Prophets Declare What You See And Hear 2012 Archives

12-31-2012 The Lord says, be of good cheer in the Near Year and follow my plan to see my hand. 12-30-2012 The Lord says, you have to make a decision to walk in righteousness and to fulfill all righteous in his strength and his ability and not your own. 12-30-2012 (Word #2) There is a certain season for you to take over things and there's a certain season in store for you to come forth and lead, says the Lord! 12-30-2012 (Word #3) The Lord says, I had you hidden on purpose for a certain season and a long time for a purpose and in this season I will reveal you to the nations and I will reveal my mighty power in you and even through you says the Lord! 12-30-2012 (Word #4) The Lord says, do wait too long to make up your mind to serve me fully and wholeheartedly and do not go into a Near Year halting between two opinions and being double minded and allowing yourself to be blinded by certain things, says the Lord! 12-29-2012 The Lord says, what may have appeared to look like dark clouds hovering over your heads you need to look up again and look within and you will also see the clouds of favor and the clouds of the latter day rain coming down out of the heavens and descending from out of the dark clouds into your midst for a major breakthrough, because there is a breaking in the clouds says the Lord and that breaking is revealing your answers and the answers to all your prayers, says the Most High God! 12-28-2012 The Lord says, you do have an inheritance in me and if you continue in me you will get what I have for you and you will taste of the fruit of my goodness and you will see and experience the best of my glory realm, says the Lord! 12-27-2012 The Lord says, I will help you through the storm just as long as you hold my hand and don't let go. 12-26-2012 Reposition yourself for a new beginning declares the Lord; for surely I am bringing new things into the picture, says the Lord God! 12-25-2012 The Lord says, I will be with you through it all and I will stand by your side until you overcome everything that has stood against you in times past and even in this present time, says the Lord of hosts! The Lord says, I am going to do something very special today and in this season for my people and I will give them the things that I have promised them, says God! 12-24-2012 The Lord says, the angels will be very strategic in helping you to get to where you are supposed to be in life; The Lord says, I have released angels to come forth and to assist you and in the early morning hours and in the late nights they shall knock upon your walls and wake you up with some instructions and they will assist you in the planned journey that the Lord has in store for you and in the days ahead. The Lord says, for you to watch for your helpers as they show up to help you go up; see Hebrews 1:13-14 and Psalm 103:20-21. 12-23-2012 The Lord says, to prepare for a coming shift. 12-22-2012 The Lord says, you keep on trying to remain small, but I keep on stretching you and expanding you. You have been trying to lay low and keep a low profile, but I have the spotlight on you and I have been calling attention to you as of lately because of the word that I have put on the inside of you and the greatness that is inside of you that the world still needs to see; I am calling you to do more says the Lord! 12-21-2012 The Lord says, you didn't go through all of that hell for nothing and I did not allow you to go through all of that for nothing, I am planning on using you and I am going to use you big time, says the Lord! (At that point you need to shout out loud right now and rejoice at the best that is yet to come; your praise is what is going to release it.) 12-20-2012 Straighten up your face says the Lord and walk with a new look; yea walk with a look that is a look of confidence that comes from knowing that I am with you, says the Lord! 12-19-2012 I am strengthening the foundations in which you're standing upon and you will now begin to know me in this season in a new way; for I will show you the foundations that you've been building upon in this last season and you will see clearly that you have been building upon a very rare and very strong foundation because I, even I, have been the one that has been ordering your steps in all these things says the Lord! As for others of you I will even begin to show you cracks in your foundations so that you can now begin to make the necessary repairs so that your structure will remain strong in the coming year and will not fall or falter, says the Lord! Look with me through the eyes of the spirit and see your future now, says the Lord; for I give unto you the eyes of faith even now to see those things now which you could not see before, says the Lord! (Look at Isaiah 48:5-22, Psalm 18:15, 2 Samuel 22:16, 1 Corinthians 3:9-15, and Isaiah 44:7-6) 12-18-2012 The Lord says, I am giving you another chance to climb with me and to go where you have never gone before in me; for I have reserved the best of the high places for you, so do not miss the moment, says the Lord! 12-17-2012 The Lord says, you will see and hear about a lot of things in the news that will try to play upon your emotions, but I need you to stay focused and I need you to remain stable and do not focus on the distractions of the world that are around you but be a light in a dark place, says the Lord! 12-16-2012 The Lord says, I am reworking some things in your life to cause some things to fit better and once the process has been completed you will see and know exactly where you fit in at and just how you fit in, says the Lord! 12-15-2012 I hear the Lord saying I have be reconstructing some things and I have been repairing the breaches and the things that have cause many blessing to leak out of where you have been at and I am now at this time sealing up some things so that your harvest can be fully restored to you in this season and those things that looked like they would devour you and even consume you with all of their pressures will now turn to work in your favor and you will now get a greater return on your harvest, says the Lord; for this is a season that I am renewing some things in your life and I will even renew your strength as the eagles and you will have a fresh stamina and a renewed hope and outlook on life. You will also see my favor begin to return to you in abundance as I revealed another realm of my blessing to you in a new way in that your life that you will now know that it is me, says father God. I will cause you to realize that I am your source and I am your God and I will give you a Revelation of my goodness in this season and I will begin to release the latter day harvest to you that I have promised to you and you'll even begin to see an unprecedented time of renewal and rejuvenation coming to your life again in this season even as I father God begin to rework some things in your life as I remember you and all of your good works and I will now revive you says the Lord! Just receive it now, says the Lord! I also hear the Lord saying there will not be a repeat of defeat, but know that this is a season that I have chosen to renew my covenant with my people to even restore the fire that were once in them, says the spirit of the living God of glory! 12-14-2012 The Lord says, I will untie your hands so that you can do more in this season and do all that I am requiring of you declares the Lord! 12-13-2012 Jesus don't worry you have nothing to worry about because I have already fixed and worked out everything that you have concerns about, says the Lord! (The vision that I saw) I will tell you what I see; I see the Lord of mercy standing upon the earth and all the way through the clouds because he is so tall, big, and huge and I saw a hand come down out of the clouds and reached into the earth and began to lay hands on people one by one and as he was laying hands the Lord began to say you see this one and I would say yeah Lord and he said I am placing my favor upon him and he kept on asking me that same question every time that he laid his hand upon another person, and some of the things that he was releasing on the people as he was laying hands as I could even see the words over the very heads of the people after he said it was favor, increase, peace and wisdom. I even saw the words healing and some were being healed and others were being made healers with a healing anointing in their hands. I also saw the words miracles and the Lord said I am going to use that one to do miracles. I saw the words prophets, teachers, and many other various assignments being passed out and I even saw a business anointing also being released upon many and then he said that was an empowerment for those that stepped out in faith to obey me with a business idea but their businesses were struggling for a while and what I have just released will bring in the increase and they will have supernatural favor with men in the earth and with God. There were many gifts being poured out when his hand came down and the Lord said that season that I just showed you is now; The Lord says, I have poured out and in this season the cup shall run over til it overflows and you are to bring increase back into my kingdom so that the faucet will keep on pouring out on you because this pouring that has started is an unlimited supply, because it is a time of harvest, says the Lord! The Lord would say further look not at all the distractions of the world but stay focused on that cloud of the latter rain that is moving over you now, says the Lord! 12-12-2012 The Lord says, they are not the ones to fear, but I am the one to fear says the Lord and I have the power to lift up or to cast down; fear me says the Lord and walk in all of my righteous ways and I will lift you up and elevate you to the higher realms in me, says the Lord! 12-11-2012 The Lord says, you have to go out to get the harvest in this season. (For some of you that means going out to eat or going out to the library or to the book store; yet for others of you it means going out to walk in the park and while you are out in the harvest field many blessings and good things are going to come to you and even overtake you. I can tell you this for some of you this word means pursuing that new business idea that the Lord has given you. You do not get the blessing standing still and just sitting up around the house all day, but The Lord says, for you to go out into the harvest to get your harvest that he's already prepared for you.) Deuteronomy 28:6-14, Psalm 121:8, Deuteronomy 33:18-19 & 1 Samuel 9:11, Acts 9:26-28 and John 4:35 are the prophetic Scriptures for this season) 12-10-2012 The Lord says, this is a season of full obedience and my rewards will come to those that have fully obeyed my voice in this season and that have done all that I told them to do; this is also a shift from the old to the new and many of my people will now begin to fully transition into a new mission and a new assignment that I have for them to do and as they move into the new they will see what I do and the windows of heaven will now be opened over their lives and many blessings will come and be poured out upon them in a new way that will be clearly refreshing and it will also be energizing as this is a new time of release of harvest, says the spirit of the living God of glory! 12-9-2012 The Lord says, I am coming for a people that is both ready and prepared; I’m coming for those that are watching daily at my posts and waiting eagerly for my presence. I will come to those that hunger and thirst for me and those that seek after me at all times. I am looking for those that are looking me and I will reveal myself in this season to those that are trusting in my name and hoping in my mercy, says the Lord! 12-8-2012 The Lord says, I will even target your enemies in this season and those and the things that seek to trip you up and stop you from doing my will and I will the plans and the strategies of the enemy against your life and destiny to be turned back, says the Lord! 12-7-2012 The Lord says, I have brought my people to a turning point in life and I am turning things around for all those that believe me for it; breakthrough comes only to those that believe, says the Lord! 12-6-2012 The Lord says, this is a season for you to look ahead. 12-6-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, this is now a season for my people to be proactive versus reactive; in other words do not wait until something happens to react, but learn to be proactive to prevent certain things from happening, says the Lord! 12-5-2012 The Lord says, you have to trust me in all areas of your life and not just some areas of your life; The Lord says, I am the final answer to all areas of your life! 12-4-2012 The Lord says, you do not have to look very far to see my love and my goodness in this season will be poured out upon you in abundance declares the Lord of glory! 12-3-2012 The Lord God says knowledge is something that is sought out and sought after and Godly wisdom is something that is discovered and a treasure is something that is uncovered in life, but in order to get the best that life has to offer you and to get the knowledge of the most holy and the wisdom from on high you will have to set all your affections on things above and not on the earth to uncover the true treasures of heaven, says the Lord! 12-2-2012 The Lord says, course and purpose; stay focused on your course and purpose, says the Lord! 12-1-2012 I am prepared to guard you from anything that would try to harm your future in me and your destiny, and I have sent angels to assist you from this moment forth to make sure that you get to that place that I have ordained and prepared for you to walk in on my behalf in the earth, says the Lord! 11-30-2012 I sent my angels to help show you the way and the path that I have chosen for you and in this season they will help make the pathway clear for you to walk down so that you can come into all that I have for you says the Lord, because there are many things that I have for you that are hidden and they are a secret that I don't intend for the other one around you to see or to know it yet until I give it to you because it is just for you and there are some things that I have reserved for your eyes only, says the spirit of the Lord! 11-29-2012 I heard the words confidence and faith; The Lord says, have confidence that I am able to do those things for you and have a little faith that I am going to bring everything I told you to pass in its proper timing and its due season. 11-28-2012 Many of my people will see the power of my angelic intervention in their lives and in their churches and cities in this season as they pray before me and call on my name openly and boldly, says the Lord! The Lord says, I have my sights set on the cities of the nations and there is no place too big or too small for me to intervene and come there to dwell permanently, says the Lord! The Lord says, remind my people that I not only dwell in people, but I long to dwell in the cities and regions of the nations and remind them that I am the very air that they breathe on a daily basis, says the Lord! 11-27-2012 The high places in not for everybody, but it is a place that I have reserved for my chosen ones that rejoice in my highness says the Lord, and the chosen ones are those that answer the call when I call unto them because my sheep knows my voice and my discipline ones will follow the shepherd, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 13:2-3 and Psalm 68:4-6) 11-26-2012 Some of you just have not been getting any rest lately because the Lord has been calling you to come up higher in life and you have not answered the call because you are scared and in fear of the unknown, but it is in that place of uncertainty that you find me and that you find my path and that you see my hand of guidance, says the Lord! 11-25-2012 I have called you by name and I have chosen you to walk in my blessing and to fulfill my will and to go forth and to display my goodness to all the people of the land, says the Lord of hosts! 11-24-2012 This is a day that I am releasing my fire and I am restoring a flame upon all of my servants especially my prophetic voices and many will be used in this hour to restore hope in the lives of the lost ones, declares the Lord! 11-23-2012 The Lord says, the best is yet to come for you and your latter will be greater than your former and I will bless you with the fruit of the everlasting hills and you will see great favor even as you show favor and kindness, declares the Lord of hosts! 