Prophets Declare What You See And Hear 2009 Archives

12/31/2009 I am your victory, says the Lord! 12/30/2009 You are on the threshold of a new beginning, says the Lord; pull up the anchor and sail with me, says the Lord! 12/29/2009 Speak your way forward, says the Lord! 12/28/2009 When you think it's over, I’m not finished with you yet, says the Lord! I have many more things in store for you, if you will cooperate with me, says the Lord! 12/27/2009 I’m doing something special for the children. I’m doing something special in the children, says the Lord! I will be seen in the children; I will show up in the children, says the Lord! 12/26/2009 You must press pass the pain to see my gain, says the Lord! 12/25/2009 God says, watch the things that I am doing for you. Watch how I am anointing your hands to do my will and to work for me. Watch my fire, watch my will, watch this season how I pay your bills, says the Lord! 12/24/2009 I am come down to cover you, says the Lord; many would seek to devour your strength and come out against you, but I am here to cover you, says the Lord! 12/23/2009 I am your strength, says the Lord! I have sworn by my own name that this day and even forevermore, I am your strength, says the Lord! 12/22/2009 Take my hand and learn of me, says the Lord, and even as you learn of me, I will teach you how to contend for the faith, says the Lord! 12/21/2009 I have a very special surprise for you today, says the Lord! 12/20/2009 Do not let the winds stop you, says the Lord; for I give you victory in the winds, even the wayward winds, says the Lord! 12/19/2009 Study your national army if you want to find out how my kingdom operates in the land; for I have structure and order. I also have companies, battalions, legions, divisions, and regiments, and in this season, it will require you to operate with a regiment of faith, says the Lord! As I’m passing out orders, I’ll be with you through the waters. The floods will not overtake you, neither the famine nor the slaughter; for I declare new things, says the Lord! That is why I have been commanding my army to get in order and don't break ranks in this season as we advance in the earth to take more territory for my glory, says the Lord; for the harvest is ripe now, says the Lord! 12/18/2009 Don't focus on the shift, as much as, the instructions that I am giving you to move forward, even as my kingdom is advancing in the earth, says the Lord! 12/17/2009 Be careful not to blink, says the Lord! Don't even think twice about this new place that I’m bringing you into; you see a shift, but I see a promotion that I have in store for you, says the Lord! 12/16/2009 There is a new moment for you and there is many great things that lie ahead of you. Do not pause or hesitate at the road that is in front of you; for I know the way, and even as I shift you into unfamiliar territory, I am with you, says the Lord! I have need to shift you for my glory. I have need to shift you for my plans; for there is a greater harvests awaiting you in this new place, even as I shift you into a new realm, says the Lord! 12/15/2009 Don't be afraid of the shifting and the shaking's in the earth, because I have called you for such a time as this to be a light in a dark place, even as things are about to greatly intensify in the earth with the shifting and the shaking's, says the Lord! Many won't understand it, but I have called you to know the mysteries, says the Lord! 12/14/2009 There are many things about you that I have hid from your enemies, and there are many things that I have for you that I have hidden from you in the natural and I have hidden them from other people, because there are many people around you that seek to rob you and devour you, as soon as, manifestation comes to you. I have many things for you that I cannot release until I have cleaned up, cleared up, and removed some people and some things that have been around you, says the Lord! You have been upset about some delays and to you it looked like I wasn't answering your prayers and your request, but I, the Lord does see the things that you don't see, and I, the Lord does see ahead and I see and know your future. You must be patient, until the process is complete, but soon you shall see my rewards. You shall see my hand moving upon your life in a new way; for I desire to protect you from all harm. I desire to protect that which I love, and I love you enough to protect you and your destiny, and to reserve all of the things that I have in store for you. Patience is needed for a short season, until I complete my work in you, for you, and through you, says the Lord! 12/13/2009 If you will allow me to correct you, then you will steer clear of trouble. If you allow me to correct your focus, then you will see clearly. You will see my plans, my purpose, and my will for your life. If you will allow me to come in and sup with you, then you will hear from me clearly for the season to come, says the Lord! 12/12/2009 This is a season to be still, says the Lord! Watch me reform and regroup my saints; wait for instructions and watch for my signal. Move when I say move. Do not go ahead of me in this season, but wait in my presence to hear my instructions for the season that you are moving into; this watch and wait season is a very short one, so be ready to move quickly at my voice, my calling, my leading, my orders, and my signal, says the Lord! 12/11/2009 Sit on your throne, says the Lord; for you are seated with me in heavenly places. (See Ephesians 2:6) 12/10/2009 You must learn to think proactive versus reactive in this season, says the Lord! Faith always looks ahead and see the future and to my people, I will always show you ahead and things to come and things that are coming, declares the Lord! 12/9/2009 Don't be discouraged, says the Lord! Be of good cheer and stay in faith, because I have already opened the door, says the Lord! 12/8/2009 The season of despair is over and new things I declare for the sober; those that are sober minded shall see me in exciting and new ways, declares the Lord; for it is by your faith that you shall taste of my grace, says the Lord! 12/7/2009 Readjust your focus, says the Lord! 12/6/2009 In this season, you will be able to quickly discern the voice of the Lord, and know exactly when the Lord is speaking to you. You will also know exactly which word is for you, and you will know that it is the Lord giving instructions to you. your sense of hearing will be very keen, clear, refined, and fine-tuned to my frequencies, says the Lord; and you will know my voice like never before, and you will sense my leading and you will know the difference between what is of me and what is of the enemy, and I will give you the consensus to make peace with many people that you thought were enemies, because you were not seeing eye to eye with one another, but in this season I shall cause you to see clearly and you shall come together to fulfill many great kingdom purposes for my sake and the gospel's, says the Lord! 12/5/2009 When my word lives in you, you cannot do the things that you would, declares the Lord! 12/4/2009 Strike like lightning, says the Lord! Learn to strike your adversaries quick and fast before they attack you. Many of your adversaries are not people per se, but they are debt, lack, poverty, insufficiency, poor health, or a lack of wisdom. Learn to fight back by using my word and your words of faith and positive speaking, declares the Lord! 12/3/2009 God says, I am about to resurrect your fire and they won't be able to look upon you because of my radiant glory that shall be upon you, says the Lord! 12/2/2009 Your purpose is there standing at the door knocking for you; will you answer the call, says the Lord! 12/1/2009 I had to shake you to awake you, says the Lord! I caused the storm clouds to come to get your attention. If I had not shaken you, you would not have obeyed me, says the Lord; now that I have your attention, I am calling you, says the Lord! 11/30/2009 Your purpose is awaiting you, says the Lord! 11/29/2009 I’m calling you higher, says the Lord; for there is a higher calling than where you are at right now. Don't just listen to the yes song, but sing the yes song and mean it in your heart, says the Lord; for I am calling you higher, says the Lord! 11/28/2009 Go ahead and cry, says the Lord, but my will for you has not changed and you know what it is, and I am still calling you to the throne, and when you stop wrestling with my call and against my hand and come before me, there I have a new mantle that I am waiting to clothe you in, my son. My daughter, I am calling you, and the call won't just go away, says the Lord! (See romans 11:29) 11/27/2009 I will cut people out of your life that don't belong there, says the Lord; for I will not permit you to become contaminated after I have invested and poured so much into you, says the Lord! (I see some friendships being shaken, because they are built on an ungodly foundation. Ladies there are some of you that have girlfriends of old that they are not saved and they still want to go to the club and pull you with them, but God says, I’m cutting them off. fellas, I see some of you that still have old buddies that still want to party, drink, and chase women, and some of them are your football buddies, but they have become a weight to you and they are still trying to influence you to do those same things, but Jesus has been wooing your heart to change and he has taken those desires out of your heart, and you don't want to do those things anymore, but yet you still hang out with them, but The Lord says, unto you this day son, I am helping you out and I’m going to get rid of them for you, since you have lacked the courage to do so on your own son. My son, I see your heart towards me, says the Lord, and I am bringing you out and bringing you into a higher place in me, because I am your refuge, says the Lord, and I give you new friends and a new environment in this season, says the Lord! 11/26/2009 There has been great pressure on you, says the Lord, and you have not been fully fulfilling your life purpose and the demands that I have placed before you; and I need you to pick up more responsibility, because I have equipped you to handle more. I have equipped you to do so much more for my kingdom, says the Lord! There are people around you that are looking at you and expecting more, because they even see my glory and anointing upon you. They even know that you are called to do so much more for me, but you have settled for less, but I am not letting you settle, says the Lord! There is a greater mission. There is a greater call on your life. Come before me, says the Lord, and discover what it is that I have for you. Then and only then, will you understand what all the satanic attacks on your life is all about; for I have called you to stand before millions, says the Lord! Come before me and find out why, says the spirit of the living God! 11/25/2009 When you miss your life purpose, you will be bored, says the Lord, and it will seem as if you have nothing to do or to look forward to in life, because you missed your life purpose and the door that was set to your future. (If this seems like you, then you need to pray for restoration; pray that God will restore you to the path to your life purpose. Your strength is in your life purpose. Your success and victory is in your life purpose. Ask the Lord to forgive you for missing the door that he had set for you in a certain season. Then ask him to restore you to your purpose in life, and don't wrestle with your purpose. Don't worry about the logistics of how he is going to work everything else out and how it's going to work out. Just trust him to do it, and follow his leading. Don't get yourself in his way by being prideful. Stay out of his way and just obey what he tells you or what he is putting in your way. The Lord will never lead you the wrong way and he won't lead you to do something perverted, so look for the path of purity and listen for that inner small still quiet voice that whispers inside of you. Follow the instructions that he is putting in your heart right now. That's your answer. Prophets can confirm some things for you, but there is no greater confirmation than for you to hear the voice of God for yourself to know what he wants you to do and accomplish for him in life. Everybody's destiny and purpose in life is not the same, and everybody is not called to preach from a pulpit per se, but you are called to fulfill a life purpose on his behalf. Everything that God has called you to do in life solves a problem for somebody else or for humanity in general. