and the devil needs to see that you won't quit or give up, but your will remain faithful to God in spite of what you may be going through and faced with. It is somewhat uncomfortable for you to have people looking at you and just constantly gazing at you and looking at your every move in doubt, skepticism, unbelief, and utter amazement, but I hear the Lord saying don't look at the external, but look at the internal that will be eternal. Do not look at what is going on outside of you, but look at what I am doing inside of you in this season, says the Lord; for I am doing a great work within you and I am causing you to flourish and to be nourished by my hand, says God! By the time I’m finished with you and making you brand new, you won't even recognize you says the Lord, because you will finally look more like me. Let me reconstruct your life. Let me reshape your destiny. Let me redefine who you are. And let me reconfigure you in such a way that all men will know that you have been programmed by me and touched by my spirit and enlightened. Let them see me in you, says the Lord! 1-9-2014 This is a season where words and prayers from the last season that you had not seen come to pass will come to pass. (I hope that all of your words and prayers were positive) The Lord has shown me that this is a divine season and time of fulfillment. This is a set season for many things to come to pass even all the way back seven years ago, and this season will set the course and the stage for the next seven years. We are entering into a seven year season that will bear the fruit of what you have been praying, saying, sowing, and believing in the previous seven years before now. This is a season and a time of prophetic fulfillment. 1-8-2014 The Lord says, I am calling up the troops, and I am calling for those in my army to take a stand to fulfill my plan in the earth. I am calling for those that are not fearful, but I am calling for the brave and the bold to invade a world that is cold in order to spread my love to the hearts of all men. I am now calling you to go after people that other men have said are unreachable and unteachable. There will be a special grace on all of those new leaders that will take up this charge, and they will be able to reach those that others thought there was no more hope for. Can I use you to be one of those leaders in my new army, says the Lord! 1-7-2014 The Lord says, you haven't seen the best yet, but you will see exactly what I intend for you to see when I pour out my next measure upon you this week that will propel you for the rest of this year. I am calling you to advance rapidly, but I ask you to get into the currents and flow with me. Get into the rapids and row with me. Get into the flow and go and go with me, and watch me take you there this year, says the Lord! This year is marked to be your comeback year, says the spirit of the living God of glory, might, and dominion! 1-6-2014 This is a season of knowledge wherein the Lord is pouring his knowledge upon his people and causing them to know things and see things that they previously had no recent knowledge of. This is a season that you will know things by the spirit, and you will know things supernaturally. The Lord says, I am touching the minds of my people in this season and the wisdom and counsel that they will have inside of them will astonish men and shock them. This is a season wherein I am making my people wise and making the knowledge of this present world foolish, and I will confound them and confuse them as I judge the nations for their rebellion, says the Lord! 1-5-2014 This is a season where the Lord is restructuring all parts of your life, and for some of you it seems as if you have been in transition, or a holding cell, or a long waiting period, or even like a wilderness point in your life. However, the Lord has been tearing down wrong thinking, strongholds, wrong mindsets, and detoxing you of things that contaminated your thinking to the point that you have been held captive and not moving forward. Some of you've been sitting still so long that you stopped believing, but the Lord said “tell them to believe, and tell them to have faith, and leave it at that, says the Lord! 1-4-2014 (Word #1-In General) you've been kind of hesitant to move forward in this season out of fear, but The Lord says, if you will step out in faith you will see my grace to complete the race. If you will step out in faith, you will see me, and I will meet you right where you are, and I will show you the way. I hear the Lord saying go back again and get all the necessary paper work together and watch me move in that situation to bring about a difference because it is a new season, and this is a season of victory, because this is your year to advance if you dare to step out in faith and take a chance. When you do you will see me, and you will see blessings, favor, and much increase in your life. This is a season for you to have financial favor, says the Lord! 1-4-2014 (Word #2-Business Word) There are some of you that are in business and things have been very slow as of lately, but the Lord is about to cause things to speed up for you, and you will see the overflow again in a very short while. 1-4-2014 (Word #3-College Word) There are some of you that are going to college now by faith and you had to get a few loans just to be able to attend, but the Lord is going to use someone to fully pay off all of your loans when it is all said and done. 1-3-2014 This is your time to advance and progress says the Lord, and I will be with you every step and every turn of the way, and you will see the light where it seems like your vision has been out of sight. This is your year to prosper and move forward, says the Lord! 1-2-2014 The Lord says, I move in phases, stages, levels, and seasons in your life, and I move when I see faith, and I move in the realm of faith. This is a year for you to have faith if you expect to see my grace, says the Lord! You have been in transition, but remember that I am the head of this mission, says the spirit of the Lord! 1-1-2014 The Lord says, I will move in your life this year in such a way that all things will begin to shift in your favor, and you will notice those walls of opposition and those things that oppose you will be suddenly broken up and destroyed before you. You will see your doors in this season, and you will see your path, because I am the one that will be opening the doors for you. You will see favor this year like you have never seen it before, and you will know that you are a part of my mighty army in the earth that I have raised up to take nations for my glory to tell them my story, says the spirit of the living God!