11-22-2012 This is your season for a major breakthrough, says the Lord! 11-21-2012 This is a new season and a new dispensation for the outpouring of my spirit and of my love and my mercy for all of my obedient ones, declares the Lord! 11-21-2012 (Word #2) I saw in an open vision troops crossing an open field, but I quickly were able to perceive that they were not enemy troops and the Lord said to me they are my people crossing the threshold of a new beginning in the promises that have been warring and fighting for to obtain and the ones that you see are the ones that are now transitioning into a new beginning and a new field of ministry and business that I have for them, says the Lord! 11-20-2012 The anointing that I have placed upon you will now cause you to see that which you did not see earlier, and it will cause light to be shed upon a new path that I have for you, say the Lord! 11-19-2012 Faith is the stem but love is the root of all things and it causes your faith to work, says the Lord! (Study Galatians 5:6 and Ephesians 3:17) 11-18-2012 Many of my people shall have encounters with my angels and they shall know then that I do have their backs says the Lord! 11-18-2012 (Word #2) My light is shining on you again in this season and you are on my radar for blessing and my eyes are set upon you for good and not evil, says the Lord! 11-18-2012 (Word #3) a new word is going to begin to come forth now out of the mouth of my prophets and the musicians shall play skillfully before me in a new way, and they will release a new sound from the heavens and in that sound you shall hear my voice as they prophesy on the instruments, and those that sing before my presence shall sing in a new way in this season and in this day that will usher in a new latter day glory that will cause healing and miracles to erupt all over the earth even in the midst of evil and turmoil and their voices shall bring healing to the nations, says the Lord! 11-17-2012 The words that I speak unto you in this season is taking you somewhere says the Lord and I am giving you a clear sense of direction in this hour; I am surrounding you with people that will help you obtain the call that will be seen by all, says the Lord! 11-16-2012 Repair the glitches in your systems, says the Lord! 11-16-2012 (Word #2) repair the glitches in your soul says the Lord by getting into my word and seeing what good things I have said to you, says the Lord! 11-16-2012 (Word #3) Hey you! Look up and acknowledge my might, says the Lord; look unto me and see my power, my great power, my mighty power, says the Lord! (See Psalm 110:3) 11-16-2012 (Word #4) Your strength and your power, says the Lord is in the strength of the vine! 11-16-2012 (Word #4) I give you knowledge and wisdom as a gift to lead you in this season, says the Lord! 11-15-2012 The Lord says, begin to buckle up now and get ready for the ride of your lifetime that you have never imagined before or even dreamed of, because I am about to take you places in life that you have never been before that are glorious, says the Lord! 11-14-2012 The Lord says, this is a season wherein some things are being drafted in and other things are being rooted out and any foundation that I did not build will be torn down as I now begin to walk through the land and throw down and tear down thrones of iniquity, declares the Lord! 11-13-2012 In this season I am causing my people to walk into some new Revelation and a new level of understanding that they have never ever seen before and that many others will not even be able to comprehend, says the Lord! (See Matthew 13:53-58; it is what it is.) 11-12-2012 I have been in the process of redefining your destiny and who you are but you must know that who you are can only be defined in me and not in a man, says the Lord! 11-12-2012 (Word #2) You're looking for someone to call you into your destiny, but The Lord says, you have done had all the calls that you are going to get and it is time that you step into your destiny so that you can reach your destination, says the Lord of hosts! 11-12-2012 (Word #3) The Lord says, when I listen to the prayers of my people I am listening for the voice of faith and when I listen to their sounds and their praise and their worship to me I am listening for the sounds of faith, declares the Lord God the alpha and omega! (Take a look Revelation 5:8, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation 14:12, and Revelation 13:9-10.) 11-11-2012 I am leading my remnant down a path that leads to safety and provision for the next season says the Lord and you have to be in it to win it, declares the holy one! 11-10-2012 The Lord says, I am healing the wounded and I am healing the broken hearted in this hour and I will cause many of you to do great things in this hour, says the Lord! 11-9-2012 The Lord says, what I am shaping inside of you is far, far greater than what you would have expected and where I am taking you to will surely exceed average because I have called you to sit among the great, says the Lord! 11-8-2012 The Lord says, I am shaking some things to awake some things that have been long time sleeping in the land and lying dormant, but I am stirring up my grace to finish the course of things that I have laid out and I will cause the pot to boil over in this season and many things to come out even as I now shift things in a new and a valuable direction, declares the Lord! 11-7-2012 The Lord says, all of the Jobs and businesses and the doors of the future will open to problem solvers and those that know how to solve problems; The Lord says, reach up and pull in a new mantle of creative ability to solve and resolve problems and issues; for even this day I release upon your life the power to have creative wisdom and ability on the inside of you to be able to fix that which is broken, declares the Lord! (Look at Daniel 1:3-4 and verses 17-21, Daniel 5:5-29, and Genesis 41:1-57.) 11-7-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, when you cannot see where you are going you have to know where you are going and you know where you are going when you spend time with me, says the Lord! 11-6-2012 The Lord says, I have been preparing you to walk into a comfortable place but in order to get to that comfortable place I first had to bring you through a very uncomfortable place so that you would learn faith and how to trust me by faith; I have been strategically calling you way out of your comfort zone in the past six months and causing you to walk on the waters so that you could learn the walk of faith in a new way. Do you trust me says the Lord? Do you trust me that I am able to take care of you? Do you trust me that I am able to do this? Do you trust the path that I have you on and do you trust the path that I am taking you down in life says the Lord! 11-5-2012 The Lord says, it's not that I haven't been calling you up higher because I have, but you've been delaying to come to that place where I have called you in life which is a place of promotion and responsibility; it is in the higher places that you are safe from the evils of the low places and I’ve been calling you up to higher grounds so that I can protect you from the things that would try to wipe you out from being in the low places of life that I have not ordained for you to be there any longer. The Lord says, no valley experience is designed to last forever but I have ordained a place for you in the high places and I have even reserved a spot for you at the table in the higher attitudes, declares the Lord! 11-4-2012 The Lord says, the place that I have positioned you was setting you up for the time to come to step into a position and a level of higher authority to carry out a higher task and a higher assignment, declares the Lord! 11-3-2012 The Lord says, I have positioned you to make the shift that is coming your way and I will lead you in the way that is right in this season so that the enemy does not work against or destroy my plans for you in this hour; I am taking you by a way that you do not know and it will require you to walk by faith not by sight so continue to hold my hand and seek after me and I will show you the way says the spirit of the living God. 11-2-2012 I hear the word of the Lord saying come up higher and I will show you things to come, because where you are standing is a flood plain and the enemy has been coming in like a flood to drown you out and to drown out your voice and your choice; The Lord says, come up to the high places into a realm where the flood water cannot come because it is not allowed to come there and you will be safe with me in the higher places other than where you've been living at in the low places where the tides of life tend to flood your zone. Your safety is in the ark and I am the ark of your refuge and an ark is designed to float above the flood waters in the high places that are only found in me; come up into the ark, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 59:19) 11-1-2012 The Lord says, that which you couldn't do I will do and that which was out of your control is within my reach and I will help you with the portion in which you cannot see your way, says the Lord! 10-31-2012 The Lord says, your purpose in life is what will keep you focused in life and it is that purpose that will cause you to be rooted and grounded in me, declares the Lord of hosts. 10-30-2012 Shift into the new and don't look back and watch I take you to heights that you never seen before, says the Lord! 10-29-2012 The Lord says, I am giving you another chance to swings some things around to work in your favor. 10-29-2012 (Word #2) I heard the Lord saying “I will bring a nation to its knees in a day.” (Scary, however he said to me that this word is not just for any one particular nation but that it applies to all nations.) 10-29-2012 (Word #3) I am declaring a new destiny in your life, says the Lord! 10-28-2012 overall this will be a good year for my people and in the days and months ahead in spite of all the turmoil that you will see among the nations; know in all things that I am good in all things, says the Lord! 10-27-2012 The Lord says, the tests are the things that will be promoting you when you pass them, but there are critical tests that are coming in this hour that will demote you if you fail to pass them says the Lord! The promotion is in your obedience, says the Lord! 10-27-2012 (Word #2) Don't let your feeling or emotions get in the way, says the Lord! 10-27-2012 (Word #3) In this hour you will have to hear with your spirit and not your flesh, because the flesh will lead you astray, says the Lord! 10-26-2012 The Lord says, the same dark black ugly storm clouds that you see I’m going to use to bring the blessing and you will see the blessing instead of the storm, says the Lord! 10-25-2012 The Lord says, I’ve been making you uncomfortable in this season only to make you comfortable again but this time in my way and in my timing and this is a season that I am now shifting you into some new and exciting and greater things says the Lord! 10-25-2012 (Word #2) Many of you have been wanting to take a peep into your future but it is like a wall has been in front of you and there is a door there on that wall, but it has been locked; The Lord says, come before me and get still in my presence and you will see the things that you desire to see and you will know the things that desire to know and I plainly and clearly show you your future; there are some mysteries that I have kept both sealed and reserved only for the ones that dare to come and seek me and to those ones only I will the next level and the hidden realm of things; The Lord says, there are yet hidden realms that you don't know yet or see and I desire to show you those things that have been a mystery, says the Lord! 10-24-2012 The Lord says, I created your life for purpose and passion so step into your destiny and see that there is no limits in me, declares the Lord! 10-24-2012 (Word #2) I heard the Lord say it's not a testimony without a test and you don't have no message without first overcoming a mess (A hot mess), and I use messengers that have overcome to deliver the message of how I cause men to overcome in all things, says the Lord! 10-24-2012 (Word #3) The Lord says, you really don't know who you are and you really don't know the full power that I have placed inside of you and just how great I have called to you be; The Lord says, I have called you to go beyond. 10-23-2012 The Lord says, you do not make decisions based upon where you are now, but you make decisions based upon what I’ve said to you and based upon your future and where I’m taking you to, declares the Lord! 10-23-2012 (Word #2) I hear the word of the Lord coming to me saying, just because everyone else in the world and everyone else around you is making bad decisions doesn't mean that you have to make bad decisions and keep on making bad decisions; but trust my advice and trust my ways and watch me guide you to the place of success and great victory says the Lord! 10-22-2012 The Lord says, how long shall you halt between two opinions and how long will you wrestle with my will even after you asked me what my will is for your life and I revealed it to you; I expect my children to believe my words, says the Lord! 10-21-2012 The Lord says, my grace is going to do for you that which you could not do for your own self in this season. 10-20-2012 The Lord says, I am calling you to a deeper realm in me. 10-20-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, I am the God of the open doors and I will open doors for you in the high places says the Lord! 10-19-2012 The Lord says, I am not out to get you, but I am for you; many of my people have a twisted view of my love and my purpose for being in their life, but they must know that I am there to help them and not hurt them declares the Lord! 10-18-2012 I hear the Lord saying that the seasons has now changed and shifted and I am shifting my people in a totally new direction and I am shifting some things to bring about a more permanent and a lasting change. 10-17-2012 This is a season of vision and wisdom says the Lord and in this is also a season in which I shall give my people strategies for their future says the Lord! 10-17-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, sometimes what he has placed in you is so big that you cannot even sum it up in a few words, so don't try to; The Lord says, do not try to put me back in a box because I made you to think outside of the box and your broadness of mind and largeness of heart came from me and I made you to think big and to see greater, bigger, and higher things, says the Lord! 10-16-2012 The Lord says, look unto me and not man as your source of strength and supply and I will in return cause you to be fruitful and to multiply. 10-15-2012 The Lord says, know that your favor is at hand and I have favored you in all things. 10-14-2012 The Lord says, this is a season wherein I am now turning all your negatives into positives and your heart shall be glad and you shall have positive feedback in your life, declares the Lord! 10-14-2012 (Word #2) dream bigger says the Lord! 10-13-2012 I hear the word of the Lord saying “power, favor, and wisdom belongs to you in this season, and for those that will press in they will taste of the grapes of my favor and they will see my faithfulness and my mercy, declares the Lord! 10-12-2012 I hear the Lord saying, restoration and renewal; I will refresh you and renew you so that you will have a renewed strength, faith, and confidence in me, says the Lord! 10-11-2012 You have been in a season of stretching wherein the Lord have been stretching you to receive more and to be able to reach for higher things and it has been a little uncomfortable for you at times because he is expanding you and broadening your horizon and causing you to look up even higher into the realms of the unseen to pull out your future and pull it into the now. 10-10-2012 The big boss man says, stay in faith and I will give you the grace to run this race and I will give you the strength to overcome the obstacles that you face, declares the Lord! 10-9-2012 The Lord says, just because you can't see where you are going doesn't mean that I’m not taking you there and it does not mean that I am not guiding you or leading because I often lead you by a way that you don't know and that you have never gone that way before, declares the Lord! (See Isaiah 42:16 and know that he is leading you; all you single parent moms read Isaiah 40:10-11 and know that you are being led in a gentle fashion.) 10-8-2012 The Lord says, I have called you to repair some things in life that have been damaged for whatever reason and I am going to use you to restore lives and to bring about restoration and a renewed hope in the lives of others around you, and I will cause them to see me when they see you says the Lord, and your very presence will bring healing into the lives to those that I will send to you, declares the Lord; see Proverbs 22:17-21. 