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and that is still blessing the world today. Benjamin franklin was noted for creating the lightning rod, which led to the discovery of electricity that would benefit the whole world, even until this day. Jesus said go into all the world. Your life purpose will preach for you when the world see it, they will want to know your God. What is it that you are sitting on that the world has yet to see that which God has placed in you?) 11/24/2009 There are many good things that are about to come to pass in this season of your life that you really don't have the faith for, says the Lord, but because of my mercy, I will bring all things to pass that I have promised you, told you, showed you, and put in your heart, says the Lord! I do this for mercy's sake, not because of your faith this time, says the Lord! (See Luke 13:11-17, Ezekiel 36:16-38) 11/23/2009 You will be restored, says the Lord! 11/22/2009 The restitution of all things shall begin to spring forth now in this season, says the Lord! (See Acts 3:19-21) 11/21/2009 I have prepared a special feast for my chosen ones, and those that shall stand upon their watch will see me, says the Lord, even as I show up in the midst of your storms and bring calm, peace, and glory, says the Lord! 11/20/2009 By year's end many things in your life will have changed. Many things will change for the better for my people and those that are called by my name, even as I bring my people into a new season. However, there will be many things coming and going in the world's system as old government and old structures fall and the new ones arise in a strong way, says the Lord, and there shall even be a shift in the balance of power in the nations of the world as new governments indeed are rising for the fulfillment of the end times. Be ready for the end times, says the Lord! Strategy and wisdom shall bring you through what many will refer to as perilous times and times of tribulations, but to those that put their trust in me, they shall escape many of these things that are coming on the earth to try the sons of men; for a new day is forming and a new star is rising upon the land. Victory stands toe to toe with defeat and whomever you align with is what you will both see and experience. What you say and speak out of your very mouth will determine what you will see and experience. It will determine what doors that will open for you, says the Lord! Many doors will be opened for my people to walk into good things and experience my blessings, but many doors of evil will be opened to the ones that speak negative things into existence and their minds are filled with doubts and their hearts are filled with fear and their paths are laced with unbelief; for these are the people that don't trust me, says the Lord, but those that do trust in me shall see my hand of glory, even as I light down upon the nations of the earth. Look neither to the east nor the west, but I say unto you my children, look unto me, says the Lord; for my glory in the hills. I dwell within the high places. The clouds are the dust of my feet. I am he that dwells on high; for I dwell in the clouds of the heavens, but I also dwell in the hearts and lives of men to deliver them from sin. I am he that have shaped the earth by my hands and my words. All things are created by me for my glory, and I give that which is mine for an inheritance to my people, my chosen ones. I am that I am. I am the great I am. I am a great king, says the Lord, and my name is dreadful among the heathen. At the breath of my mouth the hoary frost comes upon the earth to make cold and white. At the power of my hands I give you what is right. To my bride I say make yourself ready, for I, the bridegroom is coming soon to take you my bride to a place for a season to hide. Be prepared to come with me. Be prepared to ride with me in my chariot. Be prepared to assume your position with me and to sit down in my kingdom, says the Lord! 11/19/2009 Look ahead, says the Lord, and see the bright future that I have prepared for you. Do not be distracted by the darkness and neither be afraid of the shaking as I cause the earth to tremble at my presence, says the Lord! 11/18/2009 There is a whole lot more shaking coming, says the Lord! As a matter of fact, the shaking has just begun and what you have seen in the former days will not even compare to what the world will see in this time frame. I keep seeing the Numbers 911 in everything, but this is not time to panic for God's people. The Lord is currently in the process of tearing wicked and evil structures and everything that he did not build, set up, or sanction. The shaking crumbles ungodly structures and ungodly alliances. Even in many cases where some of God's people are misaligned, wrongly aligned, out of alignment, or in an improper alignment, then they will be broken out of those type of structures and shifted into something new that will be properly aligned with him. That means that some of God's people that are on Jobs or in partnerships with ungodly alliances and wicked agencies or business practices will be laid off and permanently cut out of those structures to be realigned, especially since you don't have the courage to move yourself from a corrupt organization, or business practice. Many more shaking are coming both spiritually and in the natural, declares the Lord. I heard the Lord saying this to many of his people be prepared to shift quickly, and do not try to hold onto unrighteous mammon and unjust gain and increase in this hour, says the Lord; for my shaking is designed to clean some things up and bring judgement on the spirits of python and jezebel and all Antichrist structures in this hour even now, says the Lord! This is also a season wherein Babylon and its ruling structures of injustice and unjust laws and rules of oppression will fall. Every man will have to choose for himself to do righteously and serve the Lord, but everyone will have a chance to choose, says the Lord! This is what I see and this is what has been revealed. Don't get caught on the other side of the sword or on the opposite side of the Lord in this season my brothers and sisters. This is the wrong season to be cold and off track and misaligned or in the company of evil. This is separation season, declares the Lord! 11/17/2009 Many corrupt government agencies and corrupt corporations and companies shall fall in this hour, and many of you shall receive rebates, refund checks and be paid restitution for your troubles wherein they have lied to you and robbed you, says the Lord! (See James 5:1-11, Acts 3:19-21) 11/16/2009 In this hour marriages shall be restored, families shall reconcile, and long standing battles and legal issues shall be resolved in the first wave of my plan for restoration in this hour, says the Lord! 11/15/2009 There is more storms coming and there is more waves coming, but the people that are anchored in me will not be affected by the winds, says the Lord! Yea the winds of adversity shall have no power over them, says the Lord! 11/14/2009 Your former power shall return in this hour, says the Lord! 11/13/2009 Due season always comes, says the Lord! There is always a due season that comes to the believer, says the Lord; for a due season comes to the righteous and the unrighteous alike, and whatever you have sown for will come, and whatever you have believed for will come. So make sure that you are believing for good things to come to pass in your life, declares the Lord your God! 11/12/2009 You are coming out of half time, says the Lord! You have been in half time in the game of life, and it may have looked like you were about to lose the game, and you have taken a severe beaten in your life, but the Lord is saying I’m bringing you out of half time and a season of rest and from off the break to finish the game and win it overwhelmingly, says the Lord! 11/11/2009 Understanding is key in this season, says the Lord! 11/11/2009 (A Special Word For All Kingdom/Church Prophets And Intercessors) stand upon your prophetic watch, says the Lord! 11/10/2009 If I, the Lord keep a secret from you, it is until you are prepared to handle it, says the Lord! 11/9/2009 Position yourself to move, says the Lord! Move with me in this season, declares the high and holy one! 11/8/2009 The thing that was a mystery to you and had you baffled for some time now will be revealed clearly and made very plain unto you in this season, says the Lord! 11/7/2009 The very thing that wearies you the most is the very thing that I am trying to get you to release to me, says the Lord; for my grace is sufficient. 11/6/2009 There is a new fire burning within you in this season, declares the Lord; for I set your spirit ablaze and the fire of my presence shall burn within you in a new and exciting way. I set your spirit on fire, says the Lord! 11/5/2009 The word that you know that came from me is the word that will propel you and help take you forward, says the Lord! 11/4/2009 It is my power that shall deliver you, says the Lord! 11/3/2009 You can defeat an enemy when you learn their strategy, says the Lord! 11/2/2009 Your mantle of influence is about to increase, says the Lord! 11/1/2009 (A Special Word For Prophets) go stand before me in the prophetic winds; for the winds that are now blowing are prophetic winds, and it is in the winds that you shall see the next level of visions, and it is in the winds that you shall now begin to speak and to prophesy differently, says the Lord! Come stand before me, says the Lord! 11/1/2009 There are more for you than against you, says the Lord, and whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sakes, declares the Lord! 10/31/2009 Don't be afraid to go up against them, says the Lord! 10/30/2009 Face your giant, says the Lord! 10/29/2009 The situation that you are getting ready to retreat from is the very one that I am pushing you into. I’m pushing you into the battle to face it head on, because I, the Lord does give you the victory, declares the Lord! 10/28/2009 What you think is impossible, I have already worked it out in your favor for my mercy's sake, says the Lord! 10/27/2009 I will not let you stop short of your inheritance, says the Lord! 10/26/2009 Things that have tarnished your name and that have tripped you up in the past, even the very stain and thought of them shall be removed from off of you in this season, says the Lord; for I give you a fresh start! 10/25/2009 I, the Lord does give you clues in the wilderness. Many of you reading this have been to many meetings and conferences looking for a word from the Lord for your life, but you have not gotten the answer or response that you have been looking for, and The Lord says, I have chosen not to reveal this thing to a prophet or through a prophet to you; for I, the Lord does give you clues in the wilderness. (2 Kings 4:27, Deuteronomy 8:16) I give you some bits and pieces to keep you believing me for that thing, and the reason that I reveal those little things to you along the way is so that you would stay in faith and work your faith. Some things that you ask me for I have to prepare it for you and I have to prepare you and your heart to receive it. (John 14:2-3, Isaiah 48:3-7) I have to put it in the fire and refine it and purify it and bring it out as pure gold and a pure seed first, before I give it to you as a son or a daughter of God. (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:3, Job 23:10, Matthew 3:11-12) I, the Lord does prove all things and I will prove your faith to see if you are willing to wait on me, or will you give up due to a lack of patience and faith. (Luke 18:8) Many of my people are not willing to wait on me to see my expected end, but will you, says the Lord? 10/24/2009 You must eat my word, says the Lord! 10/23/2009 You've been watching the wrong things, says the Lord! You have been watching the things that are crumbling and falling, but now it's time to regain your focus and watch how I am moving in the earth. Watch how I am moving in your life, and watch for my glory and my goodness to show up in your midst, declares the Lord! 10/22/2009 A new source of provision is coming your way, says the Lord! 10/21/2009 The Lord says, move forward and don't look back. 10/20/2009 A long awaited refreshing has come upon you, says the Lord, and in this time of refreshing you shall find a new strength and a fresh courage to serve me with a heart of purity, devotion, and love, declares the Lord! 10/19/2009 The Lord is about to bring you into a now season, but you have been looking at what you have now and where you're currently at, and the Lord would say unto you fear not the unknown, neither be afraid of what you can't see, because the very thing that you cannot see is the very thing that I have provided for you, says the Lord! 10/18/2009 It is because of my grace that you're not consumed, says the Lord! 10/17/2009 It's time to build up and restore, says the Lord! 10/16/2009 You may have to tear some things down just to rebuild and restore, says the Lord! 10/15/2009 You have been feeling condemned, but The Lord says, that just a trick of the enemy. You are not condemned. Reach for my hand and I’ll reveal my plan, says the Lord! The only person or thing that can stop you from running to me is you, but I have already cleared the path for you to be restored, says the Lord! 10/14/2009 The devil has been attacking your mind concerning a certain situation. You've been feeling isolated and abandoned, and you have been thinking that a particular person is mad at you, but The Lord says, that situation is not what it has appeared to seem. he says to tell you that he has already worked it out for your good and your best interest. I also hear restoration is coming quickly for you and suddenly everything that has been a challenge to you will be worked out speedily in a peaceful manner, says the Lord! The enemy has been trying to get you fully engaged in a war and a long drawn out battle, but The Lord says, peace be still. o' get this, you have not always done everything right in your life, but I just heard the Lord say I’ll have mercy, declares the Lord! (2 Corinthians 4:17-18, Hebrews 11:3) 10/13/2009 In this season I’m checking fruit trees. Do not show up before me fruitless, says the Lord! I have called my people to bear fruit in my kingdom, and more fruit, then much more fruit, declares the Lord! 10/12/2009 I have called you as a light to shine through the darkness to show many more people the way, the true way, says the Lord; that has been the reason for the attacks. 