10-7-2012 (Word #1) The Lord says, in this season whatever is coming against you I’ll remove it and whatever is distracting you I will handle it for you so that you can focus on my will in a clear manner and accomplish all of the things that I’m putting in your heart in this season, says the Lord! 10-7-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, I’ve been coaching you and clearing a way for you and I’ve been carving out a path for your future that has guaranteed you to win over everything that has come against you and the way will be made clear in this season says the Lord! 10-7-2012 (Word #3) The Lord says, don't let no one move you off of the course that I have you on in this season, because the course that I have you on is the very path to your freedom and liberation from all unpleasant things, declares the Lord! 10-6-2012 The Lord says, you do have creative ability on the inside of you and I’ve given you the ability to create things and to create solutions and answers to problems around you because I’ve made you in my own image and after my own likeness and I have placed you there to create the answers and the solutions to life situations as they arise, says the Lord! 10-5-2012 (Word #1) The Lord says, I am taking you to higher places, get up and go; come flow with me go with me and peep into the highest heavens and see my plans and lean not to the things that you understand, but allow my spirit to show you that which you didn't know; allow my spirit to confirm in you what I have laid up inside of you for such a time as this; for you are my secret weapon, declares the Lord! 10-5-2012 (Word #2) I hear the Lord saying clean up and clear up; for this is a season that I am leading my people to clean up some things in their lives and to clear up some long standing things and issues that have been surrounding them. The Lord has specifically said that this is a season of clean up and clear up, and we must seek to clean up and clear up all matters that could possibly hinder our future and destiny now so that we can move forward without further delay; he has shown me that over the next seven weeks that it will be a time of organizing and getting things in order across the board in order to move forward into a Near Year and a new season in which the first wave has already began; this is not a season for you to hold things against anyone. 10-4-2012 I am restoring the shield of confidence in the lives of my people, says the Lord! 10-3-2012 The path that I have chosen for you does not include confusion, says the spirit of the living God! 10-2-2012 The Lord says, I am breathing new life on you at this time and in this season. (Look at John 20:22, Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, and Job 32:8 & 18) 10-1-2012 The Lord says, you've been trying to figure out every single detail and make logical sense of everything before you move on some things, but The Lord says, I do not need you to figure everything out because I have already worked out all of the details for you says the Lord; I just need you to obey me and you will find me when you step into the faith realm, declares the Lord! 9-30-2012 The Lord says, I have been trying to stretch you in your thinking, because if I can get you to think big I can give you a lot more than you are expecting in life; do not limit me by your words and by your small minded thinking because I am bigger than that, says the Lord! (See Ephesians 3:20) 9-29-2012 The Lord says, it is important that you follow all of my instructions in this season so that you may live and prosper declares the Lord! 9-28-2012 The Lord says, many things are coming in this hour, but I am the strength and the light of my people and I will give great strength and power to my sons and daughters in this hour to make a lasting impact on the nations of the world, because the nations of the earth are at a crossroads and many people are standing in a valley of decision, but it is my wisdom that will be a light to many that are lost and that light will come through my sons and daughters to show them all the way. I am bringing my people and the people of the nations to a turning point and I am causing many people in this season to begin to crossover into a new place that they have never been before and the light of my illumination will now take them forth and cause them to go forward in a new way says the Lord! 9-27-2012 The Lord says, I will bless your going out and your coming in if you will trust me by faith in this season and I will show you the things that you desire to see when you seek me in faith, declares the king of glory! 9-26-2012 You are capable of doing many different things and I have given you the grace in this season to finish what I have started in you that will take you to another place in me by the end of the year, declares the Lord! 9-25-2012 The Lord says, just because things don't happen for you when you think that they're supposed to happen and in your timing does not mean that I am not God and it surely doesn't mean that I am not working, because I work all things after the counsel of my own will and I do all things in my own timing, because I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord! 9-24-2012 The Lord says, give me a chance to show you that I am all that you will ever need; let me show you the power of my works, says the Lord! 9-23-2012 The Lord says, I am calling you to a higher level of Revelation and in this season I will cause you to see things like you have never seen them before and your spiritual awareness and your spiritual knowledge will increase all the more, says the Lord! 9-22-2012 I am calling you to see the light in a new way and when my wisdom enters your soul it will cause the light of my illumination to be turned on inside of you and you will see all things clearly, says the Lord! 9-21-2012 I am challenging my people to come up a little higher in this season and for all those that will come up they will find the gold in the treasure houses that I have laid up for them says the Lord of hosts! (See Haggai 2:6-9 and Zechariah 8:9-17) 9-20-2012 I have not created you to be a hopeless being, but I have created you for purpose and for vision in life so that you can live out that purpose on purpose in the vision that I have laid out for you to enjoy; in my will is many good things, says the Lord! (Look at Psalm 16:11, Psalm 36:8, and Job 36:11) 9-19-2012 The Lord says, you don't live to war in every season of your life, but there are certain seasons that I have ordained for my people to have peace, favor, and a time of rest, but some of my people are not entering into their rest when it is a season of rest and a season of peace; even in the times of natural wars in the earth there are divisions or units that replace other fighters in various tours of duty so that the war weary can take a break and rest so that they do not give up, because I have not ordained for everybody to be constantly fighting in every single season of your life; some seasons of life comes around for you to enjoy the harvest while other warriors are fighting the ongoing war and there are some church and ministries that I have called to war strongly against the enemy, but even for those ones whose primary assignment is to war against the plans of the enemy I have ordained a season of peace and rest for them so that they do not get weary. I have even setup certain strategic camps to rotate in warring against the enemy, and I have watchman on the walls at all times and in all seasons while I give rest to the others, says the Lord! Enjoy the rest that I am giving you in this season and I rotate the troops around for the final harvest says the Lord! 9-18-2012 I am forming a new river in you says the Lord that I can flow through to pour out on others around you, and in this place of a new river you will now begin to feel fulfilled in that place of purpose and not empty says the Lord, and because of that fullness inside of you it will now erupt like a volcano that was waiting to explode and you will explode onto others all that Revelation and knowledge that I have been pouring into you over the last several seasons and even years, says the Lord! 9-17-2012 You are my candle in the earth shining in a dark place says the Lord, and I depending upon you to be the light of the world in this hour, declares the Lord; for I have placed answers inside of you, says the Lord! 9-16-2012 The Lord says, see ahead, see ahead, see into your future through the eyes of faith, see into your future through the eyes of my spirit; allow me to show you your future says the Lord! What I have to show you is much better than what you've been thinking on as of lately; if you would only trust me you will see far beyond what you have been exposed to previously, says the Lord! The greater awaits you says the Lord! 9-15-2012 There many more things coming in the days ahead says the Lord, but do not be distracted by the shaking in the earth because I will still be pouring out my blessing in the midst of the turmoil for those that are waiting and watching for me, says the Lord! 9-14-2012 The Lord says, I am calling you to make a righteous difference in the world and to be a part of my plan and to reveal my plan to the sons of man. 9-13-2012 I hear the word of the Lord saying “overflow” walk through the door and I’ll show you my overflow; I also hear great abundance; the Lord said you won't be expecting this level or anything like it, declares the Lord! 9-12-2012 Today, I am birthing something new in your life; I am doing something new in you and I am birthing a new order for you to follow and the new things that I am laying out before you will be strategic instructions and patterns for you to follow in the days ahead, says the Lord! 9-11-2012 I am going to reveal my secrets and mysteries to all that wants to know them; I will feed the hungry in this hour like never before and the sheep of my pasture will be able to see where the harvest is at in life, says the Lord! I have reserved mysteries and secrets for those that will seek my face, declares the Lord! 9-10-2012 The Lord says, this is not the season and time for you to be building your house upon the sand but this is a season and time for you to build upon the foundation that is sure and one that will not break, bend, crack, or falter when the winds and the waves blew upon; everyone that is founded and grounded in me has foundations that are sure and solid, declares the Lord! 9-9-2012 Open doors in this season, says the Lord! 9-8-2012 The Lord says, I am the Most High God and there is no problem that you have that is higher than me so I have put them under my feet and if you are aligned with me, then they will be under your feet as well. I am a very big God and there is nothing that you are facing that is bigger than me, so don't even flinch because I got you covered says the Most High God! 9-7-2012 Tune in your ears to my frequency says the Lord and let your faith antenna's go up and receive what I have to say and let heaven make a deposit in you by my spirit; allow me to download my will, my strength, and my power into your life so that you can now climb far, far above all the negative voices that would steal your faith; be steadfast and tune in and let he that has ears to hear let them hear in this hour what I am now saying to my people; let them now hear what I am saying to the nations, and let them now hear what I am saying to the churches, says the spirit of the living king! 9-6-2012 (Word #1) Put your faith out there, says the Lord! 9-6-2012 (Word #2) You can handle much more in life than you think, says the Lord! 9-5-2012 The plan that I have for you is far greater than your plan says the Lord, and if you will let me take control of that situation I will cause you to prosper and to come out on top, says the spirit of grace! 9-4-2012 The Lord says, I am forming up something new in you and I am preparing you for my greatness and to walk in new and mightier realms that you have never seen or experienced before; you don't know this way says the Lord, but I will guide you into a place in me wherein you will learn to trust me in a way that you have never trusted me before, but rest assured that I have saved the best for last and good things good things are now coming your way, says the Lord; for I am the king of glory declares the Lord! 9-3-2012 The Lord says, I hold the heart of the king in my hands and I will even turn it whatsoever way that I feel, says the Lord because I am a great God and I will not allow my children to be slaughtered upon the mountains, but I am their safety and refuge and in me is a sure ark of safety, declared the Lord! 9-2-2012 The Lord says, I have not called you to quit or to fail and the gates of hell will not prevail against you, because I am the one that is covering you says the Lord and I will not allow you to go down, declares the holy one! 9-1-2012 (Word #1) The Lord says, you cannot afford to allow dangerous emotions to rule and overtake your life; do not allow men to distract you from your purpose, says the Lord! 9-1-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, in order for you to regain your focus again in life you are going to have to readjust your thinking, realign your focus and readjust your priorities again to line up with his will and the first word that he spoke to you in the beginning; The Lord says, there are many magnificent things that awaits you, but you have to step into your full purpose to get them, declares the Lord! 8-31-2012 I have not called you to stall or to be stagnant in life, but I have called you to reach out to the nations and to touch lives for me. Can I use you to tell them about me? Can I use you to spread my word to those that haven't heard? Can I use you to press forward and be a mighty example to my flock that is set before you, says the Lord! 8-30-2012 (Word #1) I am able to fix that which is broken, says the Lord! 8-30-2012 (Word #2) Let me speak directly to a people that have been constantly beating yourself up over your past and your previous mistakes and sins and this thing has been hanging over your heads for a long time like a dark cloud and people do not want to let it go and forgive you because of it, but the Lord told me to tell you that you are forgiven and my blood has fully covered those sins for you, so walk in a new found freedom and continue to move forward, says the Lord! 8-29-2012 They said that fear would soon overtake you, but I say to you that I have not given you a spirit of fear, but I have made you to be the bold and the beautiful and you shall carry my name unto the ends of the earth and declare that which is right in a season that is now calling for it, says the Lord! 8-28-2012 (Word #1) This is a season that I am refreshing my called and chosen ones and the waters of refreshing will soon overtake you, says the Lord! 8-28-2012 (Word #2) Stay in the ark of my safety and at the place of my refuge, says the Lord! 8-27-2012 I have been taking my people through a valley, but not in this season I am calling them up to the high places and in the high places is a place of safety; the low places was a time and a place of training, but the season has now changed and I am shifting my people into a higher realms where mysteries are revealed and secrets are made known, says the Lord! 8-26-2012 The cost of your love is measured by the cost of your obedience says the Lord! 8-25-2012 The Lord says, I need you to pray, stay in faith, and believe and you will receive, says the Lord! 8-24-2012 Look beyond your current circumstances and see your future says the Lord; allow me to show you what you could not see with your own natural eyes, strength, and abilities and allow me to show your future. The Lord says, for many of you to go back and look again and this time you will see something that you did not see before says the Lord! (See 1 Kings 18:41-45) The Lord says, you will see that in this season which you did not see in the last season, declares the Lord! 8-23-2012 The Lord says, I have called you to be strong and to be strong to declare my words to this generation and I am going to cause people to hear you when you speak and open your mouth on my behalf, and when you open your mouth to speak I am going to fill it with words; my words, and it will even be my words that will come out of your mouth to declare my glory and my power to the nations; do not say “I am not ready for all that” and do not say “why would the Lord choose little ole' me” because The Lord says, I choose you because I wanted to choose you and I called you out to go spread my glory and to tell my story, says the Lord! 8-22-2012 The Lord says, to his people in this season having wisdom, knowledge, and vision in this hour are the things that will preserve you, keep you, and elevate you and put you in a place of safety. (Go study Isaiah 33:6 and Proverbs 29:18) The Lord says, having vision will keep you from perishing and to have knowledge is power and having the wisdom that I give will keep you alive. 