10/11/2009 Don't rule anything out, says the Lord, and don't burn some bridges unnecessarily because of a temporary anger or rift. You don't see your future in its fullness, and you don't fully see all things in your future, but I the Lord see all these things; for I look ahead, and I will teach you to see ahead, if you will yield to me totally and completely, says the Lord! 10/10/2009 Many things will begin to improve for a lot of you that are consistently reading this website for edification and your answers, and things will definitely improve and work out for the ones of you that are consistently praying for me on a daily basis that the Lord was bless me and direct me. When you pray me, you access the anointing and prophetic mantle on my life to work for you to get a breakthrough in your own life. Mix your praying with faith and watch the Lord produce mighty results in your own life and business or ministry. Take a look at Matthew 10:40-42, 2 Chronicles 20:20, 2 Chronicles 26:5, Amos 3:7, Zechariah 8:9-17, Hosea 12:10, 13, 1 Samuel 9:1-27, 10:1-13, 1 Samuel 3:16-21, 1 Kings 14:1-7, and 1 Timothy 2:1-8. When you pray for me and this ministry, Ensign To The Nations, the Lord will bring forth your very answers through my mouth just for you. You will begin to get all of your answers right here somewhere on this web site, and you will begin to get personal breakthroughs in your own life, home, and family, as well as, in your finances, your spiritual life, and in your health. Whatever you need and whatever you are believing God for will come and show up in your life as you partner with me and this work of God by praying for it and me. When you tell others about this web site that has their answers on here, then you are setting yourself up to get all of your answers and a blessing from the Lord, because what you sow is what you will reap. If you help people to get their answers by referring them to this web site, then the Lord will make sure that you reap all of your answers and breakthroughs, so be a blessing. With kingdom love, your brother in Christ, 10/9/2009 You have to go with wherever the momentum is, says the Lord! You have to go with where my spirit is flowing at, says the Lord! The momentum is where my spirit is at. Wherever I’m moving at or whatever I’m moving in or upon is where you need to set your sight upon and get into the river and the flow of my spirit, declares the Lord! 10/8/2009 Don't put today off for tomorrow, says the Lord, but go ahead and move on those things that I have told you while it is yet day, says the Lord; for the night cometh quickly when no man can work, and I say unto you yea, that day is near, declares the Lord! 10/7/2009 Things that have been dead inside of you shall resurrect with an unshakable passion. Visions and dreams that you have let die will come back to life with such a strong unshakable passion, because I, the Lord does touch your mind and dreams; and I say that they shall live again and revive, and you shall never doubt me or my voice again, because I give life unto your dream. I give life to all things, because my hand is upon you. I do breathe new life upon your dreams and cause you to hear my voice again in a fresh way. I shall baptize you again with fresh vision, and a new wind of my spirit is coming upon you now, says the Lord! 10/6/2009 When you obey me and do exactly what I have told you to do or have shown you to do, then you will see my glory and the great power that I have begun to manifest on your behalf, says the Lord! 10/6/2009 (Special Edition) Many of you are feeling like maybe the Lord don't care about me or my situation, because he hasn't shown up for me and supernaturally intervened in my life and situation. for some of you, the Lord has been seeing everything that has been unfolding in your life and he could move, but he's waiting on some of you to quit fighting with your family. For some of you, he's waiting on you to submit to your husband. For some of you, he's waiting on you to submit to your own husband versus taking advice and instructions from every other man. Yet for some of you, he's waiting on you to quit disrespecting your wife and neglecting your children. For others of you, he's waiting on you to get in faith and pray without doubting him. In some things, the Lord has just been sitting in the heavens and waiting to see just how long that they are going to do it their own way. I wonder do they really expect me to move in their life when their heart is not right with their neighbor, or their spouse, or their family members. They have all of this mess and unforgiveness in their hearts, and they expect me to move in their lives and on their behalf; and yet some of them say that they are my children, and they are carrying on in such a manner. I have been watching and waiting for them to get some things in order first, before I set some things in order by my hand of chastisement. I’m watching and waiting to see who will hear my voice and repent, and then follow me and my leading. I wondering who will now turn to do things the right way, which is my way versus doing things the same old way, which is your own way, says the Lord! I need you to turn. I need you to refocus and readjust your present life style. I need you to look my way and stay focused on me, and then and only will I begin my healing process in your life. I need you to come to a place of total surrender and total brokenness on your own without me having to humble you and break you myself. I need you to empty yourself again, so that I can fill you with myself and my ways, says the Lord, because right now you are full of you and your ways. I need you to get out of you and step into me and my way, says the Lord! I am waiting on you. Truly, I am all powerful, and I am able to do all things, but only a broken vessel with a pure and contrite heart that is absent of pride, can see my glory at work in their lives. I need you to make room for me again, declares the Lord! I need you to make room for your first love again, that I might spare you in the Day of Judgment and in the time of visitation, says the Lord! 10/6/2009 If you are obeying God, it shall go well with you in this hour is what I’m seeing. 10/5/2009 Many things shall get heated up in the world, but see to it that you don't lose your focus or faith in me, says the Lord; for I will see you through. 10/4/2009 Go out and win souls, says the Lord! See Proverbs 11:30 and Daniel 12:3. 10/3/2009 You are getting ready to shift locations to a new place that I have already prepared for you, says the Lord, and everything has been set in order. 10/2/2009 Don't lose your mind over material things, says the Lord! They are just material things, and they can be replaced, says the Lord! Furthermore, if you ask me, I can supply and provide you with these things, says the Lord! 10/1/2009 You have a brilliant mind inside of you and if you would only allow me to show you all of the beautiful things that I have put inside of you, says the Lord! There are yet many more things to come forth from inside of you that I have placed there, says the Lord! 9/30/2009 I already see ahead, says the Lord, and I have gone before you to prepare the way for you. I know the path for you to take, and I know what lies ahead of you. I see your future, and I know your future, says the Lord! Now that you understand that, will you seek me first so that I may reveal it unto you, declares the Lord? 9/29/2009 If you will keep the right attitude even in the midst of the storm, then I will bless you and bring you through it to a place of stability and peace, declares the Lord! 9/28/2009 The thing that is distracting you reveals the blessing that is coming to you, says the Lord! 9/27/2009 A long awaited unanswered prayer that you have prayed for according to my will shall be answered very soon, says the Lord! 9/26/2009 The thing that you have been saying that you are not ready for is the very thing that I plan to bring you into in this season, says the Lord! Then I also heard him say expanded vision. 9/25/2009 You are in a building season, says the Lord, and the blueprints for this season are the things that I told you and gave to you in the last season, says the Lord! That is why I was saying to many of you to write the things down that I was telling you so that you wouldn't forget the unique details that I gave to you. Some of you obeyed my voice and some of you did not. If you don't remember what I said, then come before me to obtain my mercy, and seek me for a fresh start, declares the Lord! 9/24/2009 Seek me for a new strategy, a new plan, and my path for your destiny, says the Lord! 9/24/2009 (Said Like This Specifically For Someone) Seek me for a new strategy, a new plan, and wisdom for your outreach, says the Lord! 9/23/2009 What you cannot see or what don't appear to be right now before your eyes, don't let it bother you. Rest in me, worship me, and you will see me do many great, mighty, and wonderful things in your life, says the Lord! 9/22/2009 Stop looking for things to be perfect as a sign that I am with you, says the Lord! The anointing on your life and the blessing that I have placed upon you is best proven in hard, troubled, or difficult times. It is in those times that you can see my faithfulness to you in spite of what is going on in your life and all around you. It is in the time of famine that I provide food. It is in the time of drought that I provide water and even an overflowing stream of water. It is in the fires that I show up to deliver you, because the blessing on your life demands my help and intervention in your life. The anointing that I have placed upon you calls for a solution to every problem that will ever face you. What I have bestowed upon you is what is providing for you and delivering you in hard or difficult times, says the Lord of hosts! 9/21/2009 I am sending a sudden release in your life, says the Lord! 9/20/2009 Don't be weary in well doing, because your season of reaping is at hand if only you don't faint in the day adversity and the time of testing. I shall bring you into great increase and a supernatural lifestyle and season of blessing, declares the Lord! 9/19/2009 You are planted for my purposes, says the Lord! (Some of you have been saying why am I here? Why am I here on this Job, or why do I live in this neighborhood, but the Lord is saying I planted you for my purposes. I had to sow you among thorns to bring forth the wheat, declares the Lord!) 9/18/2009 I will take you and plant you and embed you into the systems of the world to reveal my light and my glory to them, says the Lord; and many of them will listen to you and receive what you have to say on my behalf, declares the Lord! 9/17/2009 Remember the lessons from the last season, but forgive and learn to walk in love without being snared by the enemy from the old season, says the Lord! 9/16/2009 I have not led you by the former waters and down an old path, even because I was redirecting your steps to give you a new sense of direction while the tensions and both high and negative emotions were contaminating the people that were once in your life by the old waters and the former seas according to the old system. I was giving them a chance to cool down and to accept what was and what I had already done and established in your life in a new way. Many misunderstood you, even while I was forming you, remolding you, and reshaping you in a new way for a brand new season. Your destiny did not make sense to a whole lot of people, and the direction that I led you overthrew the enemy in the last season of war, and it threw off many of your followers and supporters. It even threw off both the good and the bad, but now in this season I will bring you forth into restoration, deliverance, and a time of healing. I shall bring you into a full season of victory and recovery, says the Lord, and you shall not see the former troubles of the last season as I lift you and thrust you into new victory for my glory, says the Lord! 9/15/2009 I will stand at your front door and I will knock and I will stand at your back door, the door many never to and I will compel you to open the door unto me that I may come in and sup with you. You have been feeling off to yourself and in some cases alone, but I desire fellowship with you if you will let me in. I am inviting you into my courts, says the Lord! I desire to dine with you and you with me, if you will allow me the time with you, says the Lord! 9/14/2009 The Lord is saying I got you covered. I got you covered my son. I got you covered my daughter. you are covered, says the Lord! 9/13/2009 The word of the Lord comes to you saying refocus all of your energy and attention back on me and the things that I have prescribed and planned for you and not your own agenda, motives, and plans, declares the Lord! 9/12/2009 Get more concerned about your neighbors and their wellbeing, says the Lord! 9/11/2009 Fear will rob you of everything that you have if you don't overcome it by faith, declares the Lord! 9/10/2009 What's your plan, says the Lord! Do you plan to trust me, or you plan to trust your own way? Your own way will cause you to end up shipwreck, but in my way there is peace and safety and place of refuge, says the Lord! 9/9/2009 Allow me to grab your hand and show you the way through the wilderness, says the Lord! I know the way and the path for you to take, but you don't see or know in full, so I need you to seek me and let me guide you, says the Lord! 9/8/2009 Praise me after you pray, says the Lord; for it is already done my child, says the Lord! 9/7/2009 There is a vindication coming, says the Lord! 9/6/2009 My anointing is coming to remove the burden and to destroy the yokes of darkness, says the Lord. You thought that I had forgotten you, but I was there waiting in the balance for you to call on me and to come to me, and to labor before my throne in prayer, and I have heard you. I am coming forth on your behalf, and the people around you shall see me moving in your life and on your behalf. Where you have been mocked, ridiculed, and made fun of, I shall arise to the occasion and vindicate you before the eyes of all men, says the Lord, and they shall know that I am your everlasting father and that I love you, says the Lord! 9/5/2009 In the time of mass crisis I will be there, says the Lord! 9/4/2009 What you see with your natural eyes just might fool you, and what you hear with your natural ears in this hour will definitely deceive you. You must get in the spirit and walk in me, and listen to the voice of my spirit, says the Lord, that you may be able to discern the truth. 9/3/2009 It would be better to wait on the leading of the Lord to launch out into a serious matter or a serious endeavor, than to launch out prematurely in this season and cause a bigger calamity later. Wait and follow the leading of the Lord as to how you deal with a matter. I see many traps ahead for God's people and if you don't have the proper guidance, instruction, wisdom, discernment, and his leading, then wait until you finish getting all the instructions for the mission at hand. It is a trick of the enemy to feel like you got to be in a rush in life, business, ministry, or to get married. 9/2/2009 I am dealing with the spirit of python in this hour, says the Lord! 9/1/2009 What you don't think that you can accomplish, I see that you can accomplish it, says the Lord, because I am with you to help you accomplish it, says the holy one of God! 8/31/2009 I, the Lord takes the lowly and makes them to become big time. I take the meek and the weak of the earth and make them strong and first, and I the Lord still show favor to the righteous to uplift them and to empower their soul to live and to win in life, declares the Lord! 8/30/2009 If what you see is not favorable for you, then do not curse your own life by speaking what you see, but rather call good things into existence to replace that which you do see, says the Lord! 8/29/2009 Even though you may see many dark things happening upon the earth, know that my power is greater than all and glorious days lie ahead for the saints, and my people shall have the best, and there shall still be light in Goshen even in the midst of a dark place, says the Lord! 8/28/2009 I have created you to be a star that changes life in the earth, says the Lord! (See Daniel 12:3) 8/27/2009 Your destiny is important and I shall speak to you from a dark place and I shall use you to shake the nations for my glory, says the Lord! 8/26/2009 I’m calling you to kingdom living; see into the heavens and pull out my kingdom vision for your life, says the Lord! 8/25/2009 Thus says the Lord, I have called you to reach for heights and for higher levels. Come up hither as I induct you into a higher level of living and importance in my kingdom, says the Lord! 8/24/2009 New technology is about to hit the air waves and hit the Markets, says the Lord, and this new technology shall advance my kingdom and shall astonish the minds and lives of all men, says the Lord! 8/23/2009 There is coming an obvious separation of darkness and light in the earth and the kingdoms will be divided, says the Lord! 8/22/2009 In spite of the storm clouds that you see, put your trust in me, and you shall be free, says the Lord! 8/21/2009 Do not come bringing your past into your future, says the Lord! Let bygones be bygones and let go of the past and step into your now; for this is a now season for you, says the Lord! You have been spending way too much times dwelling on the past and on past events, but I need you to allow me to cleanse you from all of your past hurts and your former troubles so that you can move forward and I can move you into the future and what I have for you right now, says the Lord! Forgive others that have wronged you in your past and allow my healing to take place in your heart. When you forgive and release others that have hurt you in times past, then you shall experience the rivers of my peace and joy again and greater stability shall come to your life once more, says the Lord; for I am he that loves you the most, declares the Lord! 8/20/2009 Give me the time that I need to manifest my glory in your life, says the Lord, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel; for they are yet many brighter days ahead for you. I have called you out of the world system to be a light, though the world lie in darkness and wickedness, I am depending on you to bring forth my light in the earth and in a dark place, says the Lord! 8/19/2009 Your heart cannot be in two places, says the Lord! 8/18/2009 Do not allow others to take you off course, says the Lord! You cannot eat from too many tables, because eating from too many different tables will leave you confused and wandering, says the Lord, but remain single minded on the course that I have set for you and the path that I have laid out for you, declares the spirit of the living God! 8/17/2009 It's time to address the spiritual needs in your life and don't just neglect the natural either, says the Lord! If things are going to happen in your favor, then you must first initiate the process, declares the spirit of the living God! 8/16/2009 Alliances are important, says the Lord, because they represent money, power, resources, and stability. They also have weight behind them, but don't allow the alliances to cause you to forget me and my hand that is at work in your life and in your midst, declares the Lord! 8/15/2009 The way has been made and all you have to do is step into your destiny that I have already prepared for you. When you are tired of fighting and doing it your way and how you think that it should be done, then you will see the way that I have prepared for you, says the Lord; for my way is good! 8/14/2009 I’m sending my angel to connect with you and to lead you to the place that I have for you in this season. Do not fear when the angel of the Lord appear to you, because the Holy Ghost within you will confirm his appearing and my leading; for I yet have a destiny, a will, and a purpose for you to accomplish on my behalf, but I see that you need help because of the enemy that has stood against you to resist me in you. That is why I have released the host of heaven to defend my righteous cause and your well-being and existence; for the enemy does not resist you, but he resists me, because I am in you, says the Lord! 8/13/2009 It is a new season of my glory, declares the Lord! 8/12/2009 If all you do is focus on the problems in your life, then how can you identify when I am moving in your life, says the Lord! 8/11/2009 Refocus your mind and your attention on me, says the Lord! The devil may have thought that he had you, but I am about to bring in a ‘Bless’ to replace what has been a mess, says the spirit of the living God! 8/10/2009 Men that were hindered or prevented from seeing their children will get to see their children and be an active part of their lives in this season, says the Lord! 8/9/2009 I’m birthing something new in you, but you have been afraid to walk into your next season for fear of the unknown; so I’m shaking things around you and shaking things up in you to bring forth my new mantle that lies within you to bring it upon you for my purpose, says the Lord! 8/8/2009 Is it going to kill you to forgive another, says the Lord? You are acting like me when you forgive others, declares the spirit of Lord! (See Luke 23:34-47) 8/7/2009 Travel on in spite of the persecution, misunderstandings, and schemes of men, says the Lord! 8/6/2009 You're going to get to your expected end one way or another. It may not be the way that you want it to be or quite the way that you expect it to be, but God will empower you to get there. Joseph didn't plan to go the route he took to Egypt, but he ended up in the perfect will of God for his life and exactly what the Lord had planned for him. You have a destiny and a set path, plan, and course to follow, and things may not quite go the way that you planned it, but it will work out the way that Lord has laid out, but you will get to your expected end, says the Lord! 8/5/2009 Long standing problems and things that have been down right irking your nerves shall be fixed, dealt with, and removed, says the Lord! 8/4/2009 Let no man fool you, I am pouring out my blessing in this hour, says the Lord! 8/3/2009 The more that you prepare yourself in my word, the more that I can use you, says the Lord, and even as you prepare yourself for my use, I am preparing a very special harvest just for you that will bless you, says the Lord! 8/2/2009 I require more than one thing of you. I require complete and total obedience from you in every area of your life, says the Lord! (There are many of you that have not yet done everything that the Lord has told you to do. If I were to ask everybody the question are you obeying God? Everybody would tell me yes I am obeying God, but if I ask the same people did you do everything that the Lord has told you to do, they would say no or well I hadn't fed the homeless yet when he told me to do so 3 months ago. delayed obedience is disobedience. To delay is not to obey. You keep waiting to do what the Lord has asked you to do, because you think that you got time or you really don't want to do it. Some of you the Lord told to give some money or something else to a person and you have not done it, and you had the money, but you failed to obey God. When you fail to obey the Lord in a timely manner when he tells you to do anything for him or anybody else, you are only delaying your own harvest and the things that are due to come to you from other. When you fail to pay your tither or give offerings, then money that is due to come to you will be held up or held back. You make the choices in life my brothers and sister. Your own personal breakthrough is on the other side of your obedience to God and whatever he asks you to do. Many people in life never get there breakthrough because they don't obey God or they don't fully and completely obey him in all things or everything. You are waiting on God, but the Lord is actually waiting on you.) 8/1/2009 If you will allow yourself to see through the eye of the storm, you will surely see that there is a calm and a peace there awaiting you, says the Lord! 7/31/2009 You have been looking for a word of confirmation through an outside source or a prophet, but I am going to bring your answers from within you by my spirit, says the Lord! 7/30/2009 It is the wrong season for lying; for I judge that in this season and in my church and among my people, says the Lord! (Acts 5:1-11, Amos 2:4-5, Ezekiel 13:16-23, Jeremiah 23:25-26, 32, and Isaiah 28:17) 7/29/2009 This is the wrong season to be in rebellion, says the Lord; for my judgements on rebellion are in the land, says the Lord! 7/28/2009 This is the wrong season to be lifted up in pride, says the Lord; for I am judging that system of pride and that spirit of pride in the earth, but as for my people and all people I require you to walk humbly before me that you be not judged or destroyed, says the Lord! See 1 Corinthians 11:31-32. 