8-21-2012 You do have the fire in you to go up higher says the Lord and you do have the power in you already to make a full recovery and to progress in a new way that will cause you to overcome every obstacle in your life and to help others overcome the things that are trying to overcome them. The Lord says, if the fire in you could not be put out by now, then there is no stopping you now, declares the Lord! 8-20-2012 The Lord says, know that I have definitely called you to be a people of order and to establish my order for me in the earth and where there is chaos and confusion it is because you have not contributed to helping establish my order in the dark places, says the Lord! (Look at Psalm 82:1-6 & Matthew 10:34 and handle kingdom business) 8-19-2012 This is the season that I am going to lead you into the harvest that I have for you, says the Lord! 8-18-2012 This is a season that I am stretching my people in their faith says the Lord, and the ones who didn't know how to trust me before will have to learn how to trust me in this season, says the Lord! 8-17-2012 Move forward says the Lord and watch me take you places. 8-16-2012 The Lord says, I have prepared you for battle, but do not worry because you won't even need to fight in this season because I have now taken full control of the helm of the ship and I am steering you in a new direction and I am steering you in the right direction in this season. I need you to change lane, because I am now bringing you into a new intersection with a lot of favor and a whole lot of blessings as I turn everything around for you that had you at a stop sign in life where you felt like you could not go any further because you didn't feel like you have a green light, but The Lord says, you will now see all of your signs as you follow the roadmap of life that I have given you to make the right decisions and the right turns in this season; I need you to fly by my radars in this season and not your own; I need you to be tuned into my GPS system instead of your own because my system will help you to navigate quickly to the place that I intended for you to be at in the first place, says the spirit of the Most High God! The Lord says, I am able to correct any and every wrong turn that you have ever made in life and I am also able to help you to regain control of the car even after you have over corrected the wheel to prevent you from have another catastrophic accident in life; I need you to trust that I am in control of your life now and I always have been but just now in this season you have finally come to the place where you have put me on autopilot and have agreed to let me take over the flight of your life, and I am now in this season causing you to fly in the right direction in all things, says the Lord! 8-15-2012 The Lord says, my people have been in a season of testing and all men are being tried and tested in this hour, but only those that pass those tests will be promoted in their due season, says the Lord! The Lord says, the faith of men all over the world is being tested and tried right and it is the present day shaking that shall bring forth a pure seed in faith, says the Lord! 8-14-2012 The Lord says, I have called you to see beyond where you are at now in life and I have called you to see even further than your tomorrow and see the things in your future as I did with Joseph; the reason trials that you were faced with has lost its power and those things will remain powerless if you will allow me to show you what I have in store for your future, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 44:7-8, John 16:13-15, Proverbs 22:3, and Proverbs 27:12) 8-13-2012 The Lord says, I have to remind you of my favor and of my power; for I am able to do all things and I do have power to open doors and because you are my child you have favor and I will open doors for you as you obey me, says the Lord! 8-12-2012 The Lord says, I have been the one that have been upholding you by my power and by my right hand, and I would not let certain things touch you that wanted to destroy your life and abort your destiny, because I am the one that has called you and your destiny is sure and I have not changed my mind at all about how I feel about you says the Lord, and yes it is me that have been behind the scenes pushing you forward even when you wanted to give up, says the Lord! 8-11-2012 The Lord says, to tell you that you are fully equipped for battle and your power is in me, says the Lord! 8-10-2012 The Lord says, the strength to overcome and come out on top is in your faith. 8-9-2012 Try not to get yourself over extended in debt because debt causes burdens, but believe me for resources and lay hold onto my word that I’ve spoken to you and promised you that you shall be the lender and not the borrower if you obey my commandments, says the Lord! (See Deuteronomy 28:12-13 and Proverbs 22:7-9 & Romans 13:8) 8-8-2012 I have called you to come up higher, but you have been comfortable where you are at in life; the reason that I have been calling you up to a higher place is to protect you, because the floods and many other troubles flows through the low places and I am your refuge, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 32:17-20, Revelation 4:1-5, and Revelation 10:1-7) I see the Lord trying shift his people through a permanent door of refuge, protection, and safety, but many have been in a state of resisting what the Lord has for them by leaning to their own understanding. 8-7-2012 Yes, many things are coming in the earth, but for my people good things good things are also coming says the Lord! Yes you'll also see many changes coming and taking place in the earth, but for my people good changes good changes, says the Lord! 8-6-2012 I have not created you to worry says the Lord, but I have created you for my purpose and to show the nations my love and my mercy through your life and the destiny that I have even called you to, says the Lord! 8-5-2012 Your future is in my hands and in your mouth says the Lord, so speak right things to bring about a right harvest says the Lord; for your overdue season is just a few positive confessions away, declares the Lord of hosts! (See Psalm 50:23 and Hosea 14:2) 8-4-2012 The Lord says, I have been setting you up for the blessing in this season and you need to take full advantage of those things that I have shown you for a brighter future, says the Lord! 8-3-2012 Elevation and more elevation says the Lord; this is your season to be elevated says the Lord! 8-2-2012 Come up and soar with the eagles says the Lord; for you have been robbing your own self by thinking too low and I have called you to be high as a son in my kingdom; look up to the heavens and know that I am the Most High God and in my hands are the power to make great and the power to promote; know that I have a plan and it will take your faith to fully be able to understand how in times of testing I lift up the son of man to reveal my plan so that you can see that which you did not see and so that you can go where you could not go, says the spirit of the Most High Lord! 8-1-2012 The Lord says, the very things that you fear is the very things that I have a plan already in motion to permanently fix for you so that your confidence in me will be fully restored and greatly increased, declares the Lord! 7-31-2012 I called you out to take you in says the Lord, and a new road is forming for your path; watch the signposts that I give you as I shifting you into a new beginning, says the Lord! 7-30-2012 I must see your faith in this season so that you can see my plan, says the Lord! 7-29-2012 The Lord says, my anointing is going to fall heavily upon my people and upon my houses says the Lord! 7-28-2012 The Lord says, this is a build-season for you, and I am building up many things in your life, because I am going to use you to build my kingdom for men to see my goodness and my glory in the earth; The Lord says, the passion that I need to build my kingdom is in you and I am building up your confidence in me and I am building up your self-esteem and I am rebuilding your hope and restoring your trust in me in all things, says the Lord! The Lord says, I am going to use you to build, and for some of you he is saying that I am going to use you to rebuild those things that are torn down and I am going to use you to rebuild those areas in people's lives that have been wounded and torn down in the process of their life struggles and I am going to use you to restore hope to them, says the Lord! For some of you I hear the word of the Lord saying I am building through you now. The Lord says, to others I am rebuilding the hard places in your life and making the rocky places smooth again as the builder smooth off the rough edges with sand paper, says the Lord! Yes I have chosen you to build in my name says the Lord and you shall go forth and do my will says the Lord, and I need you to lay your life down so that I can build and map out my plan through you says the Lord; for I hold the blueprints for all men and I want to build again and restore lives through you, says the Lord! I have chosen a path for you that you did not chose on your own, says the spirit of the Lord! 7-27-2012 The Lord says, you may have been in a season of life wherein it may have looked like you were losing, but I am going to correct your vision so that you will be able to see things in a different manner and this day is a day of deliverance for you from the many things that has been troubling you. (that is a good word; just believe and then receive it) 7-26-2012 The Lord says, you must allow your focus to be right in this season and do not allow mockers and distractions to take your focus off of what I have called you to do, declares the Lord! 7-25-2012 I see your works says the Lord and I see those of you that labor before me faithfully and I will never forget any your works, you'll see; and you will see that I plentifully rewards the proud doer of my word shown by his works of love, says the spirit of the Lord! (Study Psalm 31:23 and Psalm 101:6) 7-24-2012 The Lord says, see yourself like I see you; for I see you as royalty seated along with me, says the Lord! (See Romans 8:16-17) 7-23-2012 The Lord says, I am removing that dark cloud that has been hanging over your head and where things have seemed somewhat cloudy and where certain things may have been unclear; I, the Lord am straightening out the crooked places and causing you to see things in a clearer manner and fashion. In this season I am now giving you the ability to see out of darkness and to see the light of day in many of life's affairs that have been challenging your life, says the Lord! (See Psalm 112:4 and Psalm 58:10-11) 7-22-2012 Do not allow the setbacks to turn you around says the Lord, but only allow the stepping stone to lift you up higher so that you can see the road that is set before you in a higher place, declares the holy one! 7-21-2012 The Lord says, why would you think for one minute that I don't have your back; I have always had your back says the Lord, and I have covered you through the power of my blood and I have hid you in the shadow of my love; at the point that it looks the worst, I have a plan to disperse all things that have come against you says the spirit of the living God! The Lord says, my strength is greater than you even know and my power is higher than every other principality and dominion and my people shall see the power of my strength in this season like never before says the Lord! You shall be greatly reassured that I am the Most High God, says the Lord! (See Psalm 110:3, Acts 1:8, and Luke 10:18-22) 7-20-2012 The Lord says, the changes that I am making in your life is necessary to get you to the place that I need you to be in life; I will reveal myself to you in a more personal way in this season that you have never seen me before and in a way that you have never known thus far, says the Lord! 7-19-2012 The Lord says, I did not create your life in vain, but I created your life to touch others along the way and to release me everywhere that you go. Your life is not an accident, but I knew you were coming and I gave the final say for you to be here and I authorized your very spirit to come into the womb so that you could be born to fulfill my kingdom purposes, says the Lord! (See Jeremiah 1:4-5 and Romans 9:11; he ordained you for something before you got here, so now find out what that purpose is) 7-18-2012 The Lord says, this is a season that I am turning some things around for my people and yet I am turning many old systems in the world upside down. (See John 16:20, Isaiah 24:1-23, and John 2:13-16) 7-17-2012 I am cracking up the hard places in your life and I am taking you forward with a new strength and a new direction that shall lead you to a place of power and of greater authority; I am sovereignly placing many of my people in higher places of authority just for them to open doors for more of my people that are yet to come behind them in the days ahead, but you must know that I have already gone before you, says the Lord! 7-16-2012 The Lord says, do not let the Markets fool you and do not be taken by the Markets, because the Markets are able to be manipulated by man, says the Lord! (I see where there is a high level of fraud in almost every nation and their financial Market and in the near coming days you will see these things unfold at a high and rapid rate and you will see the devastating repercussions and the harmful effects of Market manipulation worldwide; see Matthew 6:19-21 and 1 Timothy 6:17-19.) 7-15-2012 The Lord says, be still and stand still. (Look at Psalm 46:10, 2 Chronicles 20:14-17, 20 and Exodus 14:13) Yeah, I also hear the Lord saying that there are some things that you cannot fix and the things that you can't fix and the things in life that are greater than you are my Job and it is even my responsibility to fix those things for you; in life you are only required to fix that the things that you are able to fix and to do the things that you are able to do and all other things that are beyond you and out of your control is my Job, says the spirit of the Lord! 7-14-2012 Look at the seas and know that I will not allow the flood waters of life to overtake your life, but this is a season that I am calling you to walk on the very thing that was trying to walk on you and overtake you, says the Lord! 7-13-2012 I raised you up for this season and I gave you a spot at my table and will you not accept my invitation says the Lord? Only the royal have been called to dine at my table; see that you do not refuse your spot at the royal table because I have called you to be a part of the royal dynasty says the Lord! (See Luke 14:12-24 & Revelation 19:6-9; are you invited? Have you accepted the invitation? See Revelation 22:17 and Romans 10:8-13) 7-12-2012 You are on the start of something big says the Lord, and the pain that you have had to walk through and even all the labor pains were because you are birthing something new in the earth that has never been done before, but it was reserved for this time and I, the Lord has kept this thing hidden in you from others until time, because they would have caused you to abort your baby or to have a miscarriage in the process had they known what I was doing on the inside of you says the Lord, but you are pass due and long overdue so I am going to have to induce labor in this season and bring that baby in you to the light now, because that baby is your destiny and that destiny is now, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 48:6-7, Isaiah 66:7-9, Micah 4:10, and Isaiah 65:23-25) eat these words says the Lord; these words are heavily prophetic. 