7/27/2009 In a time of crisis, my people need to be under leaders that are hearing from me and getting all of their answers and instructions from me versus being connected to leaders that are assuming what to do or that are assuming that they are hearing from me. In this hour you will need to know for sure that you are hearing from me and receiving answers from my throne in order to survive in this hour, says the Lord! For the time is at hand and this is a crucial hour, says the Lord, and you need to watch and pray, but most of all be diligent about the work of my kingdom, says the Lord! Attend to the affairs of the kingdom of God and see that you do it without distraction, says the Lord! For you shall even see many religious structures both fail and fall and any other system of man that wasn't built by my hand, says the Lord! For I, the Lord God, does set things in order and back in their proper place, says the Lord! 7/26/2009 I do not intend for my people to be faint hearted and giving up, but my intentions is to see you through the tests of life that I may promote you and protect you, says the Lord! 7/25/2009 A break is coming, and you shall see a break in the thing that you most desired of me, says the Lord! 7/24/2009 If you out last the storm, you will see the calm, says the Lord; meanwhile use your words to create the peace and make things calm, says the Lord! See Mark 4:39, Mark 11:22-23, and Proverbs 18:20-21. 7/23/2009 Favor and increase shall be seen in the lives of my people everywhere, says the Lord! 7/22/2009 Brace yourself for the sudden rise of my people to power, says the Lord, and the world shall change in every nation suddenly, says the Lord! 7/21/2009 Stay your own course and you'll end up shipwreck, but if you move with me, you'll end up in the land of promise, says the Lord! 7/20/2009 Move by faith, says the Lord, and don't let the current circumstances stop you, says the Lord! 7/19/2009 Your best days are right in front of you, says the Lord! Open your eyes to see what I have already provided for you, says God! 7/18/2009 Any conflict in the earth realm is stirred on by the messenger of Satan, says the Lord! There is always a messenger of Satan sent to stir up strife and conflict and to deliver a message that causes a chain of events to unfold, so be not moved away from the hope of the gospel by the snares of the enemy, says the Lord! See 2 Corinthians 12:7, 1 Samuel 19:14-15, Job 1:14-19, Proverbs 13:17, and Proverbs 17:11. 7/17/2009 Sudden fear is due to witchcraft and a spirit of Jezebel that is at work, says the Lord! See 1 Kings 19:1-3 and 1 Kings 19:4-14. This can be combated by binding the strong man of 1) witchcraft 2) jezebel 3) fear. You must say these words I bind up the spirit of fear, the spirit of witchcraft, and the spirit of jezebel right now in Jesus name. 7/16/2009 The Lord says, tell my people to get rid of all fear because fear brings a harvest. See Job 3:25 and 2 Timothy 1:7. 7/15/2009 What you don't see is what I am working on behind the scenes for you, says the Lord! However you shall see it soon, declares the Lord! 7/14/2009 Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord and how he begins to deal with your enemies. You have been up under all kinds of persecution, stress, and pressure from your enemies, but The Lord says, that he that touches you touches the apple of my eyes and I will bring them down and remove them from challenging you and causing shame and trouble, says the Lord! 7/13/2009 This is a season of my release, says the Lord! This is a season of financial release, forgiveness release, provision release, resource release. There are even some that are sitting in jails and prisons that are going to be released, some of which are guilty of doing the crimes, but because of my release they will be released to go free, says the Lord: for this is a season of my release; release of wisdom, release of destiny, release of favor, release of anointing, release of empowerment, release of victory, release of peace, release of healing, release of mountain removing faith, and release of all my spiritual and tangible gifts to my body, which are my people, says the Lord! 7/12/2009 You cannot have divided interests in my kingdom, says the Lord, and neither can you have a double mind, declares the Lord! 7/11/2009 Prayer, praise, and obedience are the keys to get me to move on your behalf, says the Lord! 7/10/2009 Will you believe me, or will you doubt my power to deliver, says the Lord! 7/9/2009 I will give you wisdom and soundness of mind and I will cover you in my grace, says the Lord; for you are greatly beloved of me and I care about the things that concern you, and the things that concern you are my concerns, says the Lord! Would you let me help you? Will you let me get in there with you? For I am a God that holds the fire in my hand. I still the walls of fire, and I calm the raging seas. By my power I divided the red sea. By my power I stretched forth the heavens and formed the earth and man upon it. By my power I stretch forth my hand to heal, and by my power I divided the nations and set the boundaries of their lands, and it is by my power that I shall rescue you, deliver you, and help you, says the Lord of hosts! 7/8/2009 Do not be caught unaware at the things that are coming on this earth and do not be choked up by the cares of this life, but have faith in my ability to uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness, says the Lord! 7/7/2009 Begin to store up now for the time to come, because they is a coming famine in the earth due to natural disasters and wars. Prepares now for later, says the Lord; for I give my people wisdom to see ahead as I did with my servant Joseph so that my people and all others who heed this word will do good during the coming storm, even many things shall shift fast and quick when it arrives, and when it arrives you shall know it, says the Lord! Keep oil in your lamps, says the holy one! 7/6/2009 I’m calling all my intercessors to pray and make intercession for the earth, because the evil is set to increase in the earth if my people do not pray, declares the Lord! Kingdoms and nations are being shaken today, so pray, pray, pray, says the Lord! Pray for my mercy. Pray for my intervention. Pray for my grace to cover the people that still need to know me, says the Lord! 7/5/2009 Speak to the nations that thing which is good and tell them about me. Share my story with them and watch the tears fall as they repent and receive me, says the Lord; for you are my witnesses, declares the Lord! 7/4/2009 You will be tested in this hour, says the Lord, and your faith will be tested and even now in this season you are already in a test and a time of testing and to the ones of you that endure the tests, you shall be promoted, says the Lord! 7/3/2009 Watch the governments, says the Lord. Watch how they align and watch what governments connect and align with other specific governments or nations; for there will be a sudden shift and sudden change of alignments and connections that shall surprise many and many will be caught off guard and say I never thought that this would ever happen. Some will even say how could this happen, declares the Lord! 7/2/2009 Repentance is actually necessary for me to pave the way for your future and all that I have in store for you, and in this season I am calling my people to examine their own heart to see if you may be holding someone in your heart in a bad way whether that is in unforgiveness or in a lustful and adulterous way, says the Lord! The way of the heart exposes the way of a man, says the Lord! 7/1/2009 In some things in life it becomes absolutely necessary to defend yourself against the deliberate sabotage of Satan against your life, your name, and your reputation. You will need to fight in this season, says the Lord! See 1 Timothy 6:12. 6/30/2009 Do not be overly concerned with the works of the wicked and the cares of this life or the distractions of the evil one, but keep your focus on the things of God and not man, says the Lord; for this is a season where the distractions and the things that are competing for your attention increases, says the Lord! 6/29/2009 There is a war on three fronts, says the Lord! There is a war in the spiritual realm or in the heavenlies, and a result some things show up naturally in your life and in the earth physically. Then there is a war in the soulish realm of my people that are fighting to control their minds and their emotions, and there is a war physically. This physical war works in the flesh of my people and the people of the earth. It also works to cause men in the natural on earth to physically argue, bicker, battle, and fight against one another whether that's through domestic violence or through a physical war between the nations, declares the Lord! 6/28/2009 As the planet braces for more storms, know that I am the one who brings the calm, says the Lord! 6/27/2009 Witness my power, witness my glory, but at the shaking of my hand the world shall witness my story, says the Lord! 6/26/2009 As I turn up the heat in the earth, do not be afraid; for I am forming a new system in the earth that shall take root to fulfill my end time purposes on the earth, says the Lord! 6/25/2009 Do not let the things that are coming forth move you in this season; for many more things shall be brought forth to the light and be exposed in the days to come. The light is designed to expose the darkness so that men might repent and be washed from their sins, says the Lord! 6/24/2009 The Lord has shown me three different areas that you are going to have to dominate in the days ahead in order to experience breakthrough. 1) Love-you are going to have to walk in love with all men, both Christian and non-Christian. See Matthew 5:43-48 and Matthew 22:36-40. When you are not walking in love, you stop up all the blessings of the Lord from flowing into your life. 2) Faith-you will only be able to dominate certain situations and circumstances by your faith working on them. Faith in another perspective is believing that a situation will work out favorable. Mark 11:22 tells you to have faith in God. This is having faith or belief in God's ability to intervene on your behalf. See also Hebrews 11:6, 2 Corinthians 4:15, 2 Corinthians 5:7, and also 2 Corinthians 4:13. Galatians 5:6 tells us that faith works by love, so you must walk in love for your faith to even work for you. 3) Patience-you must have patience or be patient or long suffering while the Lord is working things out on your behalf. Some things in life takes a little longer to do so that you can have a lasting effect and breakthrough versus a temporary fix to a problem that you keep having to patch up. Now you know that patience involves waiting, so you must learn to wait on God. See James 1:2-4, Galatians 5:22, Psalm 40:1, Ecclesiastes 7:8, Hebrews 10:36-38, and Hebrews 6:10-12. 6/23/2009 There are at least three things that the Lord has shown me that you are going to have to get rid of or guard against them from operating in your life, so that you can overcome in this season and here is those answers; 1) Doubt-a strong spirit that refuses to believe for something positive to happen for you. 2) Fear-is the opposite of faith, and it is like a negative form of faith in operation. In other words, you have faith that only bad things and evil are going to happen to you and for you. 3) Unbelief-is a mindset where you just don't believe God. You don't trust him to do nothing in your life that he has promised in this bible, yet you know that his word is true and you know he is able and you say that he is able, but you just don't quite believe he will do it for you, because you either feel like you are unworthy or you think maybe he don't care because you are not good enough. If this is the case, you have a low self-esteem and you are always depending on others to build you. Get in the word of God daily and you will be built up. See Acts 20:32. 6/22/2009 More fire is coming, but this time it is coming in the realms of the church to purify me a seed that shall serve me in righteousness. This same fire will also devour the wicked that have fallen away from righteousness and have not returned and refused to return to righteousness. This same fire will also try the whole world. Birth pains will begin to increase all the more as the triumphant church crosses another threshold into my glory, says the Lord! In this season persecution against the church and its leaders will rise, and there will be many afflictions within the body of Christ, but if you prepare yourself now and arm yourself with the word of God, you shall persevere, declares the Lord! (Do not take this word lightly. Those that prepare themselves properly shall have minimal or little damage, but those who reject this word will blindly suffer the consequences. The Lord is preparing his people to move into something new and murmuring and complaining won't work for you in this season and hour. You are going to have to stand in faith and believe and trust the Lord fully without wavering. You'll see this word quicker than later begin to manifest itself in the churches.) 6/21/2009 The world has entered another realm of fire, but my people have to prepare and keep on their armor so that they too don't get burned, says the Lord! (Keep all doors closed to the adversary) 6/20/2009 There are coming many solar storms in the days ahead that are on a great magnitude, declares the Lord! 6/19/2009 This is a heavy season of breakthrough and provision, says the Lord! If you do not get what I have laid up and provided for you, it is not my fault, it will be because you refused to get into the flow of things and move out in what I have ordained for you. Get in faith and move out in my commands in faith, says the spirit of the living God, and do not let doubt rob you. Do not let fear and unbelief rob you, and do not let the waters before you intimidate you, says the Lord of hosts! 6/18/2009 My people need to be prepared for what's coming as I shake the nations, even many nations shall fall in this coming season and life won't be like it used to be anymore. I am bringing another shift, and I am shaking a lot of systems right now in the earth, and the foundations of many systems shall be destroyed. I am shaking to reveal what kind of foundation that a system is built upon. Some are on the sand. Some are on the rock, but yet the shaking will even reveal the foundation that your life is built upon. Anything that is not built upon me shall fall hard in this hour; for my shaking shall reveal the foundations, says the Lord! 6/17/2009 The Lord says, laugh at the works of your enemies and even as you laugh my hand of judgement shall reign upon them and those that seek to destroy your life and tear you down. (Note: he did not say go and laugh in their face or around them, so don't do that.) 6/16/2009 Do not ignore the prophetic voices in this season, both men and women prophetic voices; for these are the voices of the Lord in this hour, do not ignore them, says the Lord! 6/15/2009 Don't allow anyone to pressure you into doing something that you feel is not right and don't allow anyone to pressure you into doing something that I didn't tell you to do, says the Lord! 6/14/2009 In some things you are going to have to go against the grain and the norm in order to get your breakthrough, says the Lord! 6/13/2009 If you're able to pass the pressure test, you will see my hand of glory and I will finish the story, says the Lord! 6/12/2009 You cannot stop the shaking, says the Lord, but know that I am the strength of my people, says the Lord! 6/11/2009 Where the word of God has been choked in your life, I see the Lord is beginning to loose some things from you as he also begins to open your eyes to understanding and to illumine you to another degree. 6/10/2009 The Lord says, I am tearing down organized structures that I did not set up. 6/9/2009 The Lord says, my true people will hear my voice in these days, and they will obey me and follow me, declares the Lord! 6/8/2009 Watch the heavens, says the Lord; for there shall be strange and obvious signs in the heavens that will signify my soon arrival. My Mark is in the heavens, says the Lord! 6/7/2009 People that you hadn't seen in a long time, you will begin to see again. This was a secret revealed by heaven, but you'll see it for yourself. 6/6/2009 I’m moving in a new direction in this hour, but many of my people don't see what I am doing and many have not understood how I’m moving, but yet they say they know me and they know my ways. I say unto you that you must allow me to open your eyes that you may see, but you must first open your heart to receive me in a new way and a new light, says the Lord! 6/5/2009 You can breathe a little easier at the sigh of relief that has come upon you, because it is my hand that is moving in your life to remove some hard things that has had great pressure upon your life to the point of depression. I am removing those things in your life, says the Lord! 6/4/2009 There is another shift that is taking place; for the world another shade of darkness, but for the righteous another shade of light, says the Lord! 6/3/2009 There are still many amazing things that I have yet to do for you, says the Lord! The things that are coming shall astonish men, declares the holy one! 6/2/2009 You may have to ride out the storm for a little until I shift some things around on your behalf to provide a lasting breakthrough on your behalf, says the Lord! See Acts 14:21-22. 6/1/2009 The Lord is saying to his people, it's okay to dream again, I dare you to dream again. many of you had dreams and even nice goals until something bad happened to you or came your way, and it knocked you off track and caused you to lose your focus and those circumstances kind of killed your dreams, but the Lord is saying that it's time to refocus. It's time for a resurrection of those things that has died or that have been lying dormant. It's time for a refreshing to take place in your life, and it's time for those things in you to awaken and revive and be revitalized; for I add a strength and an energy to those things in you, says the Lord; for your desires came from me and the dreams that came from me shall live again, says the spirit of the living God! 5/31/2009 A person that is off track with God will not see correctly, and a person that is off track with the Lord will not see eye to eye with righteous people and they are walking in the gall of bitterness and if that bitter root is not cut off it will continue to spread and defile many other people that are weak, simple, and easily swayed. A person that is bitter is a person that is also filled with cruel hatred in their hearts towards others. They are also filled with malice, envy, strife, jealousy, and all manner of wickedness and evil and they tend to throw fiery darts at the righteous out of a wicked heart of evil. See James 3:14-18. They seek to draw you into a battle with them to get you into strife and debate. They are have a very critical and judgmental and condemning spirit on them. 5/31/2009 Your yesterday does not define your tomorrow in me and where I’m taking you. Do not even set your mind upon your yesterday, because the new that I have prepared for you is much greater than the former, and the best is yet to come in your life, says the Lord, so therefore do not limit me in what I am doing and what I am about to bring forth in your life. Don't let your mind be overwhelmed by what you can't see, just know that I am at work and I am forming a new thing that shall spring forth speedily in your life, says the Lord! 5/30/2009 Allow my peace to enter in, allow my wisdom to direct your path, allow my fire to burn within you; for I am calling you up higher into the next place that I have for you, into a new realm of glory, says the Lord! 5/29/2009 When I take you into another realm, a realm of safety, the enemy can't touch you anymore, and in this season I have taken you into that realm, says the Lord! 5/28/2009 The Lord says, you must be anchored in my will to pass through this season. 5/27/2009 What's in you is new, all brand new, so bring it forth, says the Lord! 5/26/2009 Out of the womb comes a new thing and you shall give birth to this new thing in this season, says the Lord! 5/25/2009 The bridges are already formed and in place, and they are ready for you to cross on over into the next realm that I have laid up for you; for the next realm is my goodness and my favor, and you shall see my mercy and you shall in see my hand in a mighty way, says the Lord! 5/24/2009 Do not let the adversary rob you of your blessings; for surely I send your blessing, declares the Lord! 5/23/2009 The dew of my presence shall rain heavily upon you this day, says the Lord! 5/22/2009 The life that I give, you shall never thirst again; you must allow me to breathe into again in this season, says the Lord! 5/21/2009 The Lord says, I’m bringing my people to a breaking point, so that I might bring them into the things that I have prepared for them. 5/20/2009 The Lord says, many of you have been enduring some pretty tough times and weathering some pretty hectic looking storms and have been surrounded by some very unusual circumstances, but I need you to endure to the end. I need you to persevere. I need you to just hang on in there for a little while longer; for I am shifting my plan and moving things around and in place for you. I’m preparing you for something greater. I’m preparing you for something bigger. I’m preparing you for Goshen, a land of light while everything around you may be darkness. I am preparing you to lead a troop, even in perilous times. I’m preparing you for the best. I’m preparing you for my best. I will not rest until I have placed you in my best and positioned you to receive windfalls of blessings. The later shall be greater than the former. That which is coming shall be greater than your past. My hand is upon you. My anointing, it does cover you. My blending and my mixing, it is perfect, and I have purposed you to come forth as pure gold, even from my refiners fire and from the molding of my hands. You will overcome because I, the triumphant God, does watch over you. There is none power greater than mine; for I have a lasting fountain that is laid up and prepared for you. I have a lasting anointing that I shall even drench with my presence, and you go forth and even grow up as the calves amongst the stalls, and you shall see my power and you shall see my hand, and you shall even acknowledge my might, and you even see, know, and experience my dominion, says the Lord of hosts; for I am he that sits high and looks low. Yea, I am he that sits upon the circle of the earth. I am he that sits in the heavens and laugh. I am the almighty! I am the one that laid the foundations of the earth and I am the father of lights, and I am he that disperses the rule to my throne to those under my dominion, says the Lord God almighty! 5/19/2009 The Lord says, I will cause open wounds to be healed in this hour! 5/18/2009 New mantles for new releases, says the Lord! There's coming a new release of new mantles for newer and greater assignments, and I see at least 21 new mantles being released on and within the body of Christ. I’ll elaborate more on them later. 