7-11-2012 Some of you feel like you have not been recognized or acknowledged for the things that you have done in life, but The Lord says, I do see what you have done and I recognize what you done in secret that you have told no one about and I will be the one that will even reward you openly for your secret service on my behalf says the Lord; for there are many that sound the alarm like a trumpet and tell everyone what they do for others, but that self-glory is their reward says the Lord; be not like them and do not look to man to reward you, but look only to me for your reward says the Lord! (See Matthew 6:1-6, Hebrews 6:10-15, 2 Chronicles 15:7-8, Proverbs 29:25-26, and Psalm 75:6-7) 7-11-2012 (Word #2) The Lord says, I have been calling some of you to a higher realm in me, but you have been resisting my will and rejecting my plans and it has been costing you a lot to stay outside of my love and my zone of protection that I have in place for you, but if you will now rethink your values and realign your focus I can take you to that place that need to be in me, says the Lord! 7-10-2012 The things that I have appointed for you cannot be stopped says the Lord and I will make sure that which I have ordained for you to have will get to you one way or another; I do have more than one source to get to you whatever I said that you can have says the Lord, so do not get discouraged when one door closes, because I will open many more for you in this season, says the Lord! The Lord says, this is a season of greater multiplication and my people shall increase in this season, says the Lord! 7-9-2012 Guard your gates and watch the things that you allow to come into your ears in this season and guard what your eyes see and monitor what you allow them to see, declares the Lord; The Lord says, you protect your heart by protecting what you allow the five senses of your human body to be exposed to in life. 7-8-2012 The Lord says, sudden prosperity will hit your life when you take advantage of the system that I have set in place to bless you; many of my people are not operating in the many principles of life that is detailed in my word to prosper them, says the Lord! 7-7-2012 The Lord says, I am moving in the area where you live and I shall be seen in a very tangible and touchable way and they will see me in you and moving in and through your life, says the Lord! 7-6-2012 I have prepared you for this season and in this time and season you will begin to see the winds blow, but this won't be no ordinary winds but these winds are the winds of change, and the winds of change now signifies a change of seasons, and I am shifting my people into stability and they will be rooted and grounded and even anchored in me and they will learn my ways and know my ways, says the Lord God! 7-5-2012 The Lord says, this is a season that I am increasing your awareness and your insight in this season and many things will be made clear in this season and I will not allow you to be taken by a snare, but I will reveal all truth, says the Lord! 7-4-2012 The Lord says, this is a season that I am making some corrections in your life and the necessary changes in order for you to grow correctly and then go forward on a solid footing in life, declares the Lord! 7-3-2012 I am creating another door for you to walk through, says the Lord! 7-2-2012 The Lord says, I have reserved a righteous remnant that will obey me no matter what and they will be the ones that will see my favor. 7-1-2012 I have reserved the portion for you that is the best and I have given you that which is good; I have already given to you that which you do not see yet manifested in your life, but ask me to open your eyes to see that which I have already given to you, says the Lord! 6-30-2012 The Lord says, this is a season wherein I am going to show you just how to turn your trash into treasure and what you thought was trash will be found to be treasure and a gold mine, says the Lord! 6-29-2012 The Lord says, I am grooming you for something better and I am shaping you for something bigger and the labor pains that you were feeling was me pushing a bigger baby called destiny out of you. 6-28-2012 The Lord says, I am depending on you to fulfill your purpose and to walk out your destiny; do not give heed to the things that seek to distract you from your purpose says the Lord of glory! 6-27-2012 Pursue your purpose says the Lord! 6-26-2012 The Lord says, I have not called to you to be ignorant, but I have ordained for you to know me and to know my ways so that you would not be like the rest of the world that are lost and don't know me. (Study John 17:6-9 & 20-23, 2 Thessalonians 1:2-12) 6-25-2012 The Lord says, I have not called you to fail, but I have positioned you for greatness. 6-24-2012 I’ve heard the things that you said and I heard the things that you prayed, but you need to allow time and process to work in your life, says the Lord! (See James 1:2-4) 6-23-2012 The Lord says, know that when I give you a purpose and a vision in life that there is a specific season that all things are to be fulfilled; know that I do all things in my timing and according to my purposes and my plans and you are a part of my plans. When begin to move I move in in phases, stages, levels, seasons, and realms and in the different season you will begin to see and experience different levels of my power and you will receive different deposits of my wisdom, because I am making you into the person that I would have you to be and at this time and in this season of your life it will require you to be patient and willing to go where I would have to go and to be exactly where I would have you to be in this season even as I bring you into a place in life of stability and tranquility says the Lord! 6-22-2012 I have already set your life up to win and to get the victory over every negative circumstance that tries to come against your life and this is a season that many of my people win see a turnaround in their health, in their finances, and in their families declares the Lord! 6-21-2012 The Lord says, I do desire to show you more, but you must take the limitations off of your mind and take the limits off of me and believe that I am able to do this, says the Lord! 6-20-2012 I have brought you a mighty long way says the Lord and I am restoring all the years to you that have been devoured by the enemy; for I give you back more than one hundred fold, but I will give unto you manifold on your return for all of your faithfulness. I rain a new upon you says the Lord and I give unto you the former and the latter rain in this season and this rain shall lift you up even perpetually says the Lord and it shall bring you to a new place of prosperity and favor and a time of abundance; for I am allowing you to redeem the time in this hour declares the Lord! This is a time and a season for you to watch for me and to wait in my presence says the Lord; for my spirit does go before you and I have already set it up for you says the Lord God almighty; I have already set it up for you says the Lord! 6-19-2012 You have been in a place in life that had you saying Lord it has been hard for me lately and I hear what you are saying and what you are telling me, but I don't see how to move forward, I don't see my door and I don't know where to go from here, but The Lord says, rest in me and you will see; follow the instructions that I give and you shall live. Give me the necessary time that I need to work in your life and you will see my hand and my hand is there to guide you into a place of refuge in me and a place of stability. You have been looking at the storm, but I need you to turn your eyes and your attention and focus back on me and you will once again see clearly, says the Lord! The Lord says, I have sent you coaches in the storm to coach you through the storms and their Job is to point you back to me and I will show you the way and I will take it from there says the Lord! 6-18-2012 The door is open now walk through says the Lord! 6-17-2012 The Lord says, I have prepared greatness for you, but it is up to you to step into that greatness and walk in the power of my spirit, says the Lord! 6-16-2012 I have called you to be a beacon and hope to the world in these dark and perilous times, but do not let your light grow dim, says the Lord! 6-15-2012 The power of my love will be revealed to some and yet the power of my wrath will be revealed to others. A very sharp two edged sword has gone out into all the land and I want to compel my people to stay on the side of the blessing and not on the side of the wrath; for on one side that sword is designed to cut away everything that has been holding back your blessing and it is designed to cut away the ropes and the chains and the things that have held you in bondage and had you tied down and tied up in life, but on the other side of that sword it is designed to slay the wicked and to cut away your enemies in this season, says the Lord! 6-14-2012 The Lord says, I am positioning some of my people to take over where the faithless have left off and new leaders shall emerge and take my body forward in the earth declares the Lord! 6-13-2012 The Lord says, I am changing your platform in this season and I am opening up new doors. 6-12-2012 The Lord says, turn your mind around and think on those things that are righteous and pure and of faith and you will get all that I have for you. 6-11-2012 The Lord says, I am shifting some things to work in your favor in this season. 6-10-2012 The Lord says, I am shaking up the uncomfortable places in your life to push you to a higher place in me, says the Lord! This is a season that I am pruning my trees to get more fruit out of them, says the Lord! 6-9-2012 The Lord says, I am enlightening you in this season and I am opening your eyes to things that were sealed because it is now time for them to be revealed, says the Lord! 6-8-2012 The Lord says, I love you more than you could ever know and the things that you struggle with and wrestle with day after day are the very things that I want to help you with; will you let me show you the way and will you cast that care upon me, says the Lord? My people have been content on doing things their own way because they don't really trust me, but I am looking for a people that will trust me and that will take me at my word and when I find those kinds of people I will move them forward as I did with the generation that were present in the days of my servant Joshua, and in this season I am looking for that fearless generation to charge and take command and move forward into the promises from out of the wilderness; you have been in the wilderness too long, says the Lord! 6-7-2012 Get ready for a new season and a new beginning says the Lord; you have been looking back and looking to get back what you previously had, but this is a day and a season that I am declaring new and better things for my people and you do not want you looking backwards, but I need you to go forward and press into all of the new things that I have for you in this season now, says the Lord! 6-6-2012 (Word #1) Plug into the power that I have provided for you says the Lord; call unto me says the Lord and I will send a multitude of reinforcements to you from on high. I have many legions of angelic hosts standing waiting to assist you when you call for backup when things want to act up, declares the Most High God! 6-6-2012 (Word #2) This is a season that I have ordained for you to go from the bottom to the top, says the Lord! 6-6-2012 (Word #3) The Lord says, I am turning back those things and that enemy that has been trying to attack you and stop you from moving forward and you will step into destiny and win, says the Lord! 6-6-2012 (Word #4) The Lord says, I have favored you for the buildup and in this season I am building you up and remaking you again, declares the Lord! 6-5-2012 I am turning on the light switch in your life so that the light shall shine upon your ways in this season and I am turning on the power switch so my power will empower you to win in new ways to get you to that place that you are supposed to be and you will clearly see all of the things that I have for thee says the Lord! 6-4-2012 I created your life with a purpose and the very air that you breathe is the breath that I blew into the whole world and my love for you is greater than all men and the power of that love covered your sins and I have not saved you to abandon you and leave you stranded in the wilderness but I predestined for you to go forth in the earth and to bear much fruit. The storms of life cannot drown you or pound you if you keep your eyes on me and not the tidal waves of life that seek to drown you. I have ordained a time of healing and peace for my people and my plans are to bring forth restoration in this hour and to restore righteous foundations and you are a part of my plan, says the Lord! 6-3-2012 In this season I am shaking nations and shaking foundations and everything that I didn't be build will be brought to desolation as I begin to now move throughout the earth and to visit the nations and their governments, says the Lord! I am in the process of shaping and reshaping nations says the Lord and some will be built up and restored and yet others will be torn down as I restore my law and order, says the Lord! 6-2-2012 The Lord says, the things that I’ve been working on and changing in your life has made you uncomfortable, and in this season my will shall stand out so obvious that you couldn't miss it even if you could not see; I am planting a righteous vine in my people again in this time and at this season, and I am looking for the grapes that can be crushed to bring forth the new wine unto this generation so that my kingdom can be revealed to the masses, says the Lord! 6-1-2012 You keep looking for someone to hold your hand, but The Lord says, o' no, it's time for you to walk on the water. 5-31-2012 The path that I have chosen to take you down is one that you have never seen before says the Lord, and you are going to have to trust me completely and quit leaning to your own understanding and fly by the radars of faith, says the Lord! 5-30-2012 The Lord says, I was sitting still for a while and I was holding my peace and refraining myself, but now in this season I am standing up and things will change, declares the Lord God almighty! (See Isaiah 3:13-15, Psalm 12:5, Psalm 109:31, Job 19:25, Acts 7:55, Psalm 94:2-16, Daniel 12:1-3, Revelations 5:1-14 and Revelation 6:1 to better understand this season; believe me you want to read all of these scriptures today; you just can't afford not to read them. Wow!) 5-29-2012 The Lord says, how you process information in this hour will determine how you or feel about your future so be very careful how you handle those things that you are hearing in this season because many things are designed to get you off-track says the Lord! 5-28-2012 The Lord says, I am teaching my people how to be stable and how to make right decisions in this season, and in this season I will show you how to think outside of the box, says the Lord! The Lord says, in this season I am also cleaning up your image of yourself, because you've been looking at yourself lately through a distorted and tainted view because you have been seeing yourself through a dusty mirror; The Lord says, clean the mirror that you have been seeing yourself through and you will have vision to see a clearer view and you will be able to see the bigger in your life says the Lord of glory! 5-27-2012 The Lord says, many changes are on the horizon and you have to be prepared to shift at an instant into that place that I have for you, because the place that I have for you is a place of refuge from the storms of life and in that place you will find peace and tranquility that will lead to stability says the glorious one! 5-26-2012 Follow the trails of success says the Lord; for I have already gone before you and I have shown you the way; just follow me and keep my way and pray and you will see my best on display says the spirit of God! 5-25-2012 The Lord says, your foundation needs to be one that is built upon order and your life needs to have both structure and discipline in order to move into this next season. Many new things are coming in this season that my people are not ready for and are not prepared to handle, but the ones that are in order are the ones that will fare well during the time of testing and the ones that are out of order will feel the brunt of the storm, but that is not my highest wish for them. I love my people and that is the very reason that I give them instructions to follow so that life doesn't take them by the collar and just throw them around. I am once again wooing my people to get in order and travel with me as I travel with them on a journey that has been designed to bless through the test and promote when you step out of the boat says the Lord; for this is a season for you to walk on the waters versus you allowing the waters to walk on you and flood and overtake your life, declares the Lord! 5-24-2012 The Lord says, I am the one that takes your little or your lack when you give it to me multiplies it with interest and give it back as a big pay back; I am the one that releases your harvest when you release your seed, and I have multiplication and increase on my mind for my people in this season says the spirit of the living God! 5-23-2012 The Lord says, you must remain consistent in the time of testing because there is no crown given to the ones that give up; I have raised you up to be able to persevere and to be able to fully endure all things and to triumph and overcome everything that is designed to be a distraction in your life says the Lord! 5-22-2012 Stay in your seat of authority and stay in your place of royalty, says the Lord! (See 1 Peter 2:9 and Revelation 1:5-6 and Revelation 5:10) 5-21-2012 The Lord says, I am unlocking the winds to your future and these winds will blow you into the path and the very destiny that I have for you and the winds shall blow you up into a higher place in which the enemy cannot touch you, because I will put protection on you and even all around you and I will shield you so that the enemy cannot get in and so that he won't be able to touch you, because I hid you in my secret place, my special place of favor where the hordes of hell are not permitted to enter that realm, says the Lord! The Lord would further say that these special winds that I am releasing will release increase and favor on your life. 5-20-2012 The Lord says, I am giving you the vision and the faith to see ahead and to see beyond your current situation and circumstances to see all the wonderful plans that I have for you in your future so that your faith will remain strong and so that you will be encouraged to keep on going. 