5/17/2009 Look for the life out of death, says the Lord; for everything that dies bring forth life, and life is born and produced out of death, declares the holy one. 5/16/2009 Things blocked will be released in this hour, says the Lord! 5/15/2009 You don't take a break while you are in combat with the enemy, says the Lord; lest he gain a foot hold on your life, declares the Lord! 5/14/2009 I see a long awaited breakthrough coming your way. Many of you have been waiting on something to come through for a while, well I see your breakthrough coming and many of you shall have testimonies when it shows up. 5/13/2009 I have to first reveal an enemy to you before I destroy it. Anything that opposes you opposes me, says the Lord; for you are my chosen, says the Lord! 5/12/2009 Things that have been a mystery to you will be revealed to you by my spirit in this season, declares the Lord! 5/11/2009 If all you do is focus on the problem, then you can't see my will, says the Lord! 5/10/2009 There lies a great opportunity for business and starting your own business in this hour, says the Lord! 5/9/2009 Your greatest moves in this economy is to find out what's missing in society and implement it, and great wealth, success, and prosperity shall follow it, says the Lord! What is the thing that the Lord has been dealing with you about concerning an idea for business or an invention that you have yet to bring to the table? (See Proverbs 8:12) 5/8/2009 Beware of the enemy that is on your path that would love to snare you. There are many traps set before you by the enemy that is designed to lead you into a lifestyle of sin, bondage, and affliction by making the wrong choices, and the Lord is saying I’m leaving the choices up to you and you know right from wrong. You know the truth. You know what is of the enemy and you know what is of me because I have opened your eyes and I have given you Revelation of my righteous ways and you are without excuse; you know what is acceptable in my eyes and you do know what is not acceptable in my eyes and what is an abomination to me. For your heart knows my righteous ways, says the Lord! I’ve put it in your heart to know the right way and the only way, the way of peace, says the spirit of the living God! 5/7/2009 I want you to have my best, says the Lord! 5/6/2009 There is a test that every man must face in life, but every man must pass his own test in life, says the Lord; for the answer to your life problems has already come before hand, even before the test has shown up. Think back, says the Lord! Think back to the last season what I told you to do or the things that I put in your heart to do that you have not yet done. Your answers does not lie in man, but it lies within your own heart. My instructions are already in your heart on what you should do and accomplish for me in this season. Fear not to obey me; for this is my will and I have already put it there. The very thing that have come back to you is the very answer that you are to move out in this season, says the Lord your God! 5/5/2009 Once you've heard from God, don't let nobody talk you out of obeying him, not even family members. They are some people that are sent into your life by Satan to trip you up. I see a lot of people in the spirit that have been railroaded and tripped up by the enemy, but The Lord says, get back up and go forward; have not I commanded you to get back on your feet, says the Lord! 5/4/2009 In this season I will bring down your pharaoh's and whatever else that is troubling you, says the Lord! (2 Thessalonians 1:4-12) 5/3/2009 There are three things that you are going to have to do in order to have my peace and walk in that peace; 1) You must readjust your focus and put your eyes back on me 2) You are going to have to prioritize your life and put me back in first place in your life 3) You are going to have to lay down your life and the things that you want to do in order to receive the life that I have for you, and my life plan for you is much better than yours and it comes with full supply and peace, says the Lord! 5/2/2009 You shall see many things in the heavens in these days and many across the world shall wonder and marvel at the sights of the things that they are seeing, but don't be dismayed; for I’m telling you these things first before they ever happen so that you don't get caught off guard with the rest of the people. They shall even be some among my people that shall not understand what they are seeing and shall not be able to comprehend those sights from the heavens because they haven't been taught, but you are the informed and you are the people of my Revelation and understanding says the Lord! 5/1/2009 Your peace in this season will come from me in this hour; for there will be many things heated up in the earth to try my people and to test my church, and you will need to look only to me to see you through these things, says the Lord! 4/30/2009 You have the tools in your hands. I have given you all the tools, says the Lord; I have given you my spirit, faith, my word, my wisdom, the power to bind and loose. I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. I have already prepared and given you every ingredient in life for success. Now the ball is in your court, so what are you going to do with it, declares the Lord! 4/29/2009 You must operate by a strategy, principles, and a plan in this season to overcome damaged from the enemy in this season. You can no longer afford not to have a plan and a course of strategy for the days ahead, but you must plan ahead and strategize concerning the schemes of the enemy along with the changing times and cycles, says the Lord; come to me to make your cycle complete, come to me and get the plan for the next season of your life, and seek me for a strategy to survive and overcome triumphantly over the adversary, the evil one in this hour, says the Lord! 4/28/2009 Have the faith of a mustard seed and great things shall take place in your life, says the Lord; for my entire kingdom and the realm that you are currently living in operates by faith, not fear, says the spirit of the living God! 4/27/2009 Pull the gold out of the fire, says the Lord! You have been surrounded by a host of problems, but The Lord says, don't focus on the negatives or what's going wrong or have gone wrong, but The Lord says, look into the fire for what is good and what is salvageable; for the thing that the fire could not destroy is your treasure and gift from the heavens. I say unto you look into the fire and extract the gold, says the Lord! 4/26/2009 It is absolutely necessary to confront evil, because if you don't it will continue to spread and keep spreading like a virus, says the Lord! A problem don't just go away by a hoping and a wishing, you must confront them, says the Lord; yea you must confront them boldly in this season in order to get to the next season that I have for you, says the Lord; for it is prepared! 4/25/2009 In this season I bring you into the refiners fire, and I shall purify you and everything that is not like me that is still in you, I shall purge away that I may bring forth a pure vessel that is suitable for my use, and there shall be a holy fire within you and a heart of purity as pure gold that has been refined. Then when men see you, they shall surely see me too when they look at you, says the Lord! 4/24/2009 The struggle that you saw in the last season, you will not see in this season, says the Lord! 4/23/2009 I give you the wisdom to bruise the head of the serpent with your heel in this season; for there are many snakes crawling around in your grass and in your field, but fear not your deliverance is at hand. My power is at hand, says the Lord! 4/22/2009 Watch with me in this season; for you shall find many things to pray about on a major scale around the world and in your areas, says the Lord! 4/21/2009 I have called you to make a difference in the wilderness in somebody else life; for you are my lights and you are my witnesses, says the Lord, and I have equipped you to show others the way into my kingdom and show the new ones how to navigate in my kingdom, says the Lord, and as you obey and minister on my behalf you shall see windows of heaven opened up on your behalf and I shall feed you with manna from on high and you shall not be lacking even as my word goes forth through your lips, says the Lord! (This is a corporate word for everybody) 4/20/2009 When you allow yourself to become bitter, it blocks and hinders the flow of my blessings and my anointing flow to you, says the Lord! The quickest way to release is to forgive, says God! 4/19/2009 If you have a will to win and don't lose sight of what I’ve called you to do, then you will persevere and get through this storm and into the new and the next chapter of your life, says the Lord; for it has been the old system that has been holding you back, but now I give you the power in this season to break free from the old and enter into the new place of destiny that I have called you to and prepared for you; your provision is already there, says the spirit of the living God! 4/18/2009 When things seems hopeless, take another look at things through my eyes; for in me is the ability to see pass your land of limitations and hopelessness. In me there is hope and there is a way out of your dilemma, says the Lord! 4/17/2009 What you do in the next sixty days will determine the next couple years of your life and the next chapters of your immediate life, says the Lord; for I am giving you a window and within this window or time frame, there is a window of opportunity waiting on you, and there is a door that has been set open just for you to walk through into the new, declares the spirit of the living God! 4/16/2009 You shall have the final word over the enemy, and the final word that I have given you is victory, says the Lord! 4/15/2009 I’ve given you the power and the ability to outlast any storm and to overcome any obstacle or hurdles with the victory, says the Lord! 4/14/2009 Sometime you have to outwit, out smart, out last, and out wait the enemy; for I give you the weapon of waiting, says the Lord, because some of you the enemy wants to rush you into marriage ahead of the time so he can cause a divorce, and some of you he wants to tangle you up financially, but I give you the power and the ability to out wait his plans so that it might turn out well with thee, says the Lord! 4/13/2009 I know that you are missing the things that you once had in life, but your life is not wrapped up in the things that you once had; look unto me and the newer things in me that I have placed before you and you shall find rest and peace for your soul in me; for in me is perfect peace, says the Lord! 4/12/2009 Some seasons are longer than others, but just go through the season until you get to the next season and I give you comfort and peace to get through what appears to be hard for you; for my spirit of peace is now descending upon you, says the Lord! 4/11/2009 Do not allow your focus to be on negative things and what you don't have or what you do have, and do not allow yourself to become filled with the cares of this world and overcome with problems, but be filled with my spirit and I’ll help you work these problems out, says the Lord! 4/10/2009 Stay at peace, stay calm, and remain focused and steadfast, and I will give you the grace to overcome these things, says the Lord! 4/9/2009 Don't let those little things that people do to you bother you, says the Lord, because that is what they are designed to do. 4/8/2009 In this season I am teaching you how to get around the enemies traps, says the Lord! 4/7/2009 The primary purpose of the enemy in this season is to try and get in to slow you down; for this is a season of momentum and a season of my movement, says the Lord; be vigilant, be watchful, be aware, and watch at the gates and watch at the towers so that the enemy cannot get in, says the Lord! 4/6/2009 Take up the sword that I have put in your hand and do battle with the enemy that has been warring against your soul and I shall give you a great victory over life circumstances and the things that oppose my will for your life, declares the Lord! (Look at Ephesians 6:17) 4/5/2009 You must judge all things in this hour by the word of God; for there shall be many things happening in the earth, for the earth is feeling my fire and knowing my word and what I have said and what is written will empower you to judge what is of me and what is not of me, says the Lord! 4/4/2009 This is the season of my fullness, says the Lord! 4/3/2009 Do not doubt my ability to heal you and restore you and cause you to fully recover from your former troubles, says the Lord! 4/2/2009 See then that I have set before you an open door in this season; look up for the windows of heaven are open over you in this hour and my dew shall not be stilled over you, but I shall pour out my dew upon your head in this season, says the Lord! 4/1/2009 The Lord says, I have raised up a generation of people and you shall hear my voice through their mouth; for even the young shall prophesy in this season, says the Lord! 3/31/2009 I have raised up prophets to speak to my people in the wilderness, even as many of them have been scattered as sheep without a shepherd. My compassion runs deep for my sheep and the flock of my pasture, and I shall yet have mercy