5-19-2012 The Lord say I will give you the strength to even progress forward and to move in to your new season. 5-18-2012 The Lord says, I have caused my people to see some hard things, but in this season my mercy will prevail and I will help those that have no help and I will rescue those that thought that they had to do it on their own and my grace and my power shift things in your favor again in this season, says the Lord! 5-17-2012 The Lord says, the trouble that you once saw is under my feet and because it is under my feet it is under your feet too because I placed it there says the Lord! 5-16-2012 The Lord says, I have given you the ability to decree and to declare certain things and those things will line up with your words and with your faith and you will see certain things shift suddenly when you use the power of your faith and your words declares the Lord! (See Job 22:27-28 now read verses 29-30, Isaiah 45:18-19, Ecclesiastes 8:4, and Revelation 1:5-6, Revelation 5:10) 5-15-2012 The Lord says, in times past you were anointed to go through, but in season I am anointing you to come to all the wonderful things that I have for you, and even as the children of Israel was graced to go through the wilderness, the second wave which were altogether another generation was graced to come into the promise land that was flowing with milk and honey and this is now your season to come into what I have for you now, says the Lord! The Lord says, go through to come to. (See Isaiah 66:7-9, Micah 4:10, and Isaiah 65:23 now Verses 21-25 are the prophetic scriptures for this season; all of this time you have been in labor pain, but The Lord says, it is now time to bring forth and be delivered. Please go read those scriptures above and don't take shortcuts by skipping over those scriptures because they are an important part of the prophecy.) 5-14-2012 I am calling you to the higher places, but you have been hesitant to obey me and to move with me and flow with me says the Lord, but in this season I am wooing you again to come up higher says the Lord! 5-13-2012 The Lord says, I am releasing special wisdom in this season to deal with certain situations that are at hand and special wisdom will be upon my leaders to lead the body forward in this hour, declares the Lord! 5-12-2012 The Lord says, I am continuing to hold you up by the right hand of my righteousness and in me you will find strength and life and all the power that you need to be strong, stand strong, and remain strong, and even as the trees do shake know that I am the one that makes all things be still in your life as I hold the keys to all stability; it is your faith in me that grabs hold of your key to unlock the future that I have in store for you now, says the Lord! 5-11-2012 In this season I will make a statement in the earth and I will show my glory to the ones that have not seen it yet in this generation and I will show myself to this generation now in this time through you as I use you to display my glory so that they can see my story, says the Lord! 5-10-2012 I am causing you to travel down the path of the thin line and you will have to make a lot of righteous decisions in this season and walk the straight and narrow road and there will be many things that may be popular with the masses, but I will need you to stand firmly with righteousness and not to align yourself with the evil of this present world; for only my righteousness will prevail, says the Lord! 5-9-2012 The spirit of God says I’m hovering all around you in this season; I am hovering all around you and upon you in this season, says the Lord! 5-8-2012 The Lord says, you've been through a serious season of testing, but now your season is over and you have passed the test and now in this season I will elevate you, connect you, and promote and take you forward on another level into realms that you have never seen before says the Lord! 5-7-2012 The Lord says, that you have been looking for the corridor to walk through, but it is my spirit that will lead you to that place you need to be in. I’ve not ordained for you to quit or to give up in this season; for I have a special plan for your life. The Lord say I am your bridge to the other side, and I am the door that you need to walk through says the Lord; put your eyes on me and you will clearly see declares the Lord! 5-7-2012 The Lord says, I have been shutting some things down in your life to show you my will and to reveal the path that I have chosen for you; now that I have your attention will you now listen to my voice so that I can give the instructions for the next season of your life, says the Lord? 5-6-2012 The Lord says, I am at your front door showing you the way forward in life, and if you will take the roadmap out of my hand, I will definitely lead you to the promise land declares the Lord! 5-5-2012 My grace and mercy has covered you even when you were not in place that you were supposed to be in, but in this season it will also be my grace and my mercy that will take you to that place of knowledge and to that place where I have set up and predestined for you to be; yes my grace and mercy will get you to that place where you are supposed to be, says the Lord! 5-4-2012 I had to close some doors in this season just so that I could open up some new doors to a new season of your life, and now you'll see the power of my manifold greatness displayed in your life in this season because it is now your time to come up higher, says the Lord! 5-3-2012 The Lord says, it is what you can't see that is being worked out on your behalf and what you have been desiring to see is what I am doing and even greater, says the Lord! 5-2-2012 Do not be distracted by the things that you allow to get in your way says the Lord; for this is not a time for you to become distracted from your purpose; realign your thoughts and realign your focus and you will see clearly how to enter this next realm that I am taking you into in this season, declares the Lord! 5-1-2012 I am getting ready to move upon your life, but I have to see your faith in exchange for my grace and all of the signs, miracles, and wonders that I am now releasing into your life and the realm around you, declares the Lord! 4-30-2012 Your purpose is greater than the struggle that you are facing says the Lord and your purpose will bring you pass the trouble into the glory realm where I dwell in that secret place that protects you from all harm, evil, and danger declares the Lord! 4-29-2012 The Lord says, hold the line in faith and keep your confidence and don't allow the storms to shake you or break you; for your season of coming out of distress is here, says the Lord! 4-28-2012 The Lord says, I am setting you up for the blessing and the breakthrough. 4-27-2012 I am taking you forward in life and I will not let you go back to the old season at all, so that you will step into the new and get all that I have for you, says the Lord! 4-26-2012 This is a season that I am reforming your path and reshaping your destiny to cause you to walk a straight path into the plans that I have for you in this season and the signs will be very clear, says the Lord! 4-25-2012 The Lord says, I have to become your number one priority in your life and above all else my voice has to be the strongest voice in your life at all times, because I am the one that knows your destiny and where you are headed, says the Lord! 4-24-2012 The Lord says, this is a season in your life where you will see those walls come down and those things that have been around you so that you will now begin to focus again; this is also a season that I will place my peace in your heart and you will have the confidence to trust me in way that you have not known or considered before; this is a season of stability and order for you and you will begin to lay the foundation for the platform that I am beginning in your life now, says the Lord! 4-23-2012 The Lord said I am calling you to the realms that are a little deeper than standing on the shores where you have been for a while, and in this new place and in this new realm the waters are a little deeper than what you have experiences ever before and in this place I will renew your passion for me and I will rekindle a fire in you that had gotten dull, and I will give you a new energy to stand in me that will thrust you into the next realm of my glory and that will take you places in my spirit that you have never seen or imagined before. 4-22-2012 The Lord says, there are many things in life that were hidden and sealed up that was not meant to be known by the church, by the world, or by any other generation up until now because they were sealed and I had them sealed up until now, and now in this season I will unseal and reveal some things in this hour that has never been known to any other generations before them, because they were sealed up for this hour says the Lord! There are many things in your life that were hidden from you and sealed up because it was not the time for you to know them yet, but in this hour I will unseal and reveal them to you says the Lord, and there will be many years old mysteries in your life and in the world that will be unfolded right before your very eyes says the Lord and you and many others will even say out of your own mouth why did I not see that before and it was right here before me the whole time and my very answer was right here the whole time;” it is because it is now beginning to be unsealed, released, and revealed says the Lord! This is a season that I am unsealing some things that were kept secret from you and that were hidden from your knowledge and kept secret from your eyes says the Lord! The Lord says, yea, I have healed you and sealed you until the day of redemption; think it not strange if I have guarded you and kept you from certain things because I had to protect you and I had to preserve and protect your destiny. There were many things that didn't make any sense to you at all, but I had many things sealed up until the appointed times says the Lord, and the time is now for you to go forth in this season of the unsealing and the revealing says the Lord! 4-21-2012 just trust me and you will see says the Lord; I work pass all of the obstacles and I work in the night seasons when men are asleep and I walk into a situation and bring forth everlasting change; for I am he that changes the hearts of men says the Lord, and I need you to trust me now declares the Lord! 4-20-2012 I am raising you up beyond the thing that has been tempting you, and I am giving you power to overcome those things that will hinder you, says the Lord! 4-19-2012 The Lord says, my people are going to have to be retrained in this hour so that they will have a new strategy to combat the changing times and the ability to confront the new and rising evils of today's world and to be able to compete for a spot at the table that is set up in the land. 4-18-2012 The Lord says, it is your faith that connects with the words that you hear that gets kingdom results. 4-17-2012 The Lord says, that it will be very important for you to consolidate as many things as possible under one mantle in this season so that your focus and your attention is not pulled in too many different directions to the point that you find your-self stretched too thin that you cannot focus your full attention and energy nowhere; I give you the wisdom how to bring things under one banner and to make the maximum out of everything that I am leading you to do in this season, says the Lord! 4-16-2012 The places that you fear to go to is the places that I desires to take you in me; there is a place in me that you'll find boldness and strength to be all that I have called you to be and to go everywhere in life that I have ordained for you to walk, says the Lord! 4-15-2012 I have brought you to a place in life where now you will realize the power of my blessing and you recognize how far I have brought you from and see the full truth of the law of progression and you see clearly just how you have overcame many things by my hand and not yours, declares the Lord! 4-14-2012 My purpose for your life hasn't changed so why take a path of shame when I have already ordained in life for you to come out of some things and come into your inheritance in me and that place of blessing; I have already mapped out the course for you and I have even planned your course of action to recover all things in this season if you will trust me and if you will dare come to me to get the instructions on how to get there, says the Lord! 4-13-2012 I, the Lord do all things in life with a purpose and what may surprise you does not surprise me because I know all things; I have already declared your future a success and I have already declared your end from the beginning and that settles it so do not allow the enemy to lie to you anymore, because I have called you to be great, says the Lord! 4-13-2012 I will give you the ability to see your future clearly and I will visit many of you in visions and dreams, but do not get discouraged when you don't see some things happening for you immediately; just know that all things that I tell you or show you will surely come to pass in its due season and in due time, declares the Most High God! 4-12-2012 The abundance of blessings is being poured out upon your life in this season says the Lord, and you will find favor with God and man and full restitution shall come to you in this hour, says the Lord! 4-11-2012 I had to reposition you for a brighter future so I had to take away the old to give you the new, says the Lord! 4-10-2012 The tides are now beginning to turn in your favor, says the Lord! 4-9-2012 In this season I will give you the ability to see things in the darkness like night vision goggles, and the sudden dark times of the earth will not catch you by surprise because I will give you the wisdom and the insight on how to deal with the darkness that is upon the face of the earth, says the Lord! (See Isaiah 60:1-22) 4-8-2012 I see new mantles falling; I see a new mantle of favor, a new mantle of finances, a new mantle of victory, a new mantle of healing, a new mantle of anointing, a new mantle of increase, a new mantle of vision, a new mantle of wisdom, a new mantle of knowledge, and a new mantle of prosperity; I even see a new mantle of prophecy that is now falling and descending upon the body of Christ and a lot of the pastors will begin to prophecy and take on a more of a prophetic tone in their words, speaking, sermons, speeches, and teachings. As a matter of fact pastors that don't normally prophesy will begin to prophesy without trying because the Lord is going to fill the pulpit where they stand with his glory and it will be him and not them; watch and see. I also see a new mantle of faith. 4-8-2012 because I have risen, you have the power to get up out of your dead circumstances and have new life deposited in you to overcome all things, says the Lord! (Go look at Proverbs 24:16-18; you have no excuse, says the Lord!) 4-8-2012 The Lord says, I am pouring out the latter day rain upon my people. 4-7-2012 The Lord says, begin to exercise your faith for a new realm of my power and in this season I will saturate you with a new anointing and I will drench you with my power, declares the Lord! 4-6-2012 The Lord says, the system that I gave you will work if you work it. 4-5-2012 You have been saying how much longer do I have to go through this? When is it going to be my turn? When is it going to be my season? Will I ever get a breakthrough or when is it finally going to be my time for a breakthrough? And the Lord is saying now is your time for a breakthrough; now is your turn and now is your season, says the Lord! I have long time holden my peace, but now I will reveal unto you the abundance of the former and latter rain unto you in this season and where it has been a dry season for you; it is about to rain on those very dry places and parched places in your life and bring forth a time of sudden refreshing and power will be strong upon your life and you will experience the best that heaven has to offer; for I have once again saved the best wine, the new wine for last declares the Lord! 4-4-2012 The Lord says, I have covered you and protected you, because I had to protect my investment in you and I will not let the enemy destroy or tear down what I have placed inside of you; for you are my valued treasure, says the Lord! 4-3-2012 The Lord says, stay excited because you have been invited to experience and even partake of my grace that is able to help you run this race; seek my face, don't hang your head in disgrace because my super abundant mercy is there for you to taste, says the Lord! 4-2-2012 The Lord says, put your confidence in me and leave it there; for I am the sure way to get to your expected end in life. Furthermore, I know the entire path that you are to follow to get to the place wherein I have called you to, declares the Lord; know that I hold the blueprint to your whole life, and I already know the route that you are to take, so ask of me and I will tell you the way, says the Lord! 4-1-2012 I release my power to take pressure up off of you that have been weighting you down in this season and I release a fresh wind of spirit to refresh you and rejuvenate you for a fresh run of victory, says the Lord! 3-31-2012 The Lord says, I am the one covering you; who did you think was covering you says the holy one? I have been the one that have been holding you up from the womb and I will be the one that is holding you up to the end; I am your strength and your redeemer says the Lord! 3-30-2012 I have called you to change nations and you are a very strategic part of my plan; I am depending on you to survive and not fail so that my plan can be lived out through your life in the earth, says the Lord! 3-29-2012 Make sure that you follow every instructions that I am giving you in this season, because every step of obedience to me opens another door to a new season and chapter of your life, says the Lord! 3-28-2012 When I bring a test your way I don't allow you to fail that test, but I keep on bringing the same old test your way over and over again until you pass it, says the Lord! It is in your best interest to pass the test the first time around, because with every test comes a promotion in life and with every new test comes a new promotion, says the Lord! 3-27-2012 The path that I have chosen for you is golden and the way that I lead you will lead to peace and stability, but if you continue down your own path in life it will lead to confusion and more chaos; take my hand and stick with my plan, declares the Lord! 3-26-2012 The Lord says, you have the keys in your hand, but how is it that you have been so afraid to use them? I gave you all power to do all things and that power is wrapped up in the keys of the kingdom of God; you keep on looking for another solution when I have already given you the ultimate solution and power through the keys of the kingdom, says the Lord! 3-25-2012 The Lord says, I have you on my mind and I have it in my mind to do you good in this season so that your latter end will be blessed more than the beginning of your life. 3-24-2012 The Lord says, it is I that changes the season and the times and there are many of the seasons that you will determine when and if they change by how you praise me and when I see your faith in action; know that I have all power and I know all things, but I need to see your faith in operation and I need to hear your praise not a bunch of complaining and doubt, says the Lord! (Look at Daniel 2:19-22, Hebrews 4:1-2, Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 10:35-39, Philippians 2:13-21, Matthew 14:22-31, and Luke 18:8) 3-23-2012 The Lord says, you thought I forgot about you, but I don't forget about any of my children and I never forget the works of any of my servants; get ready for all the rewards and the increase of favor and all good things to come your way in this season, and even as things begin to heat up in the earth for many people; know that the blessings are about to heat up for you and overflow your dwelling places, says the Lord! 3-22-2012 I give you the power to overcome the weapons of the adversary, declares the Lord! 3-21-2012 I know you want me to carry you, but I want to teach you how to walk so that you can stand on your own strength and be all that I made you to be says the Lord; have not I said that you shall walk and not faint and run and not be weary, I mean exactly what I have said to you, declares the Lord! 3-20-2012 Think it not strange the things that I am allowing to come into your life, because in this season you will see my will and you will see my goodness fulfilled, says the Lord! 3-19-2012 The Lord says, I am concerned about the things that concern you and I care about all the things that you care about; know that I have the answers to fix every care and every concern of your heart if you will only completely and totally turn it over to me and put it in my hands and trust me, then and only then will you and know that I have all power, says the Lord! 3-18-2012 The Lord says, do not limit me to a certain day and a certain time of the year for you experience a breakthrough in your life; for truly I am good all of the time. Many of my people wait on a certain day and time for me to do something special for them; many place their hope year after year in the time of Passover and Easter to believe me for a miracle breakthrough, but I work every day, says the Lord, and I do not desire for you to be waiting around all year on a certain day and a certain time frame. Does not my word says hope deferred maketh the heart sick; I need you to know that I move in all seasons says the Lord and if you would learn to believe me for things in all seasons and at all times then you will see me in all seasons and in all times. Many of my chosen leaders have placed limits on my people's thinking and they have limited when I can move and what time frame that I can move in their mind, but I moved when I desire to move and I move whenever I see faith and whenever I hear faith in all seasons, says the Lord; do not limit me, because I am able to move mountains in your life in all seasons and at all times, says the Most High God! 3-17-2012 Know that when you find yourself in a place in life where you are in the valley of decision; know that I, the Lord does give you the wisdom and I will show you what to do so that you will make the right choices and the right decisions at the right times by my spirit and even according to my hand and my leading, says the Lord! 3-16-2012 The Lord says, I give you double portion strength to deal with everything that the enemy has thrown at you in this season. 3-15-2012 I will show you my hand in this season and I will reveal the things that were kept secret and I will unveil and even unlock the treasures that belong to you in this season that were held back for many generations, says the Lord! 3-14-2012 Do not look back there says the Lord; for you are in a season where my hand is heavy upon you and I am taking you forward into a new realm of new beginnings says the Lord; you wouldn't change your mind so I am changing your mind and giving you a heart of flesh and a heart of compassion that will beat after my heart and believe after my will. I see your future says the Lord and I know the paths so flow with me go with me and walk into the place and on the path that I have set for you says the Lord and I will give you fresh hope and a renewed faith and strength in me, says the spirit of grace! 3-13-2012 The Lord says, I give you the eyes of the eagle in this season and you shall know all things and see all things clearly and I move you into a season of new vision and renewed faith in me, says the Lord! 3-12-2012 The Lord says, there is power in your praise; know that I am the ancient of days, I created the sun rays and I will show you the way. All things are in my power and all things are subject unto me. No weapon that has been formed against you shall ever prosper; there are many times that I allow you to see what has been formed so that when I destroy it before your very eyes you will give me praise. Know that I am he that goes before you and I am still the one that makes the crooked places straight. 3-11-2012 When you are at the breaking point, know that I am the starting point says the Lord! 3-10-2012 The Lord says, I am the source of your strength and your hope is to always be in me and not in a person; for I have the power to make all things new in your life and I have the ability to show you the creative ways of my kingdom, says the Lord! 3-9-2012 I will show you the secret places, says the Lord; I will show you where I have laid up your treasure and also your inheritance in me in this season, says the Lord! 3-8-2012 My fist of fury shall move on your behalf and clean up the mess for you that you could not do, says the Lord! 3-7-2012 The Lord says, I see ahead, so it would behoove you to follow my spirit and not your own will. I see the things that you don't see yet and I know the things that you don't know yet, and I see every valley and every low place. I even see every high hill and yea I see every high mountain that rests in front of you, so it would behoove you to follow my spirit and stick with my plan for your life and do not deviate off course now or in the future, because the wisdom of my spirit will cause you to be able to navigate through those things and it will guide you into the path and the direction that I have for you now, says the Lord! 3-6-2012 The Lord says, early in the morning if you will seek my face, I will give you the grace so that you can run this race and march forward, says the Lord! 3-5-2012 Where it seems like your focus has been challenged in the past season; know I, the Lord does move the distractions and give you a fresh power and a fresh vision to renew your focus on me, says the Lord! 3-4-2012 The Lord says, if you won't give up, then I won't give up showing you the way forward declares the Lord! 3-3-2012 If you will apply your heart to wisdom, then I will fill it with my best and that wisdom will lead you through every test and you will see my glory begin to manifest; ask me to give you wisdom, says the Lord! 3-2-2012 I am creating a path forward for you in this season, says the Lord, and the things that snared you in the past will be a thing of the past, declares the Lord! 3-1-2012 This is a season of great strength and great power for you; walk with me as I teach you how to build and be built; for I will build you up in this season and you will pick up a new momentum to flow with me as I take you on a journey to see and understand the strength of my kingdom and just how it operates in the earth. You will be enlightened in this season to see the strength of my kingdom and to know that you share in those same benefits, says the Lord! (See Romans 8:16-17) 2-29-2012 Your course and your purpose and your destiny has been set, and some of you are on a crash course right now to collide with destiny. Think it not strange when you meet and connect with certain people in this season, because I am now putting certain people in your path to help you to get to where I want you to be and I through the people that I am bringing into your life will help you to get to that place of purpose and the place of vision in me, says the Lord! Know that I, your father am leading you, says the Lord! 2-28-2012 I am looking at the hearts of man in this season and I am looking for someone with a heart like me that will do my will and fulfill my purposes, says the Lord! (See Jeremiah 49:19, Jeremiah 50:44, Psalm 94:14-16 and Isaiah 44:6-8) 2-27-2012 Do not allow the distractions of life to take your focus off of me says the Lord, but remain steadfast and allow your faith to override all of the distractions and you will see me show up for you in a mighty way says the Lord! 2-26-2012 The word of the Lord to you is that you will need faith in this season as you do in all seasons, but particularly in this season it will be your faith to take you over and cause you to overcome and access all of my benefits that I have already laid up for you in this season; faith is your access code to get in says the Lord! 2-25-2012 The Lord says, I will send forth my angels to minister to you in your wilderness and you will find grace in the place of your wilderness and wisdom will come to you in that place of your wilderness and you will know what to do at the right time so look for your sign posts along the way as I take you to a place of refuge in me, declares the Lord of hosts! (See Matthew 4:1 & 11) 2-24-2012 Pay attention to your dreams in this season; for I am giving you dreams with a unique message and signs that point to your destiny, says the Lord! Be not afraid of the paths that I am leading you down; the paths that I have chosen for you already has my seal of approval, says the Lord! Do not let anyone take you off the path and the set course that I have you on right now, because I am leading you into a new beginning that shall bless your life in a great way in this season, says the Lord! 2-23-2012 If your expectations of me is to do good things for you, then I will agree with you and say that you are more than right, and in this season you will see my goodness says the Lord! 2-22-2012 The Lord says, this is a season that I am going to show you some things to invest in and I will even lead you to invest in many new things; for I will teach you how to become a wise investor in this season, says the Lord! This is a season that I will begin to reveal and open up several new streams and several new means of income for you, and it will begin to lift you up out a season overwhelming debt and burdens into something that puts your mind at ease and brings about a lasting peace for you, declares the Lord! 2-21-2012 I am calling you up and I am calling you into the deeper places with me says the Lord and in this deeper place with me there is understanding, Revelation, wisdom, knowledge, and faith without end. Come on up into the deeper places and stand upon the ark and you will begin to see things in a different light and in a different manner says the Lord! The things that you desire to know and that you desire to see, I desire to show you, but you can only see these things in a higher and deeper place with me, declares the Lord! 2-20-2012 You may have felt like you wasn't going to make it and you may have felt kind of weary lately, but The Lord says, the infusion of my strength in your life in this season is going to pick you up and the infusion of my joy into your life will make you smile once again. 2-19-2012 Get into a quiet spot in this season so that you can hear my voice in a fresh way; for I desire to show things to come in your life and tell you many secret things that you did not know, but you cannot fully hear what I have to say with all of the chaos, clutter, and distractions around you. I need some quality time with you in this season so that I can reveal the next phase and season of your life to you so that you do not walk blindly into this next season, says the Lord! 2-18-2012 I have ordained for you to have victory in this hour and this is your season to rise up and come out of some things and go into some new things that I have already prepared for you, says the Lord! 2-17-2012 I have not brought you to the battle to see you lose it says the Lord, but I have a strategy and I have a plan to see to it that you overcome each and every challenge that stands in your way, says the spirit of grace! 