upon them, even as there is a great restructuring in the land, says the Lord! 3/30/2009 For I look down upon the nations and I am searching for a man, I’m searching for a person, yeah I am searching for even a child that will declare my name upon the earth and proclaim my word unto the heathen, saith the Lord! 3/29/2009 After the pressure test comes the promotion, declares the Lord! 3/28/2009 There is a new word that I have put within your mouth, and there is a new sound that I have put within your heart in this season, says the Lord! 3/27/2009 God says, I’m calling you to a neutral ground and I’m calling you to a higher ground. I have formed new methods and new channels for you to flow through in this season, and I will teach you how to navigate in this hour, to steer you through the darkness and into the clear. Be not afraid of the darkness, because I have made you light, says the Lord! Enter into your new, push through and press through, says the Lord! 3/26/2009 Back track and remember the former things of old, remember the former victories that I gave to you and caused you to triumph, because I am going to do it again for you in this season, says the Lord! 3/25/2009 You must be heavily rooted and grounded and anchored in the word of God in this season, for this is a heavy season of shaking, declares the Lord! 3/24/2009 You say that you don't have nobody to pray for you; pray for yourself and get results, says the Lord! 3/23/2009 Be patient while you are in your season of transition, says the Lord! Things may not be the way you want them to be right now, but remember that you are transitioning out of the old and into the new that I have for you, which is my best for you, says the Lord, so be patient in your season of trials and smile; for I am yet in control, says the Lord! 3/22/2009 The Lord says, I shall yet use you. 3/21/2009 Don't put anything ahead of my will for your life, says the Lord! 3/20/2009 It's clean up time, says the Lord! 3/19/2009 Tighten up all loose ends and seal off all cracks so that the enemy can't get in, says the Lord! Some of you that is reading this, the enemy has been attacking you in the same areas for a long time and The Lord says, that you know exactly where you need to tighten up at and where you need to close some doors or maybe even cut some people off that has been tripping you up and causing you to stumble. 3/18/2009 In the time of testing it requires you to have faith, but in time of battle it requires you to endure to the end of a thing, says the Lord! 3/17/2009 You can do anything if you just believe, says the Lord; for all things are possible in me, declares the Lord! 3/16/2009 You've been looking for a new word when you haven't done anything with the old word; when will you obey me? When will you do what I last asked you to do? You can can't expect new instructions when you haven't obeyed the last set of instructions that I gave you. Your miracle and financial breakthrough is in the last set of instructions that I gave to you and put in your heart. You know those things that you still need to obey me on, declares the Lord! 3/15/2009 When you take your eyes off yourself and your problem, then you can see me moving in your life, says the Lord! 3/14/2009 Desperate times calls for desperate measures and you have heard it many times before, but it is true that if you don't change your input, you can't change your output, says the Lord! 3/13/2009 Stop looking for a major event or something big to happen, and don't miss what I am already doing, says the Lord; continue to watch, says the Lord! To you I say watch, declares the Lord! 3/12/2009 Continue to rise my people, continue to rise, says the Lord! 3/11/2009 The Assyrian shall be found in this hour, says the Lord! 3/10/2009 I am crushing the spirit of Cain openly in this hour, says the Lord, and he shall not do damage in this hour, says the Lord! 3/9/2009 The weight of my glory shall be seen in a heavy manner in this season, says the Lord, and all men shall acknowledge my might in the earth and I shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the systems of lies of this world, and men shall fear me because of my might and nations shall know and see for themselves that I do live and I am alive forever more, says the Lord! 3/8/2009 If I seem heavy at times, it's because I am heavy. The weight of my presence is heavy and if you cast your cares upon me, your burden will be lightened while I carry your heavy load; for I am able to carry it for you, says the Lord! See Isaiah 46:4 and Matthew 11:28-30. 3/7/2009 The dew of my presence shall fall upon you and wet you heavily in this season, says the king of Jacob! I have said unto my servants to declare unto you that this is a year of fire, but you shall see greater fires than these; great pressures shall be upon men, but anything that is out of my order, the fire shall consume, but he that puts his trust in me, shall endure the fire, says the Lord! 3/6/2009 Don't ask me for what you can't handle, says the Lord! 3/5/2009 My mantles are not free; the weight of my glory will cost you something; the price of my glory and the weight of my mantles are a surrendered soul and a purified life, says the Lord, and it'll require great sacrifices of you, declares the Lord! 3/4/2009 Engage in wisdom; for in it lies your answers, says the Lord! 3/3/2009 You have to be able to focus on more than one problem at a time, says the Lord! 3/2/2009 Enter the light of Goshen in this season, says the Lord! 3/1/2009 What are the fundamental differences between my people? Where there is division in Israel, there is division in all the nations and my church, says the Lord! 2/28/2009 In times past you came to me with Revelation of me as a lamb, but now in this season you shall know me as a lion, says the Lord! 2/27/2009 The days of mockery is over, and I will never be mocked any more, says the lion of Judah! 2/26/2009 Beware of the counterfeits, says the Lord! 2/25/2009 Don't forget to pray and to watch in the night watches, says the Lord! 2/24/2009 Don't be slow to respond, says the Lord! 2/23/2009 Your greatest threat is not from foreign soil. Your greatest threat is from within, says the Lord; will you open your eyes to see what I am showing you, says the Lord! 2/22/2009 new threats requires new thoughts and new battle tactics, says the Lord! 2/21/2009 changing times requires changing minds and changing strategies, says the Lord! 2/20/2009 This is your season to stock up, says the Lord! 2/19/2009 This is a season that I will do a quick work, says the Lord! 2/18/2009 This is a season that I shall restore you very quickly, says the Lord! 2/17/2009 This is the season that I shall restore you, says the Lord! 2/16/2009 The Rivers of God never run dry, says the Lord! 2/15/2009 You're thinking broke, but you have plenty of money because your inheritance is in me, says the Lord! 2/14/2009 I have an inheritance for you, says the Lord! What you have been fighting in life to try and get, I already have laid up for to give you, says the Lord! 2/13/2009 My rain of abundance awaits you, says the Lord! 2/12/2009 My kingdom awaits you! When you tired of doing it your way, then you can come to my kingdom and access my benefits, says the Lord! 2/11/2009 The church has been following the world into a recession. You got laid off from your Job in the world; find your purpose in my kingdom. For your purpose shall sustain you, says the Lord! 2/10/2009 A recession is not in your best interests, so don't take part in it; ask me for my supply, says the Lord! 2/9/2009 Do not take part in a recession, says the Lord! I did not say you were in a recession according to my word, so you should not be saying either that you are in a recession; for I have not called you to speak as the world or live as the world; for my kingdom is higher than the world, says the Lord! 2/8/2009 If I’m to take you forward, then I need for you not to look back. If I’m to get you out this mess, then don't you dare look back! Forget about yesterday. If you are going to remember anything, remember that I am God, says the Lord! 2/7/2009 I need you to empty yourself of your ways so that I might fill you with my ways, says the Lord! 2/6/2009 Go fishing, says the Lord; get souls saved and lead others to Christ which is the light and I shall be pleased, says God! 2/5/2009 The provision is already there, says the Lord! 2/4/2009 I have been still, refrained, and have held my peace to see what would become of my people. Would any seek after me, or would they get distracted and choked up by the cares of this world. Many of my people have gone away and are trapped in a wilderness of adverse circumstances because they refused to seek me. Many have refused to trust me and have stayed my hand of blessing. Many have refused to trust my hand, but yea it is my right hand that delivers. It is my right hand that delivers, says the Lord! I acknowledge my faithful ones. They walk in my blessing, but to the slothful, I call you to a renewal, a renewed faith, and a renewed trust in me, says the Lord! 2/3/2009 You must allow my spirit to breathe upon you a fresh in this season. My breath adds life to your soul and the vision that I have placed inside of you. The vision that I have placed inside of you will awaken once again with vibrant force, says the Lord; and you shall shine again, but this time with the glow and the glory that I give and where many have been weary, they too shall be refreshed, restored, and renewed, says the Lord; for I declare a season of refreshing for my people, says the Lord! 2/2/2009 You must allow the Holy Ghost to move upon you to see my plans for this season, says the Lord! 2/1/2009 Do not take my words and twist them, and do not add to my words things that I did not say, declares the Lord! 1/31/2009 Do not curse your life by speaking negative things, says the Lord! 1/30/2009 Do not speak death or negative things over your life. Speak only that which is of faith and positive, says the Lord! 1/29/2009 Do what I want you to do, says the Lord! 1/28/2009 Say what I tell you to say, declares the Lord! 1/27/2009 A new dimension of my favor has been released, and you shall see my favor show strongly upon your life, says the Lord! 1/26/2009 A new dimension of my power has been released, says the Lord! 1/25/2009 I’m doing something new with my pastors and I am shifting some around; some I shall send to other cities and some I shall send to other countries and relocate them, says the Lord! 1/24/2009 There's coming a shift in mantles and a shift in leadership in the days ahead, says the Lord! 1/23/2009 Beware of the shift that I am making and don't be caught up with the rest of the world; my shift of favor, my shift of power, my shift in leadership, my shift of wealth into my people's hand, says the Lord! For the poor of the earth shall surely enjoy the wealth of heaven in the earth, declares the righteous Lord! 1/22/2009 Look ahead, and see the strategies of the enemy and go around his traps and obstacle course; for I give you the wisdom to know and the insight to see when something is not right, says the Lord! 1/21/2009 I’ve brought my people across a threshold and I will continue to guide you in the days ahead and when you see darkness, know that you are the light of the world, says the Lord! 1/20/2009 I’m shifting my people as a whole from poverty to prosperity, says the Lord! 1/19/2009 This is a year to fine tune your focus, says the Lord! 1/18/2009 You can't even imagine what I have prepared for you, says the Lord! 1/17/2009 You cannot even fathom what I have in store for you, says the Lord! 1/16/2009 Your future is bigger and better than you have asked for, says the Lord! 1/15/2009 Your future is brighter, bigger, and better than you have imagined, says the Lord! 1/14/2009 Your future is brighter than you think, says the Lord! 1/13/2009 Your future is brighter than you know, says the Lord! 1/12/2009 Do not worry about the word that is coming for somebody else, only be concerned about the word that is coming forth for you and govern yourself accordingly, says the Lord! 1/11/2009 A new wind has been released, says the Lord! 1/10/2009 Debts will be forgiven in this hour, says the Lord! 1/9/2009 This is a season of release, says the Lord! 1/8/2009 Evil alliances are being broken in the land, says the Lord! 1/7/2009 Humble yourself or be humbled, says the Lord! 1/6/2009 This is your time of visitation, says the Lord! 1/5/2009 This is your season of restoration, says the Lord! 1/4/2009 What you lost in 2008, you shall recover in 2009, says the Lord! 1/3/2009 change is here, says the Lord! 1/2/2009 Prepare for great change, says the Lord! 1/1/2009 Prepare for a great transition, says the Lord!