2-16-2012 Fear not the current tests that I am putting before you, but know that passing the current tests is taking you to a new realm in me, says the Lord! 2-15-2012 Know that this is a time that I, the Lord am taking you forward and you don't need to meditate on things that went wrong in the past. Know that all things will be well in this season and all things will work out fine in this season now, says the Lord! 2-14-2012 The things that I am showing you in this season are second to none. The paths that I am leading you down is filled with good surprises. I do not need you to expect anything negative in this season; only believe and only trust my hand and you shall see great things and great doors, many, many doors, many new doors of opportunity open up for you in this season, says the Lord! 2-13-2012 This year I will teach you many wonderful things that you knew not of, says the Lord! Follow my leading and allow me to open your eyes, because 2012 I will reveal my surprise and the many things that has had you troubled and baffled and you did not understand what was happening or going on around you will now be revealed in this year and unfolded in the many mysteries that shall come forth by my spirit, says the Lord! 2-12-2012 The words that I’ve spoken unto you in the last season will now come forth in this season with a sudden speed and even with some momentum says the Lord! 2-11-2012 I’m making you into something new; see to it that you do not resist my power, says the Lord! (Get out of God's way. The Lord is definitely trying to do something new in your life and you are in his way; throw the fight and quit wrestling with God.) 2-10-2012 I have ordained for you to fully recover and there is hope for you in me to regain all things that you lost and recover your strength in me again; only have confidence in the path that I have already chosen and laid out for you and follow me as I lead you down the path that I already have for you. You're my chosen and I have not brought you this far to forsake you or to leave you stranded. Trust my hand and trust my plans as I now take you in a new direction in life; fear not the unknown but only trust my plans for your life, says the Lord! 2-9-2012 The Lord says, that tribulation is not something that comes into your life to last, but it comes for a season and it leaves in another season of your life, but many of you have been letting that thing get the best of you as if it going to last forever. I have not changed my mind at all about helping you, healing you, and delivering you says the Lord, but know that I am very faithful to honor and perform everything that I ever told you, declares the Lord! 2-8-2012 The Lord says, take dominion over the thing that was taking dominion over you; for I bring you into a season in which you will now challenge the thing that was challenging you, says the Lord! 2-7-2012 The Lord says, many of you have been in a place with me wherein you were being tested, reformed, and refined. I have been trimming the rough edges off of you and you were made to feel uncomfortable for a little bit, because I am making you into who I want you to be and who I have called and even predestined you to be and even become. I am shaping and even reshaping your destiny and also fine tuning some things in you in this season. I have also been removing the distractions and the hindrances from around you so that I could cause you to even focus on me a lot more than you have been in times past. You got busy and I didn't hear from you much; you got busy and I wasn't seeing you anymore in my holy place and in my presence like I used to, so I ordained a season of shut down to reclaim your focus and your time as well as your attention. I need to reveal some things to you in this season and I need to show you my will for your life; I need to show you my plans, says the Lord! The Lord says, many of my people were trying to avoid the tests, but you must know and understand that there is no promotion at all in my kingdom without first of all enduring a test and passing a test, says the Lord! (See Daniel 3:30 and now Daniel 3:1-30) I hear the Lord saying that you are running from the thing that is designed to promote you. (See also Psalm 75:6-7 and Proverbs 29:25-26) I hear the word of the Lord saying, you have been seeking the favor of the wrong boss man. Seek me says the Lord and you shall have the favor of a lifetime. 2-6-2012 That which I have put in you have never been seen before and there is a sound in many of you that have never been heard before, but I have chosen you as a generation to bring forth my new, says the Lord! 2-5-2012 The next wave of my glory is now moving into the realm of the earth; when I move I cause the whole earth to shake at my presence and the smoke of my glory will not be able to be ignored in this hour, says the Lord! 2-4-2012 The Lord says, I have favored you in this season and you will have plenty of favor; for your life is covered in my favor and you will see and experience favor everywhere you go, says the Lord! 2-3-2012 The Lord says, this is a season that I am leading you to get a grip on some things and I will not let you go back to your old ways or return to the old days. Furthermore, the Lord will say unto you I am leading you into a new order of business and I am going to lift your head up again, and I will once again cause my presence to shine in you and through you. The light of my glory shall be heavily upon you and all men shall see all the wonderful and beautiful things that I have been doing in you. The Lord says, you have been in a season as if you have been in a dark room, but I was creating and developing the bigger picture in you that would reflect me to the world. I have been forming you and molding you and reshaping you into the image that I created you to be in the first place and now in this season I am bringing you forth out of the dark room to show the world the finished product that I have been working on in you. You have had to deal with some rough times in times past and you just kind of came out of a season of uncertainty, but you need to know in this season that it is a time of a season of launch for you to get up and do some creative things for my kingdom. I have been forming you and I have been birthing you into something a lot different and something new, but know that above all else, I have the master key and the blueprints to your life, and your path has already been laid out says the spirit of the living God. 2-2-2012 I have ordained a shift to expose a gift in you and I have ordained a shift to uplift you now in this season says the Lord! 2-1-2012 Many things in the earth will shift in this season and the church in various parts of the world will experience a little turbulence and in areas where there have already been some turbulent times things will begin to settle down as a wave shifts to other parts of the earth that will affect other nations, but The Lord says, know that in the turbulence that my hand is still upon you and I have not left you, but the shaking that is to be will shake loose the latter day harvest that you have heard so much about says the Lord! (This word is primarily for the west or what the world considers the western nations. Saints and all prayer warriors get in place as the Lord begin to shake some things, particular government structures in the land. This is the latter day shaking, but know that in the end all things will turn out well 1-31-2012 I see many long term lawsuits being settled in this season. 1-30-2012 The Lord says, be satisfied doing the thing that I have called you to do. 1-29-2012 The Lord says, make time for the things that you need to make time for and that includes me, says the Lord! 1-28-2012 I am coming like the strength of a lion says the Lord, and you shall see my power and you will see my strength and the nations shall acknowledge my might, says the Lord! 1-27-2012 (Special word) The Lord has called and summoned his most elite troops and special forces to take over the helm of the ship and the steering wheel to now begin to steer the ship for the body of Christ due to an onslaught of attacks against his people. You have had to deal with some strange and unusual warfare coming into 2012 and the devil wanted you to think and to say out of your mouth that 2012 Is a bad year, but I hate to interrupt Satan’s plan, but I need to tell you that the devil is a liar and you are about to see some heavy breakthrough and manifestation as the elite of God has come to the forefront and have now take the stage. The Lord is not foolish enough to let his investment go down and just let his beautiful bride, the church just sink under so he has decided to do something about by calling out his special forces to war and fight for his called out ones; these are highly skilled in warfare seasoned veterans of the army of the Most High God that will do much damage to the enemy through prophetic prayers and prophetic powers. You will also begin to see very powerful folks that you have never heard of begin to come to the forefront with such strong, powerful, and unusual anointings on their lives to get some kingdom work done; it is on now and the best is yet to come for my people declares the Most High God! See also Isaiah 63:4-7 and look at Psalm 78:65-66. You are about to see some things that you never saw before. 1-27-2012 I have planned for you to come into some new and powerful things in this season and you must not look or focus on the sight of your natural eyes only, but know that I have even planned your future for you and I will lead you into that which I have for you and not the plan of Satan that you may see with your eyes, says the Lord! 1-26-2012 The process that you had to endure has been long, but know that I am the one that is able to remove all mountains and in this season I am going to set you up to receive my favor and I am going to show you my mercy in this season, says the Lord! 1-25-2012 Your best days are right in front of you so do not fret about the current situation says the Lord! 1-24-2012 I need you to get it out of your mind that you have to keep starting over from zero, but I need you to let me repair the broken places in your life and give you a makeover that leaves you feeling brand new says the Lord! 1-23-2012 The Lord says, watch my power to deliver you this week. In the place that has been hard for you to comprehend you will see a sudden reversal and I will now begin to favor you says the Lord! 1-22-2012 The Lord says, you have to be willing to wait longer at times for some things simply because the things that I am working on for you is a whole lot bigger than you think, but can you pass the test of patience while you are waiting through the process says the Lord! 1-21-2012 What you thought was out of reach for you is not impossible says the Lord! 1-20-2012 Hold tight and watch me fight for you in this season declares the Lord! 1-19-2012 You were in a season of preparation, but now in this season that shifts to a season of demonstration of my power in your life says the Lord! 1-18-2012 I will cause the sun to shine again in your life and I will heal all the broken areas of your life in this season says the Lord! 1-17-2012 In this past season I have been planting you among people in the public places so that I can now touch them with my power through you and in this season I will cause men to want to know me and be drawn to me through the power and the love that is in you says the Lord! 1-16-2012 These next rains will be prophetic in nature so start looking for the latter day rain and harvest. When you see the rains then expect your new harvest says the Lord! 1-15-2012 The Lord says, my love for you is what makes me forgive you when you mess up and because I love you I will also help you to get back up and be stronger than ever before. 1-14-2012 I have set you on the right path and I have given you another chance so now what are you going to do with it says the Lord? 1-13-2012 I am calling you to a realm; I’m calling you to a place in me that you have never been before. I’m calling you to a place where the anointing is so strong that you have bow down. There is a realm in me that you have not seen before in your life and in this realm you will find a new zeal and strength; you will find a renewed passion to overcome all things. In this season I have now opened a door for you into this realm and this realm is a place of power and renewed authority and you will be able navigate in me and stand strong in me says the Lord! 1-12-2012 I have brought my people to the waters to drink in this season and to be refreshed; I have also brought my people to the waters to cross over to the other side, but they will need me to cross over because the water that they are about to cross over is too deep for them. You'll hear instructions at the bank of these waters because these waters are a place of instructions. I have been calling you into the deeper waters of my spirit so that you can drink and taste the waters of my favor and of my grace says the Lord! (See 29:1, Psalm 42:7, and Habakkuk 3:10) 1-11-2012 You have nothing to fear says the Lord; for even now I am watching over my word to perform it in your life. 1-10-2012 This is the season that I am going to open up for you the pages of the book and I am going to unfold to you the pages of the book and you will now see and understand the mysteries of my kingdom. This is also a season of rebounding and recovery for you and in this season you shall recover all by my hand of power says the Lord; for I am the true and living God says the holy one! If I rend the heavens I make my name known to the sons of men and the children of the earth. My fame goes throughout the world and in this hour many will bring glory to my name says the Lord! 1-9-2012 The Lord says, your faith is the down payment for the harvest that you need and your obedience to me is the seed that you need to see it come up. 1-8-2012 The Lord says, all the power that you need is in your mouth so open your mouth and speak the things that you need to see in faith and watch my will show up in your life says the Lord! 1-7-2012 The Lord says, you do not need a whole lot to work with, but bring me a little faith to work with and I will cause the little to multiply faster than you think, says the Lord! 1-6-2012 My Kingdom is about to be revealed in the earth in a heavy manner in this season. I have been silent, but I will not hold my peace in this season anymore at all, says the Lord! Woe! (See Isaiah 42:13-16) Woe! (See also Psalm 78:65-72) Woe! (Now look at Isaiah 63:4-19 and 64:1-4 and Isaiah 40:31) This is what I see........ 1-6-2012 I hear the Lord saying that you must be positioned to take the harvest. (Some of you may need to get repositioned to get the full harvest.) 1-5-2012 The Lord says, be very creative in this season, because there is always a first for each and everything. I have placed creative ability on the inside of you and you have the ability on the inside of you to be the first to create something new. I have raised up a generation that has these unique creative abilities to lead the world into the new with ideas that came from heaven and many of my people will be the first to bring new things to the table for the very first time ever; and many things that the world has never seen and have never thought of will come forth in this hour out of my people and this included you says the Lord! 1-4-2012 The Lord says, I am giving you a second chance to succeed in life, but what will you do with the moment that is set before you? I have also ordained many golden opportunities to come your way this year in 2012, but what will you do with the doors that I have opened and set before you says the Lord? 1-3-2012 This is a season where your abilities and capabilities will be in the spotlight and there will be people around you that will notice and take note of what is in you and they will highlight your passions and your passions will reveal your purpose in life and your life purpose will shine the spotlight on your destiny in the earth and the way will be made clear for you declares the Lord! I also hear the Lord saying that you will see your signposts and the Markers along the way of your path that will confirm t you that you are heading in the right direction. 1-2-2012 The Lord says, fret not yourself because of evil doers and do not allow yourself to be stressed out this year, but trust in me and have no fear. Have not I said for you to cast all of your cares on me, come to me all of you that are weary and I will anoint your eyes to see all of the things that I have for thee. In this year I will give you the plan, the master plan and the blueprints so that you can now be able to clearly see the path and all of the doors that I have opened for you to walk through in this season and in this year says the Lord! 1-1-2012 I am going to help you to finish everything that you started in 2011 and you shall go forward, but this time without the obstacles, declares the Lord!